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Loan Player with no work permit post brexit

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Hi everyone, appologies if I'm being thick...


Ive just acquired a couple of young players on loan from premiership teams, one of which, for the purpose of this, is Joel Lopez from Arsenal. I am managing Yeovil in league 1 in the year 2020 post brexit. My issue is that Lopez, and another player from another premier league side have come to me on loan but are ineligible for first team action due to only having youth work permits as they earn less than £8k a week.


Probably naive on my part, but what use are they to me now?!? I have them both on year long loans that cannot be terminated. I have no under 23s for them to play in, and they are too old for the under 18s. Are they just completely useless to anyone? Am I just going to keep getting emails from the parent clubs telling me i need to play them when i physically can't? I know i should have researched this further, but surely the game should've told me somewhere that i wouldn't be able to use them in first team games before they arrived? Im just a bit worried really, I'm going to annoy two parent clubs by letting two of their hot prospects rot, not having played a single game all season for anybody!


Is there any way i can rescue these players?

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