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Should I upgrade from FM17 or FM18 or 19?

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Hi everyone,


So I have been a long time player of the FM series. I generally only guy a copy though once every two or three years. But due to study commitments in the last few years, I’ve only started playing FM 17 on a regular basis since the summer!


My overall reaction to FM17 is that it is great, but it seems to be such a hugely streaky game! FM has always beena game where morale has a huge impact on the income of results, as it is in real life, but on this edition I find my wins are conesuctive, one after another, and seem to have extremely little to do with tactics or squad management. Instead, it’s like coneding a 95th miniute equalizer/ defeat is hardwired into the game and you can gladly win 20 games in a row only to suffer 5 defeats, followed by a draw or two and then another 20 wins!

It’s a very unrealistic edition if I do say so myself.


Anyhow, I was wondering how both FM18 and FM 19 compare, with regards to this especially, but overall as well?


Should I get FM18 or FM19? Has the game improved enough to warrant a spend on either of these? Or has something gone so horrendously wrong that I should avoid them as much as possible?


The reviews I’ve read agree with my assessment of FM17, but it seems  the reviews get better with FM18 and then supersede them both with FM19.

Thanks for your help guys and wishing you all the best in your saves!

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You'll never get a consensus on the answer to your question. I'm enjoying FM19, and many others are as well, but there are also many users who prefer older versions.

My advice would be this: play the demo (you'll find it on the FM19 Steam page under "Download PC Demo"). It's six months long, and you can continue the save in the full game if you choose to buy it.

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1 hour ago, CFuller said:

You'll never get a consensus on the answer to your question. I'm enjoying FM19, and many others are as well, but there are also many users who prefer older versions.

My advice would be this: play the demo (you'll find it on the FM19 Steam page under "Download PC Demo"). It's six months long, and you can continue the save in the full game if you choose to buy it.

Trouble with a demo is I will only get a 'feel' for the new features in a game. I won't be able to tell if playing over many seasons with various teams in  various leagues see's the same old pattern of Winning 30 games, losing 5 or 6 and then running rampage again. Only the FM community and their inevitable psychiatric medication in any given season can tell me that :lol:



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Don't underestimate the significance of form and momentum in real-life football, let alone FM. How often do you see a team look absolutely unstoppable, only to then inexplicably fall apart? More often than you think.

It's also worth stating that there is no scripting in FM whatsoever. If you suddenly lose 4, 5, 6, however many games on the trot after a lengthy unbeaten run, something must have gone wrong somewhere. Maybe complacency has set in, or you haven't adapted well to other teams playing more cautiously against you than previously. If this keeps happening to you, maybe the tactics forum is your next port of call.

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9 hours ago, Craig_J said:

If I was to ask you to elaborate on one or two?

FM18 had bad stadiums and the off sides were horrendous . Always felt like an incomplete game . Only the Public Mods made it playable . 

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