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Team Mentality v Individual Mentality With Regards To Pressing

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Hello Everyone

Brief question:

I have a formation where I have set up with an attacking overall team mentality, but have an attacking midfielder who is set to support, and his individual pressing mentality cannot be set higher than less urgent.

Is it not possible to have an attacking team mentality AND have this player pressing more urgently?

Also, how would it differ if you had an AMC set to press more urgently in a defensive team with defensive team instructions, compared to having attacking team instructions like attacking mentality, urgent pressing, counter press etc, but where a players individual pressing intensity is "less urgent"

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Each player has a maximum amount of pressing they can do which differs from role to role.  In your example above, you've reached the max amount of pressing that particular role can do because you can't increase it any further, even though it says "less urgent".  The UI could probably make that clearer.

Remember - mentality sets the baseline, TIs adjust that baseline, PIs start from where that adjusted baseline is set.  PIs don't ignore and overwrite that adjusted baseline. 

So in your example what's happened is this: you've set a high amount of pressing as your baseline (Attacking mentality); then possibly(?) added in more pressing using the TI; and then because the combination of those two (or just the set mentality) exceeds the maximum amount of pressing that particular role is capable of doing, the PI adjusts it down to the max (ie., "less urgent").  Again, the UI could make that clearer.

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2 minutes ago, herne79 said:

Each player has a maximum amount of pressing they can do which differs from role to role.  In your example above, you've reached the max amount of pressing that particular role can do because you can't increase it any further, even though it says "less urgent".  The UI could probably make that clearer.

Remember - mentality sets the baseline, TIs adjust that baseline, PIs start from where that adjusted baseline is set.  PIs don't ignore and overwrite that adjusted baseline. 

So in your example what's happened is this: you've set a high amount of pressing as your baseline (Attacking mentality); then possibly(?) added in more pressing using the TI; and then because the combination of those two (or just the set mentality) exceeds the maximum amount of pressing that particular role is capable of doing, the PI adjusts it down to the max (ie., "less urgent").

Great explanation, thank you.

Id suggest just as your post says, having the maximum amount of pressing but calling it less urgent is a bit counter intuitive. id maybe remove that wording.



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