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JoseRR's FM09 Big Euro Nation Challenge!

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Well big money has been spent this Jan. And money that is actually the clubs rather than the chairman. I raised it by the Bertolucci £34m sale and the summer future transfer of Secco for £25m. So here they are: (poor poor Inter :D)

Enrico Costanzo - World class GK. The best in the world. The modern day Gigi Buffon if you will. He may be 33 and £26m is a LOT of money but the young Albanian isn't ready yet for regular 1st team duties. Costanzo spent 12 years at Inter so its really a blow for them :D. A leader and the best GK in the league. I reckon I can get a good 3/4 years out of him.

Andrea Cappellin - £23m also from Inter. One of their star strikers in a useful duo. He offers something else to Badini and Rotunno who are both strong, powerful strikers. Cappellin can run with the ball and slice through defences. He'll start on the bench for a bit but is guaranteed to have a good impact here :)

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Two really good players there :thup:

As long as Costanzo can hold onto his physical attributes, he'll have a good few seasons left in him. Cappelin is another brilliant Italian to not have a full senior international cap. Who leads the Italian strikeforce at international level, and are they really good? I'm going to assume the are.

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Two really good players there :thup:

As long as Costanzo can hold onto his physical attributes, he'll have a good few seasons left in him. Cappelin is another brilliant Italian to not have a full senior international cap. Who leads the Italian strikeforce at international level, and are they really good? I'm going to assume the are.

You assumed correctly :). Like you I'm intrigued by regens so I thought I'd show you the 5 current Italian strikers:

Fausto Faccio - Linked with us a few times. I'm not that keen on him.

Giuseppe De Falco - We missed out on him to Roma when they signed him from Werder. I was gutted at the time and clearly he'll be a world-beater.

Luca Conversano - Another Liverpool man. Also ex-Savonisti. We bought him from Milan at 18 years old but let him move on. Not clever.

Dario Bianchet - Excellent forward playing at Man Utd (coincidentally our opponents in the CL 1 knockout round).

Michele Badini - Our boy! Has had a reasonable season so far, yet to take off. Hoping he'll contribute more in the second half of the season. He did just score a hattrick vs Milan including a ridiculous overhead!

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Thanks for the screenshots. :thup:

In my honest opinion, Badini looks to be the best. I'm a big fan of physical stats, and Badini certainly excels in those. He's strong and fast. His composure is brilliant, and he is technically brilliant for his position.

Faccio doesn't look too great stats wise to be keeping some of the other players i've seen out of the Italian side. He's definitely decent, but i'd say there's better.

De Falco, and Conversano look brilliant. De Falco really has the whole package. He is technically great, and his physical stats are superb too. He looks set to shine. Conversano is more mentally adept. If he could improve his pace a little more to complement his acceleration and agility then he would be rounded off nicely.

Finally, Bianchet doesn't strike me (based on his stats) like the others (De Falco, Conversano and Badini). His physical stats are good, but he seems to be just missing something for me. However, he certainly has a decent record at international level and is about to rack up 50 caps for Italy, so he must be doing something right. I also think he is very over-valued.

Also, in the Bianchet screenshot, it says (on the news ticker at the bottom) that "Akinfeev fancies chances". Surely that isn't refering to Igor Akinfeev is it? I think that'd make him about 42 years of age. (Unless he's staff of course...)

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Ha good spot! He is the Juve manager as of this season actually! He'd been part of the coaching staff here for a good number of years (a world-class one at that) but was finally pried away this year.

We remain good friends though :p

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Ha good spot! He is the Juve manager as of this season actually! He'd been part of the coaching staff here for a good number of years (a world-class one at that) but was finally pried away this year.

We remain good friends though :p

I see. Do you have any more ex-players as staff? That's another element of the game I enjoy. I often find myself constructing my coaching staff out of ex-players. I once had Michael Duberry as my Ass. Man. at Sutton utd in league Two. That was a great period in my FM career :p Getting ex-players as staff, and having a team of regens is what I enjoy most about FM. Makes me feel like it really is my team then. :D

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Patience dear friend, patience...;)

(I'm going to do a huge one like I did for your review about 2 seasons ago!! Excited? I thought so :D)

tom - that's exactly what I love the most about FM. Yes I do have a few ex-players on my staff. A regen called Luca Lubrani, who I had as my RB in the C2 days (stayed til A but never played) is a coach after I resigned him as a 35 year old last year (just so I could convince him to go into coaching!). I also have Antonio Conti (a regen ST who used to hold our all time goalscoring record) who played in every division for us as a 35 year old coach.

I then also have some famous real life names - Gattuso, De Rossi, Buffon, Oddo, Jorgensen, Chiesa, Luc Nilis and Marcel Desailly! I also bought Claudio Gambini back to the club for his 3rd spell (he's a regen) purely because he is thinking of becoming an assistant :D. He's my choice once my current man leaves!!

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tom - that's exactly what I love the most about FM. Yes I do have a few ex-players on my staff. A regen called Luca Lubrani, who I had as my RB in the C2 days (stayed til A but never played) is a coach after I resigned him as a 35 year old last year (just so I could convince him to go into coaching!). I also have Antonio Conti (a regen ST who used to hold our all time goalscoring record) who played in every division for us as a 35 year old coach.

I then also have some famous real life names - Gattuso, De Rossi, Buffon, Oddo, Jorgensen, Chiesa, Luc Nilis and Marcel Desailly! I also bought Claudio Gambini back to the club for his 3rd spell (he's a regen) purely because he is thinking of becoming an assistant :D. He's my choice once my current man leaves!!

Thats quite the line-up. Antonio Conti is quite the fairytale. The next step is for him to have a son (if that's possible?) at the club to follow in his footsteps :p

EDIT: Our bank balance has just past the £1,000,000 mark. :D

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iacovone's BIG reaction to the legend that is....rlipscombe's wonderful end of season review:

First off - great season. Very very unlucky for it to end the way it did but that experience will prove invaluable to your players imo. Plus it will give the club the reputation boost you'll need to keep hold of the Dixon's of this world!

Now to the players:

Joaquin I like, I think! He is fantastic in some respects but is let down a little on his communication and rushing out. But saying that, he's like my former keeper Liguori, who was fantastic tbf.

Rabben I'm a big big fan of. He's physically superb and is highly unlikely to be beaten by opposition wingers. His defensive stats are magnificent - tackling, marking, concentration, positioning, decisions and pace. Plus he is a good set piece taker! Very good player.

Looking at Marcos I think you made the right choice going with Rabben. Marcos is just as strong defensively but not quite as quick. He also doesn't stand out as much as Rabben. Good to have as a 2nd choice definitely :thup:

Del Sol is the weak link in your team!? Wow looking forward to the rest of your team! He looks fantastic to me - solid defensively but also very good going forward for a full back. He has no weakness that I can see. Good player.

Situ is another great defender. He has all the stats required to be a good defender!

Appiah I'm not so keen on but perhaps that's because I've got used to the quality of your other defenders! I think this is possibly the position you could improve on. Then your defence would probably be completely inpenetrable!

I'm actually more of a fan of Serov tbh. I think his physical stats alone justify a place ahead of Appiah, but that's just my opinion!

I think you've got it right with Luis - perhaps a year on loan would do him good? He has great stats but marking and heading aren't quite developed enough yet imo. Good potential though.

Dembele is an excellent player, great stats all round and probably a perfect DM. If he was only slightly more determined I'd imagine he'd be a world beater!

Now Munoz is my kind of player! He reminds me so much of Cilona looking at his stats, just slightly more attack minded! Wonderful player already but has so much time to improve further as well. Good call making him captain, his mental stats are that of a 30 year old!

Raul and Rossello are full of potential but obviously are in that nurturing stage atm. It could be tough for them to make it behind the above two CMs but they look like excellent backup/prospects.

I like Aizpurua too (common theme developing here!) - its unusual to have a MRC as a winger but he seems quick enough and creative enough to be more than effective! Got a lot of assists too so clearly a vital player.

Coufal I'm not too sure about - he might be deceptively good but I actually don't think he's that great. No real pace for a winger is always an issue, unless of course you get him to cross from deep? Anyway I can see why he was behind Aizpurua.

Garcia Ardura is similar to Coufal imo but he crucially has more to offer in the technical column. With crossing that precise he's bound to get assist after assist after assist! I like him but again could have more pace :D.

Garcia Fernandez like you say has bags of potential, it'll be interesting to see how he develops in a year or two. Pablo I guess is in a similar position, though slightly older. He looks a decent back up winger.

Djordjevic is a beast of a man. Also a useful footballer by the looks of it. Though one thing....you say he's Macedonian, he says he's Montenegran....:D

Montiel reminds me of my young striker Ferrari. He's not had many chances at us and has similar stats as Montiel. I personally don't think he'll make it given that he's 21 now and still lacking in a number of key areas.

Gorrotxategi - well physically he must be up there with the best in the world. Combine that with his dribbling, finishing and composure I can see why he's a feared striker! Shame his off the ball is just 13 though.

Michael Dixon - certainly the new KING of Oviedo (where is Rodriguez btw!?). Dixon looks just superb, do whatever you can to keep him! Get him tied down to the longest contract you can because he'll win you the CL and League one day!

Your new signing Javier Torres is bleedin' superb - though I don't envy you decideing who to drop!! Great player though and for just £7.5m it puts some of my transfer dealings to shame :D.

Right there you go!! Hope it was constructive at least. I look forward to you returning the favor, because lets be honest, theres nothing better than some good feedback to an end of season review

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Edited "code" bit, hopefullylooks better now. Good luck with Fafe, you have got to the top much quicker than I did but I think Portugal is a tough nut to crack :)

Looks great now TanO thanks for that. And yeah Portugal seems tough, any of my players who look like being stars get to a 5 star rating and then Sporting, Porto or someone else pounce and offer sooo much money. I think I am going to need to work on that. Good Luck with Monsanto as well.

Its a shame to see a number of these guys leave but I've come to the conclusion that this is just a necessary part of finding success in this challenge. You have to begrudgingly say goodbye to a lot of your stars and operate a revolving door policy if you're going to make it to the top as its not worth the hassle and poorer performances of trying to keep them!

I think this is something I am going to have to do as well, anyone unhappy with me in about February will be sold :) Then I will bring in a new set-up and go for it from there. Hopefully I can get some money for them as I will need it for my targets.

Definitely agree with that ! It might be easier to keep players happy if we had reserve teams but in my game every time I've had a quality player for more than 2 seasons he has usually got the hump and ruined the team. :eek:

My 3-4 season players who I brought in at 19-21 seem to decide all of a sudden that they need to go elsewhere to play for trophies...I don't get it, I am one of the biggest clubs in Portugal. Why would they want to leave, if they have a chance at trophies here is a good place to be, and they are starting. At Sporting & Porto they will be on the bench.

As for the reserves that was a bug in 9.01 & 9.02 its fixed in 9.03, but only in new games...

I got complacent this summer without a doubt.
Yeah resting on what you have was my mistake as well, I only brought in players who were future cover for my stars. I need to fix this, I think I may slide back down the table.
Thats quite the line-up. Antonio Conti is quite the fairytale. The next step is for him to have a son (if that's possible?) at the club to follow in his footsteps
Oh that would be awesome have a star player and then his son come along and joins the same club...Also if I make the end of my 11th season it is then my longest ever game on FM.
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worth waiting for iacovone!!! though i'm not too sure about your cheek!! ;)

I'd pretty much in complete agreement with you. i see what you mean about Coufal and Garcia Ardura, but their performances merit their place in the squad. i have been rejecting £15 million + bids for Ardura so might consider a big money offer. I'm looking at a major CB signing for Appiah and had mentioned this previously. Dixon has just signed a new 5-year contract just after i rejected a £30 million offer. i also know what you mean about Joaquin - his stats aren't great but his form is. As for King Rodriguez, he's still at club but not involved - i'm keeping him to become a coach eventually....

Thanks for your superb advice - it means SOOOOO much to me!! :D

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I'm still waiting for a son to appear on the game. I don't care if its mine or one of my coaches, I'd just love to see it! I'd love to see a De Rossi or Gattuso Jr :D.

On the Savona front:

We've been in formidable form since that run of tough games around November. We're 2nd and a point behind Roma who have begun to slip up so the title could be on I'm relieved to say!

Roma still have to go to Napoli, us and Milan so we've got a fantastic chance. Can't wait to avenge that 7-1 :mad:.

Also have the CL 1st Knockout Round coming up versus Man Utd! We've played them twice before in the Uefa Cup losing 2-1 away and drawing 2-2 at home. Gonna be tough

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I should also add that the new GK Enrico Costanzo has settled in very nicely.

5 games.

5 clean sheets.


Now that's a signing!

Thats a great start. Well worth it so far.

Barca want Dixon!! just rejected a near £40 million offer.....

That some big money. Don't let him go!

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Do not sell to Barca or Real at all costs...

And I sure missed a lot. Stupid time zones. :D

I'll read it all when I have some time...

I agree with the timezones, I keep double posting cause there is no one around in NZ evening time haha (I am off sick today).

And if you can avoid it never, ever sell to the big clubs in your own nation. Never sell to Roma, Inter, Milan, Barca, Real, Porto, Benfica, Sporting, Bayern, Lyon. These clubs will use your star off the bench to score a winning goal against you in the game that decides your title.

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Des you are correct. Unfortunately our rather fantastic CB Secco is off to Roma :(


On a lighter note. Costanzo has now gone 6 games without conceding a goal! Shame he's ineligible for the CL.


Man Utd 1-3 Savona

Big result in the offing :D

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4-1 away win at Old Trafford. The Theatre of Dreams....Savona Dreams!! Rotunno and Badini the dreamweavers. Blah blah blah I could go on....

Costanzo's back in for 2 league games. 2 more clean sheets??

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Hugo - my new CB. met £5 million release clause at Rayo. Should shore up the back a bit more.....

Can't go wrong with a Brazilian! He looks quality and for £5m :eek:. Bargain! I need to go to the rlipscombe school of transfers :(

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Was thinking of trying this. Finally have a day off tomorrow and I'm not feeling like continuing in Romania (Gundo challenge) right now.

Is anyone playing in France? I'm thinking of doing either that or Spain. I loaded a game in each quick to check rules and France lowest division, "CFA", looks a bit weird with tons of "reserve" teams. Is that where you'd start in France?

I might just go Spain anyways, need to sleep on it. ZZzzzzzZZZz

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France would be interesting, no-ones started and stuck with it there :thup:. Germany's another one too actually.

On the Enrico Costanzo front. I jinxed it :rolleyes:. 1-1 home draw with Empoli ffs. Level on points with Roma at the top though. Mon!!

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Can't go wrong with a Brazilian! He looks quality and for £5m :eek:. Bargain! I need to go to the rlipscombe school of transfers :(

ha ha. it's all about the scouting. i tried to sign him last season (hence the ****'s) but missed out. he's a real bargain and delighted with signing.

As for my game, it#s on hold now until Monday as it's my birthday tomorrow so off to the coast for a few days. really going to miss my game, but hey ho. Looking forward to seeing all your progress when back. don't go winning it iacovone..... ;)

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Keeping the Fafe

Liga Sagres 2019/20

December 1st Update


This season we made it into the European Cup by coming 4th in the Liga Sagres, this meant entering the 2nd Qualifying Stage. We played in three rounds before dropping out in a close fought battle against Standard of Belgium.

The Games

The Stats

There were a few players who performed well in the European cup, but our player of the Continental stage of our journey was clearly Tom Erik Shala who managed 4 goals, 3 assists, 2 Man of the Matches for a rating of 7.58 in his 6 games.

The League

In the league we started very poorly with a 3 nil loss to Benfica, but we recovered from that and have managed to climb our way back up the table to be sitting in 5th place, we are 6 points off Porto who are leading the league, but also 6 points clear of Setubal who are in 6th. The top 5 have clearly named themselves already this season. Des Tiny has shown his skill being named Manager of the Month in October and runner-up in November. This 5th place is a clear improvement on the prediction of the bookies. And the fans are increasing as shown by the number of Season Tickets we have sold. Several players are standing out when looking at the statistics, but I am really glad with the team overall.

Academica 1:1 AD Fafe (LS)

Tarasenko (62)

A gutting long range effort on 90...another late goal...

MoM: Tarasenko

Boavista 1:2 AD Fafe (LS)

Aguero (22), Radakovic (83)

MoM: Aguero

AD Fafe 2:0 Belenenses (LS)

Novak (8), Tarasenko (49)

AD Fafe 2:1 Maritimo (LS)

Perdigao (7), Radakovic (90)

A Marcel goal disallowed in the 5th minute for offside was a line call. But Perdigao made up for it slamming a shot in after 7mins. With Novak injured at 25mins, and Kouakou injured at 36 minutes saw my reserves almost used before halftime. Marcel got injured in first half injury time and was also taken off. Just after halftime they got lucky and pulled back another after giving Crawford a knock. A poor second half saw them nearly score on 4 more occasions, but Tuncay & others saved the day and Radakovic managed to get a goal in the dying seconds.

Injury Update after the game:

Irenee Kouakou (DM) is out with a fractured wrist for 5-6 weeks, Nicolas Aguero (ML) is out with a twisted knee for 2 weeks, and Michael Novak (DR) has a calf strain and is out for 3 weeks.

Leixoes 3:2 AD Fafe (LS)

Shala (40), Radakovic (68)

Coming Up

In the next three games we have a few tough ones.

First is Naval in the Portuguese Cup, they are a team we haven't played in four years, but we should overcome and move on.

Then we have to face Sporting who are one of that top class that we are really yet to overcome, and they thrashed us a little earlier in the season.

Following that we will be facing our archnemesis, Porto who we have only beaten once, but we will leave it all on the field.

Hopefully we are still in touch after these games.

League Cup

Without a doubt we have been drawn in the Group of Death. I do not expect to advance so I will probably send out a weaker side in this cup for the rest of the games so my stars can focus on the league.

Transfers, Finances & the Squad

Well I have made one purchase for January so far with the signing of Janssen for 1.5m, he is expected to step straight into my left wing, but he is really a star for the future who will provide me with strength in my weakest position. I have also received an offer for my all time top goalscorer, Garcia, who is leaving in January for 500k.

The transfers I have made, plus being 30k under the wage budget has led to me actually being able to hold the finances at a level where I actually have the total funds to do things, rather than losing money.

As for the squad, we have built a true United Nations with stars from 18 different nations and 5 different continents. This does make my squad a little harder to keep the homegrown boys in for rules, but bringing them in at 17 or 18 means they become homegrown in a few years. Have a look at my own view to give a better idea of why I think I need some improvements to the squad.

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I loaded a game in each quick to check rules and France lowest division, "CFA", looks a bit weird with tons of "reserve" teams. Is that where you'd start in France?

I think in France you start in National as CFA is unplayable for some reason. I have never played there, but it is always good to have a range of games going and might show us what it is like in another different nation. We currently have two teams on top in Portugal (Me & TanO), One in Italy (Iacovone) and three (Rlip, Razer & Rancer?) in Spain.

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ha ha. it's all about the scouting. i tried to sign him last season (hence the ****'s) but missed out. he's a real bargain and delighted with signing.

As for my game, it#s on hold now until Monday as it's my birthday tomorrow so off to the coast for a few days. really going to miss my game, but hey ho. Looking forward to seeing all your progress when back. don't go winning it iacovone..... ;)

Not gonna lie to you mate, this is probably my best chance yet of winning the CL :D.

Happy Birthday btw (what a shameless plug ;))!

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ha ha. it's all about the scouting. i tried to sign him last season (hence the ****'s) but missed out. he's a real bargain and delighted with signing.

As for my game, it#s on hold now until Monday as it's my birthday tomorrow so off to the coast for a few days. really going to miss my game, but hey ho. Looking forward to seeing all your progress when back. don't go winning it iacovone..... ;)

Happy Birthday dude. I think your Birthday Present may be Iacovone setting us a target date to try and win the title by.

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I just had a pretty good game against Sporting in the 1st knockout Round. Down 3-0 at halftime, I get extremely mad at my players, and they respond by scoring 3 goals in the 2nd half. 3-3 first leg isn't bad, with 3 away goals to boot. :D

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I just had a pretty good game against Sporting in the 1st knockout Round. Down 3-0 at halftime, I get extremely mad at my players, and they respond by scoring 3 goals in the 2nd half. 3-3 first leg isn't bad, with 3 away goals to boot. :D

Three away goals is certainly a good start, :)

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Nice draw there rancer :thup:

My predictions:

At Mad v Liverpool

Man Utd v Barca

Spurs v Bordeaux

Shakthar v Chelsea

HSV v R. Madrid

Sporting v Oviedo

Celtic v Milan

Olympiakos v Inter

Names in bold will be the winners imo!

Tom - Rosi started at Catania, went to Inter before moving to Genk in Belgium at the age of 22/23. 2 years there before moving to Deportive where he spent 2 more years. Then moved to Real for 5 great years (he scored 79 league goals in 122 league games!)

7 out of 8 iacovone, Spurs lost to Bordeaux. :)

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Keeping the Fafe

Liga Sagres 2019/20

A Hector Garcia Tribute

This is going to be a look at some of the stars of ten and a half years of AD Fafe Football, as a tribute to Hector Garcia our all-time leading goalscorer. Up first lets have a look at who the stats say are the "best of the best." Green is the top 5 all-time and in yellow we have the current crop.


Next I compiled my own best XI, this is Des Tiny's Best XI through eleven years of managing this squad.


The 100 Club

Every player who has made 100 appearances for AD Fafe.

David Moreno

Tiago Rodrigues



Hector Garcia

Josu Esnaola


"The Monster"

Paulo Ricardo

Nicolas Aguero


So there is a small look at who I consider to be the best of the years at AD Fafe. As a little peek into the new year as we enter a new decade, having moved into the 20's. There were two more treats during the winter as Radakovic signed a new contract, he will be at AD Fafe until 2023 now, and then he came runner-up in the European Striker of the Year

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Wow, I'm gone for about a day and a bit and this thread progresses another page, great stuff.

We're already out of the Italian Cup, winning the first qualifying round before losing the second to Chievo. Their stadium held 39000, on the day 4900 fans packed the stands watch Casale take the lead until the 70th minute, when Chievo came back with 3 goals. It was a good effort though. More good news: No stupid group stage of the Serie C Cup! Straight through to the 1st Round. We play a C/2 team, winner of our game playing the winner of another C/2 team or a non-league team.

I'm about 5 games into the league, currently sitting around mid table, can't remember my exact position right now, don't have FM open in front of me. I've signed a 18 year old left back that's already a Good Serie B player, with the potential to be Decent Serie A player!

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So we beat United 6-1 on aggregate to progress to the quarters of the CL. Arsenal are our next opponents!

10 games left in the league and we just got revenge on Roma - 2-0 home win to put us 3 points clear at the top. Next up Catania at home. Easy yes?



Yes 13 players are out of the game due to international duty. I can barely field a side as I have about 12 players out on loan too! This has to be a bug in the game as surely it should have been rescheduled!? We'll do well to survive an absolute pasting here, they have just 2 men out :thdn:

Aside from 4 available GKs (2 senior) I have 16 players to choose from in the entire club :mad:. Only 6 are senior pros and 3 of those are strikers :(

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So we beat United 6-1 on aggregate to progress to the quarters of the CL. Arsenal are our next opponents!

10 games left in the league and we just got revenge on Roma - 2-0 home win to put us 3 points clear at the top. Next up Catania at home. Easy yes?



Yes 13 players are out of the game due to international duty. I can barely field a side as I have about 12 players out on loan too! This has to be a bug in the game as surely it should have been rescheduled!? We'll do well to survive an absolute pasting here, they have just 2 men out :thdn:

Aside from 4 available GKs (2 senior) I have 16 players to choose from in the entire club :mad:. Only 6 are senior pros and 3 of those are strikers :(

Sounds like my current situation, though it has been worsened by injury. Oh and my U19s playing on the same day an hour before my 1st team meaning another 22 players are ineligable. I currently have 6 on Under 23 duties, 2 Suspended, and 4 injured...the team looks a little bare...and I am playing Benfica current league leaders haha.

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Heroes!!! :)

We somehow ground out a 1-0 win! Our Gk Ambrosio played very well in goal, as did our only recognised CB Bartoli (who also scored a header). The rest was down to the sheer doggedness of the youth!! Most of them won't make it here but they can be proud of the day they won 3 points for Savona!!

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Sounds like my current situation, though it has been worsened by injury. Oh and my U19s playing on the same day an hour before my 1st team meaning another 22 players are ineligable. I currently have 6 on Under 23 duties, 2 Suspended, and 4 injured...the team looks a little bare...and I am playing Benfica current league leaders haha.

That sounds worse than my situation tbf! Good luck!! Have Fafe in your youngsters ;)

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So I'm hollidaying in France atm, and I'm gonna take over a club that gets promotion from CFA then? Wont that club already have a manager and what not? And is there any guarantee any clubs will be promoted at all, since there's so many reserve teams down there which I'm guessing are likely to win the CFA leagues they are in?

Guess time will show :)

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So I'm hollidaying in France atm, and I'm gonna take over a club that gets promotion from CFA then? Wont that club already have a manager and what not? And is there any guarantee any clubs will be promoted at all, since there's so many reserve teams down there which I'm guessing are likely to win the CFA leagues they are in?

Guess time will show :)

A team will be promoted from CFA no matter what, and then you need to add a new manager to take over any one of the promoted clubs :)

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Keeping the Fafe

Liga Sagres 2019/20

Through Thick & Thin

The Games went on

Naval 0:2 AD Fafe (PC)

Marcel (90+1), Filis (90+3)

It took til injury time for us to win a game we should've had wrapped up a lot earlier. A huge cross by Pants set it up. Then Filis added a second.

MoM: Filis

AD Fafe 1:1 Sporting (LS)

Marcel (51)

Well they scored just before halftime, but we managed to pull one back not long after as I told the boys they were better than this. They had a player sent off in the 69th minute which meant I could attack more and then I tried, but was unable to score the winner. A good game.

MoM: Marcel

Porto 3:0 AD Fafe (LS)

I don't wanna talk about it.

AD Fafe 3:2 Trofense (LS)

Radakovic (2,64), Marcel (26)

A great early goal by Radakovic, on a solo effort. They got a freak goal from 30 yards out after 24mins which surprised me. But Marcel hit straight back after 26mins, with some encouragement they went back out, and 64mins in we saw Radakovic get his second, the strikers finally looking like they are going to start scoring. A second goal for the opposition lobbed over the keeper at 93mins ended the scoring for the game.

MoM: Radakovic

AD Fafe 3:1 P.Ferreira (LS)

Radakovic (7), Tarasenko (52,60)

An early goal by Radakovic also gives Mendes the centre back his first assist for AD Fafe. The rest of the first half saw the game swing back and forward. With Tarasenko sinking a header in the 52nd minute I was much happier at 2:0. A second header from Tarasenko saw us extend out even further. A late consolation by the opposition came from a corner. Radakovic got sent off in injury time, for god knows what.

MoM: Tarasenko

AD Fafe 1:3 Benfica (LC)


An early own goal saw us take the lead, then it was all about defending it and tryingm to use it to get home. Just before halftime they managed to get a goal back as Tuncay could not hold the rebound. They then gutted us less than a minute into the 2nd half getting a 2nd. And then they added another in injury time to wrap it up.

Guimaraes 2:1 AD Fafe (LS)

Marcel (86)

A poor away game for the boys as they just couldn't keep a handle on the better side.

AD Fafe 2:0 Nacional (LC)

Radakovic (62,81)

MoM: Radakovic

AD Fafe 1:0 Varzim (PC)

Shala (78)

MoM: Radakovic

Setubal 2:1 AD Fafe (LS)

Marcel (52)

The first 6 minutes of the 2nd half were excitement all over as first Setubal scored twice and then Marcel scored off a beautiful Aguero cross.

AD Fafe 0:1 Benfica (LS)

With a greatly weakened side I am hoping to be able to grab a victory, or if not then at least a draw, but in the 25th minute to have them get a goal was a bad start.

This has all led to us still sitting in the same place as we have for most of the season. We are in 5th, but we are now 11 points behind 4th, and 6 clear of 6th. This means we hold down the last Euro Cup spot, unless one of the teams below us win one of the cups. Realistically a move back into the top four is unlikely, and I now need to start planning for 2020/21.

Finances took a turn for the worse last month as I spent 3.5m on transfers, but the players I got are going to make a clear difference to the club, so thats what matters. I may yet start shipping some other players out for July, with the plan being my younger reserves stepping up and taking over all the starting spots.

Next up: Its the Portuguese Cup vs Boavista.

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