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Strikers can't score on clear cut chances ???

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No matter which tactic or player roles I use, and no matter how I train my players - my strikers can't score goals - even on clear cut chances !! 

My defenders, midfielders and wingers score goals, but NOT my strikers !! And I have world class strikers on my team! I have tried 442, 424, 4321, 352, with different styles and different player roles, but nothing helps!! 

My strikers get lot of scoring chances, but don't score (not enough) !! Is this a bug ????

Some examples 

* Aubameyang, 39 matches and scored 5 goals - had about 100 shots on goal and lot of clear cut chances, but only scored 5 !! (some of goals on penalties). 

* Higuain, 35 matches and scored 6 goals - had about 100 shots on goal and lot of clear cut chances, but only scored 6 goals !! (some of the goals on penalties).

* Suarez, 32 matches and scores 7 goals - had about 100 shots on goal and lot of clear cut chances, but only scored 7 goals !! (some of the goals on penalties).

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Hooray, FM finally simulating real Football? :D https://www.fourfourtwo.com/features/why-cristiano-ronaldo-has-been-real-madrids-major-problem-season-he-can-also-be-their


If true I'd provide the saves to SI, never seen anything like it on FM, not even once, AI included. It's likely usually --borderline-- impossible due to the game being "Maths". Central Forwards tend to have most of their finishes in the box (open play or set piece based, doesn't matter). 100 shot over 40 matches admittedly isn't quitelanything like Ronaldos whopping 7 attempts average, however, I've never seen a long-time forward conversion such as Aubameyangs (1 in 20 for an entire Season). Who knows though. Usually the Forward conversion sits at 1 Goal off 4-6 shots over the Season or thereabouts. You'd expect all of those Forwards to roughly score in between ~16-25 Goals if they had 100 shots thus. The total amount of seasonal shots is displayed in the report Card under stats.

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55 minutes ago, pukfm said:


Some examples 

* Aubameyang, 39 matches and scored 5 goals - had about 100 shots on goal and lot of clear cut chances, but only scored 5 !! (some of goals on penalties). 

* Higuain, 35 matches and scored 6 goals - had about 100 shots on goal and lot of clear cut chances, but only scored 6 goals !! (some of the goals on penalties).

* Suarez, 32 matches and scores 7 goals - had about 100 shots on goal and lot of clear cut chances, but only scored 7 goals !! (some of the goals on penalties).

How many clear cut chances? And where did you get that information from? The game does not list out how many CCCs a specific player gets in a match. What is your clear cut conversion rate as a team?

You are giving very little concrete information. My team has a CCC conversion rate of 85%, I have another save where my CCC conversion rate is 90%. This means my boys are scoring from their CCCs. I have one striker who is underperforming, but when i analyse the kind of chances he has been getting, they are clearly not one on one chances. So I either need to create more chances or change my system slightly.

I can't tell you what my striker ccc conversion rate is because its too much work going into every single game and then cross referencing the ccc vs a specific player, but i do know i only get an average of 2 ccc a match. However I am very interested in knowing how you were able to determine that your strikers missed a lot of clear cut chances.


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2 hours ago, Rashidi said:

How many clear cut chances? And where did you get that information from? The game does not list out how many CCCs a specific player gets in a match. What is your clear cut conversion rate as a team?

You are giving very little concrete information. My team has a CCC conversion rate of 85%, I have another save where my CCC conversion rate is 90%. This means my boys are scoring from their CCCs. I have one striker who is underperforming, but when i analyse the kind of chances he has been getting, they are clearly not one on one chances. So I either need to create more chances or change my system slightly.

I can't tell you what my striker ccc conversion rate is because its too much work going into every single game and then cross referencing the ccc vs a specific player, but i do know i only get an average of 2 ccc a match. However I am very interested in knowing how you were able to determine that your strikers missed a lot of clear cut chances.


You can see it in the analysis tool of individual players for a specific match , there's a Chances tab where you can see CCCs and half chances the player had in a match. 

For me this comes in spells. I have spells when the strikers bang everything in and spells where they miss everything. I remember one match in particular where due to the way the opposition played my pacy striker had 5 CCCs in a single game, all of them 1v1s and all were fired straight at the keeper. Looking at how the chances are missed is crucial and for me the core of the issue is players are trying the wrong type of finish from the offset - I can't even remember the last time I saw a shot go wide in a 1v1, for my money it just never happens, what they do is always aim at center of goal and fire it straight at the keeper. You see no attempts to go far post when coming at the keeper from an angle. 

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2 hours ago, bar333 said:

You can see it in the analysis tool of individual players for a specific match , there's a Chances tab where you can see CCCs and half chances the player had in a match. 

For me this comes in spells. I have spells when the strikers bang everything in and spells where they miss everything. I remember one match in particular where due to the way the opposition played my pacy striker had 5 CCCs in a single game, all of them 1v1s and all were fired straight at the keeper. Looking at how the chances are missed is crucial and for me the core of the issue is players are trying the wrong type of finish from the offset - I can't even remember the last time I saw a shot go wide in a 1v1, for my money it just never happens, what they do is always aim at center of goal and fire it straight at the keeper. You see no attempts to go far post when coming at the keeper from an angle. 

I think the best bet is to save that match and upload it for SI to check... they've tweaked specific type of one on ones and also finishing before. There should be a reasonable variation at play as to one on ones with some significantly harder, and some easier. I'd suspect Rashidi's all fall on the easier end anyhow. If the game were takingn studies into account, and factor in nothing else (like the game considering Forwards getting frustrated/nervous), streaks and spells should be a given. One on ones are (on average) are rated 1 in 3 chances, which is pretty much an undisputed figure in Football Analysis since way back. This is roughly the chance you have of rolling either a 5 or 6 on a six sided dice. If you take a pen, a paper, and a dice  andn write your streaks down. How Long can you go without rolling both? Football ain't Maths. The game internally sure is though.

This is the same in Football. Humans have a tendency to see correlation even when there is nothing but chance at play. Take any goal scoring streak of forwards in general -- the best Long-term average convert in between roughly 4 to 6 attempts. Yet the vast majority of forwards only long-term average 2 attempts per match. They couldn't ever score consistently -- patches are a given. hat's also the reason why more advanced footie analysis Looks far beyond merely shot volumes (or on a team's end), final results. A Forward can underperform at scoring 25  goals (Ronaldo due to his historically dreadful first half last season in La Liga), and overperform at 12 goals. There's a reason why bookies love to publish any recent streak -- if it would provide bettors an edge they wouldn't do it. Here's hoping that one day the game may provide more detailed feedback anyhow. :D 

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