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Hold Shape instruction

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Hi Chaps and Chappettes,

I'm currently playing as Barcelona and I'm trying to continue with their tradition of playing a possession orientated football. I've selected the Tiki-Taka playing style and have had some good success so far. I've got some great possession stats, but also some really good results. The only doubt I currently have is around the keep/hold shape instruction with the In-Transition phase. While I understand the instructions and the benefits to system, l feel in the tougher ties (el-classico and tough away fixtures) it could be counter intuitive as I feel I'm unable to take advantage of opponent's over committed players.


Deos anyone else feel this in their tiki-taka systems? Do you think it could be worth unselecting keep/hold shape (but not selecting counter) for these fixtures?

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Hi.  I don't use tiki-taka but would keep hold shape if I did.  I'd imagine it goes with the roles, low tempo, players positioned well to keep possession when you are in-possession.  Often that in-transition phase is a plan which support the other two phases. 

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