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Sign here if you want DRM gone from FM...

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god i wish you would all stop moaning i used it an found it quick easy and the patch was great not having to really do anything myself i want to completely congratulate si for their hard work an well done in getting the patch out too just to go that extra mile for your loyal users. if you guys dont like it go buy fifa manager an dont come back, personally i will be buying the game for years to come an urge si to keep doing it this way. i paid for my copy an would not like some cheap idiot getting it for free they work hard and deserve every sale.

so because you found it easy and were 1 of the few that got lucky and it actually activated for you, the rest of the 1000s of people should just stop moaning for paying money for something that will go down in history as the worst **** up launch of all time?

moron stfu

and SI won't offer you vouchers for kissing their arse so **** off

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Not got the game as It seems NZ hasn't received any copies of it yet, but I predicted when it was announced that the DRM would **** loads of people off, and not work, and force people to pirate the game, cos thats what DRM does, punishes paying customers and doesn't even affect pirates.

So count me in.

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To all those of you who think they've got a 'cracked' version of the game - the only cracks I've seen on the web are those purporting to convert the demo into the full game.

Now, the demo only runs for six months for a very good reason...so that it doesn't include the end-of-season update code so that it can't be converted into the full game.

So all those of you who now think they're playing a cracked version, have fun when all the malware, trojans and viruses you've no doubt let loose in your system have their fun.

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To all those of you who think they've got a 'cracked' version of the game - the only cracks I've seen on the web are those purporting to convert the demo into the full game.

Now, the demo only runs for six months for a very good reason...so that it doesn't include the end-of-season update code so that it can't be converted into the full game.

So all those of you who now think they're playing a cracked version, have fun when all the malware, trojans and viruses you've no doubt let loose in your system have their fun.

Thank god for AVG:D

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To all those of you who think they've got a 'cracked' version of the game - the only cracks I've seen on the web are those purporting to convert the demo into the full game.

Now, the demo only runs for six months for a very good reason...so that it doesn't include the end-of-season update code so that it can't be converted into the full game.

So all those of you who now think they're playing a cracked version, have fun when all the malware, trojans and viruses you've no doubt let loose in your system have their fun.

thanks for that info BUT it'll be pirated eventually, it's inevitable, that's a scientific fact.

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I don't see a problem with SI trying to protect a product they've spent a year plus of their lives to make...

Sure it's had some teething problems, I couldnt activate my copy through Steam for the entire day yesterday, eventually getting it to work through the alternate method, but it's not really reason enough to throw a tantrum.

I'm pretty sure SI/SEGA will realise it hasn't been the smoothest launch, but once you get down to it...it's a game... and a pretty damn fantastic one. Having to wait a little longer to get it working isn't the end of the world.

People make mistakes, just like every person on this forum would have, multiple times, at some point in their lives.

How about enjoying it for what it is rather than getting worked up over something that in perspective is pretty damn minor.

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thanks for that info BUT it'll be pirated eventually, it's inevitable, that's a scientific fact.

Perhaps so, but they've beaten the pirates this as I've not seen a credible cracked version so far. Other years it was somehow available before the official release, so it's some sort of progress.

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it should be banned along with in game advertising and anything else they force on you. considering it was ment to collect hardware info about your pc,why didnt they just send an email to all the members asking them to participate in a poll on the forum explaining why they want the info etc.

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stop punishing legitimate users. I will not buy FM again if DRM is not removed


Can it not just be removed this year and opened up so that everyone can play ?

Come on SI and SEGA admit this is a bodge job and you got it wrong - At least you could save face and fix things for people who have legally purchased and can't even play the game.

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i prefer this than having to get the cd all the time. fortunately i didnt have any problems authenticating, and can go between laptop and desktop without moving disk all the time, so I'm happy as long as they don't revert back to requiring disk all the time

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god i wish you would all stop moaning i used it an found it quick easy and the patch was great not having to really do anything myself i want to completely congratulate si for their hard work an well done in getting the patch out too just to go that extra mile for your loyal users. if you guys dont like it go buy fifa manager an dont come back, personally i will be buying the game for years to come an urge si to keep doing it this way. i paid for my copy an would not like some cheap idiot getting it for free they work hard and deserve every sale.

yep, seconded. Agree with every word

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god i wish you would all stop moaning i used it an found it quick easy and the patch was great not having to really do anything myself i want to completely congratulate si for their hard work an well done in getting the patch out too just to go that extra mile for your loyal users. if you guys dont like it go buy fifa manager an dont come back, personally i will be buying the game for years to come an urge si to keep doing it this way. i paid for my copy an would not like some cheap idiot getting it for free they work hard and deserve every sale.

Those "moaning" are doing so for a reason.

That is: they bought the game legally, fair and square, and due to the security system; they cannot play it.

SI have every right to protect their product from thieving scumbags, but at what cost? The detriment of large numbers of legitimate customers who suffer?

The fact is, there must be a different way than this disaster.



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I'm proud that this is my first post here. I'm all for copyrights protection, but the fact is that many fans would buy FM09 anyway even it was offered for free - just to show support for such a great game.

In theory, this whole "Activation" process sounds good, but in practice it's actually hurting legitimate customers. That's bad business 101.

The relationship between SI and their fans has always been one of the best. People in the forums have the freedom to post their ideas and some of them are actually implemented in the game! That's a rarity in gaming and FM fans are known to be very loyal (to the point that many in these boards were dismissing some very reasonable complaints). Even the F word has been misused. Heck, I'm a Fanboy.

I reckon the mods, researchers, beta-testers, programmers, everyone put a lot of hard work into the game AND trying to solve the isssues. Right now the staff must be going crazy with all the complaints.

Now imagine if there was no DRM. No problems for buyers. Just praise and constructive criticism. And that's how I hope this thread will be taken by SI and SEGA, as a lesson to be learned.

Instead, longtime fans and potential new buyers have been let down and the magic word - TRUST - will have to be regained.

I can only hope all this will lead to a better and awesome FM10, complete with useful ideas from gamers, no DRM stuff, and one that is so good everyone will buy it, as opposed to "I won't buy it because, frankly, the copy protection is (insert your valid complaint here)".

Pirates? Forget about them. Unless it's hardware or a (i can't believe i'm saying this, please don't do it) dongle, any software can be cracked. And you know what? By using this method SI makes it so all of these guys are going to want the credit for destroying the protection, because it's more of a challenge. And then voila, it's the most pirated game of the year! Just out of spite, sometimes (Microsoft for example).

There are so many ways to generate massive revenue for this franchise, but copy protection measures that hurt the legitimate buyer is not the way to go IMHO.

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"Buy, even if it was offered for free"... :D


Welcome to the forums Max Fightmaster :thup:

Yeah, it was not the best way to put it but I'm sure you all know what I meant. And I have the lovely excuse of English not being my first or even second language, heh.

That said, it's my first and last post about this mess. Others have expressed their feelings in much more eloquent and insightful ways, including those who defend SI on this subject. So I expect it would not be wise to take a newb with the grand total of 2 (two) posts opinion very seriously.

But hey, thanks for the welcome, Wee. And contrary to what my screename might suggest, I'm not here to fight. I'm a (FM) lover, not a fighter. Darn it, I could be Max Lovemaster - much better. :D


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