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AS Roma - Make a good tactic better

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I'm managing AS Roma with this tactic:



After using it for quite a while, I have some good results. But I still face the same problems.

For example, last game against Barcelona:


As the stats shows no Clear Cut Chances. The 3rd picture also shows this as we see that I'm not shooting often from the 6 yard box.

An another problem that I often see is what happens in the 3 pictures below :



Here we see my LW, Chiesa, dribbling on some distance without any player making a run to help.


Can anybody help me with any of this problem ?



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No attacking duties in the midfield. You need somebody making runs to help lead the attack. Your winger had lots of pass options on that move, but none of them were running into the space they had. In particular #15 and #18 were standing around twiddling their thumbs. Tell them to get involved. 

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1 hour ago, CRN711 said:

Here we see my LW, Chiesa, dribbling on some distance without any player making a run to help.

Can anybody help me with any of this problem ?

You've not told anyone to make a run though. AP is more a behind the ball player.  BBM is box to box so starts deeper before pushing forward in final third.  AMR is same as AML so deeper.  Both WB are support so balancing there risk and not looking to overlap until final third.  Who do you want to make a run?

The AMR could be W-A to push high and stretch defences and start higher, plus leaves more space inside for BBM who could be made more aggressive (role, duty or PI changes).

The AML himself could be changed into a IF-A so he starts higher and lets all those other support duties to help transition the ball.

Apart from that its more TIs to make the team more patient and make the IF more likely to take time and play lateral/backwards.

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