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Slider values on different mentalities

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Just wondering, for example, is a standard width on “very defensive” mentality, the same as standard width on “attacking” mentality? One of the reasons I’m asking is because you get different descriptions for what I thought was the same thing...


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On 26/12/2018 at 14:35, Vicz said:

Just wondering, for example, is a standard width on “very defensive” mentality, the same as standard width on “attacking” mentality?

If you are talking about attacking width, it's not the same (the higher the mentality - the wider the width, and vice versa). As for defensive width, I'm not sure though, but logically, defensive width IMO should not be affected by mentality (unlike attacking width).

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4 hours ago, Experienced Defender said:

If you are talking about attacking width, it's not the same (the higher the mentality - the wider the width, and vice versa). As for defensive width, I'm not sure though, but logically, defensive width IMO should not be affected by mentality (unlike attacking width).

Yeah to be honest I’m talking about all the sliders. The game doesn’t really make it clear but the best visual representation the  game provides is via defensive/engagement line. Intrestingly I found that the visual representation indicates a “mucher higher line” in all the mentalities up to “very defensive” is higher than a “higher line” in the “very attacking” mentality. I’m not sure if this is a similar structure for the other sliders (passing directness, tempo, width etc).


One thing I did spot is with passing directness, if you picked the most direct option on any of the mentalities you were unable to pick “work into box” however if you pick the 2nd most direct option you are still able to pick “work into box”. This to me, suggests the passing directness value of all the most direct passing options for each mentality are the top 7 passing directness values you can set. Which, if you’re still following, differs from the defensive line setup because there is some overlap with defensive line (at least that is what is being indicated by the visuals). For instance a “higher line” on mentality “very attacking” is higher than a “much higher line” on mentality “very defensive”. There doesn’t appear to be the same type of overlap on passing directness based on the behaviour of the “work in the box” setting...

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