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What’s happened to my strikers

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Hi guys, anyone else struggling to get strikers scoring?? 8th season with koln and suddenly my strikers gone from 20goals a season to 5-6!m for last 2 seasons!! Missing clear cut chances, hitting the post 3+times a game! I’ve sold both strikers and bought in better quality strikers and still 1 goal every 5-6 games. My team in general is quality. We’ve won the league last 4 seasons, won europa league twice. I play gegenpress 4231, and adjust the width and tempo accordingly during matches. But all of a sudden my strikers aren’t scoring! 

Has there been a bad update??

Any help would be greta 

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I’ve tried all I can think of, ive changed tactics, highpress, counter, Changed striker role. I get that teams are playing defensive against my side. But when you have Phil Foden and Kavertz in AMC, aswell as quality regens I expect double figures from strikers. It’s no coincidence that AMC aren’t getting assists either. Something seems to have changed. Won league 4 years in a row, with games to spare, then came 2nd last season when strikers started to miss 

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