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Manager Reputation Help Please

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im not sure i fully understood how the reputation works. I recently decided to look for a new club after a quite succesfull time and applied to jobs from teams that had the same amount of stars in reputation as i had but i only got the reply that my apllication was without succes. I would like to know, when i want to apply for a new job, is there something i should look at to have some sort of a feeling wheither my application will be succsefull or not?

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From my experience in previous editions of fm, i was able to get interviews at clubs regularly who had a reputation of half a star better than myself - on occasion 1 full star and even up to 2 stars greater than mine. 


I think a lot comes down to whether the club have many applications from managers with a higher reputation than your own or not. 

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I think the country makes a difference. If you haven't managed in a particular country that goes against you. I just lost out to a manager who had half a star less reputation than me. I think he got the job because he was German and I hadn't managed in Germany.

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