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14 minutes ago, Dagenham_Dave said:

However, I would say that if you're seeing EVERY shot hit the side netting, that is worrying. I'm also sure SI would love you to upload that particular save as it would highlight a very useful insight into your particular tactical set up showcasing why EVERY shot goes into the side netting. 

Unless of course, you're wildly exaggerating. 

It's a conundrum. 

I've been practically living in the Bugs forum for the past couple of days and have uploaded multiple PKM's, save games, and what not about side netting, players refusing to cross and bottled 1v1's one after the other. I know the older ME's and how these tactical instructions work and believe you me, I'm not exaggerating. No 'known issue', no 'in review', nothing. Just me and some Northern lad posting PKM's into the great wide open.

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1 minute ago, herne79 said:

You haven't checked your no crossing bug report lately have you? ;)

Hey, I didn't get a notification apparently :o Thank you for clarifying this. That's all I needed :thup::thup:

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1 hour ago, Iwabik said:

They said they know about the issues and are working on the fix iirc

And you trust the people who didn’t pick up on all these issues in the first place to do a proper fix without breaking things some more? Doubt. 

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12 minutes ago, wcb231 said:

And you trust the people who didn’t pick up on all these issues in the first place to do a proper fix without breaking things some more? Doubt. 

Well I certainly do, because that has always happened before. Now please stop your whining and moaning.

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So, my CaC Club sacked me despite calling me the best thing since sliced bred with butter bcs at some point i tried to increase my wage Budget out of curiosity and ended up the board forcing me to accept a challenge to reduce the wages first.

I did so reducing it but by ~70% though they never recognized it - when i was close to being promoted i had to give out some better contracts - yet still under the wage Budget of the original amount - and they sacked me despite Winning Promotion against all odds and securing/hiring great Players.

Screw it - i deleted the saves and start over - it was a testrun anway to get a grip what happens over a season...will probably better avoid askin my board for a higher wage budet when i only use half of it anyway.


Regarding the Picture - pls what is this positioning of my Players so close to or in the box when my Goalie brings the ball back into play after an attack was defended - thats simply begging for Goals and not a setup for a good attack build up - the Players should be placed roughly in the direction were the green arrows aim like it was in Fm19 - for now this positoning is simply bad and i would never allow it that way.

Regarding my Trikot Kits - the Goalie has it apllied as designed including socks (black with purple hoops).

The other Players are missing the socks (blue with yellow hoops) and there is no reason my Team wears black socks as the Opponent has green ones and there is no Colour conflict!

I like though the redesign of the goalnet that now has a bar keeping it to the ground making it no longer Splash Up on some shots.

(Screenshot is of a friendly but it is the same in any match of any kind)



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20 minutes ago, jamessmith010101 said:

we have virtually no through balls. we have world class players resembling sunday league. we have wingers and wingbacks getting around the back constantly and shooting from the bye line. we have strikers who only score from corners or deflections or mishaps. we have inside forwards who are getting ratings of 6 as they cannot score despite being world class


In the past few hours this thread has had three separate examples of wingers passing the ball from the byline instead of shooting, and someone with an inside forward getting 20 goals in a season.

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Had an odd one as Leceister vs Newcastle. Tielemans completed 204 passes (which would be the most of all time I believe) in the match, and James Maddison 137. Seems a bit high? Deep lying playmakers seem to recycle passes a lot. Small sample size and all that. 

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24 minutes ago, Snootch said:

Tielemans completed 204 passes (which would be the most of all time I believe) in the match

It's not, its close though, Maddison's number isn't altogether surprising if Tielemans completed 204.  It could be the overall set up of the system to generate it.  I think the record at the moment is 217.

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6 hours ago, Iwabik said:

I don't understand ratings in this game. I've just won 1:0 against much better side and we held them off perfectly the entire game. They created NOTHING. Best rating in my defence? 6.6.

The match ratings, in particular for defenders, have issues, at least in the lower leagues where I'm managing. If your team scores three goals in a match, they shift to more normal ratings. If not, they run quite low. Pretty much every match I've played has had at least one defender rated "red", while that hasn't happened once for mids or attackers.

It creates spin-offs issues too. My board and fans, for example, are upset with my defensive signings because their ratings are so low. But it's across the whole league.

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1 hour ago, Snootch said:

Deep lying playmakers seem to recycle passes a lot

Not seen numbers quite that high, but I do see the trend a lot - both centre-mids sitting just outside the AI area and endlessly exchanging 5-10 yard passes. Occasionally, one will move it wide to a winger or fullback who then cuts inside and passes it back and the whole routine repeats. One of the more annoying - and little-commented - aspects of the ME.

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I found a bug with Real Sociedad and their Basque based players signing policy.

So R.Sociedad have a club vision policy where they'd prefer me to ensure that most of my signing are of Basque heritage. Right now their option of my performance in that area is "satisfied" I went ahead and signed another Basque player, Martin Aguirregabiria, and my performance went from "Satisfied" to "Disappointed".

It appears it only changed from Satisfied to Disappointed if I offered that new signing a "fringe" role. if I offered him a "Impact sub" role or higher, it turns from "Satisfied" to "Pleased".

I think it's a bug as the player who is 24 y.o is still bolstering the first squad and he is Basque. At the minimum it my "performance rating" in that area should stay at "Satisfied", rather than dip to "Disappointed".


Edit: Some spelling errors

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5 hours ago, Etebaer said:

So, my CaC Club sacked me despite calling me the best thing since sliced bred with butter bcs at some point i tried to increase my wage Budget out of curiosity and ended up the board forcing me to accept a challenge to reduce the wages first.

I did so reducing it but by ~70% though they never recognized it - when i was close to being promoted i had to give out some better contracts - yet still under the wage Budget of the original amount - and they sacked me despite Winning Promotion against all odds and securing/hiring great Players.

Screw it - i deleted the saves and start over - it was a testrun anway to get a grip what happens over a season...will probably better avoid askin my board for a higher wage budet when i only use half of it anyway.


Regarding the Picture - pls what is this positioning of my Players so close to or in the box when my Goalie brings the ball back into play after an attack was defended - thats simply begging for Goals and not a setup for a good attack build up - the Players should be placed roughly in the direction were the green arrows aim like it was in Fm19 - for now this positoning is simply bad and i would never allow it that way.

Regarding my Trikot Kits - the Goalie has it apllied as designed including socks (black with purple hoops).

The other Players are missing the socks (blue with yellow hoops) and there is no reason my Team wears black socks as the Opponent has green ones and there is no Colour conflict!

I like though the redesign of the goalnet that now has a bar keeping it to the ground making it no longer Splash Up on some shots.

(Screenshot is of a friendly but it is the same in any match of any kind)



The goalkeepers distribution instructions will determine the positioning of those players you've highlighted. Set it to 'Mixed' or simply don't give any specific instructions to 'roll it out' or 'throw it out'. I don't have the game yet so I don't know the exact wording. Alternatively just set it to Take Long kicks and/or not to distribute 'to defenders' and they'd be positioned farther up field 

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5 hours ago, kuru said:

I found a bug with Real Sociedad and their Basque based players signing policy.

So R.Sociedad have a club vision policy where they'd prefer me to ensure that most of my signing are of Basque heritage. Right now their option of my performance in that area is "satisfied" I went ahead and signed another Basque player, Martin Aguirregabiria, and my performance went from "Satisfied" to "Disappointed".

It appears it only changed from Satisfied to Disappointed if I offered that new signing a "fringe" role. if I offered him a "Impact sub" role or higher, it turns from "Satisfied" to "Pleased".

I think it's a bug as the player who is 24 y.o is still bolstering the first squad and he is Basque. At the minimum it my "performance rating" in that area should stay at "Satisfied", rather than dip to "Disappointed".


Edit: Some spelling errors

You need to log bugs in the Bugs Forum - https://community.sigames.com/forum/745-club-vision-and-performance/

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6 hours ago, Zilla Blitz said:

The match ratings, in particular for defenders, have issues, at least in the lower leagues where I'm managing. If your team scores three goals in a match, they shift to more normal ratings. If not, they run quite low. Pretty much every match I've played has had at least one defender rated "red", while that hasn't happened once for mids or attackers.

It creates spin-offs issues too. My board and fans, for example, are upset with my defensive signings because their ratings are so low. But it's across the whole league.

I posted a lot of evidence rẻ this very thing in the bugs forum and SI have confirmed it's being looked at. 

I won a domestic quadruple in Singapore and had 1 player get an average over 7. I won most games by 1 maybe 2 goals, keeping it tight at the back. Defenders got horrendous Average ratings even though we broke all sorts of league and club records for defending. 

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and there is my issue with how this game is developing. you give your feedback no matter how negative it is, feedback is feedback.

and your post gets deleted,  this is low and show such contempt for the people who buy the game who have a right to vent when this isnt the game they signed up for.

but its how these forums have been for a while, anyone who negates the game gets banned or warned etc, that is a very arrogant attitude to have to the people who pay the wages at si and who make it possible for these forums to exist. without the people buying the game none of this would be here. 

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1 minute ago, fm2020.smith said:

and there is my issue with how this game is developing. you give your feedback no matter how negative it is, feedback is feedback.

and your post gets deleted,  this is low and show such contempt for the people who buy the game who have a right to vent when this isnt the game they signed up for.

but its how these forums have been for a while, anyone who negates the game gets banned or warned etc, that is a very arrogant attitude to have to the people who pay the wages at si and who make it possible for these forums to exist. without the people buying the game none of this would be here. 

No. There's feedback and then there's posting rubbish or insults etc. which just creates a toxic atmosphere.

The rules on the forum are clear. Don't throw around insults at SI, mods or other users. Post constructive feedback, positive or negative. If someone cannot be civil, it will be dealt with, even if it's just the post being deleted.

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17 minutes ago, fm2020.smith said:

and there is my issue with how this game is developing. you give your feedback no matter how negative it is, feedback is feedback.

and your post gets deleted,  this is low and show such contempt for the people who buy the game who have a right to vent when this isnt the game they signed up for.

but its how these forums have been for a while, anyone who negates the game gets banned or warned etc, that is a very arrogant attitude to have to the people who pay the wages at si and who make it possible for these forums to exist. without the people buying the game none of this would be here. 

I've been a member on this forum since 2007 and noticed similar. The ME is terrible and rather predictable. I honestly could tell you the outcome of 90/100 one-on-ones.

What's the point anymore SI? At least tell us works are in progress about a new ME patch.

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you do know that feedback is feedback right ? all feedback has to be taken into account regardless of what the feedback is. if you simply ignore negative feedback then you get what we have at the moment a game that doesnt resemble what its supposed to be. people have been feeding back for a month about the stuff thats still not been fixed. 

the most important people of any company regardless of the size is the customer. it doesnt matter that the customer might call the director out or anyone else, why are they doing that? why are they unhappy but just deleting a post is not constructive and these people have paid money to have the stance you have is disrespectful.

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1 minute ago, fm2020.smith said:

you do know that feedback is feedback right ? all feedback has to be taken into account regardless of what the feedback is. if you simply ignore negative feedback then you get what we have at the moment a game that doesnt resemble what its supposed to be. people have been feeding back for a month about the stuff thats still not been fixed. 

the most important people of any company regardless of the size is the customer. it doesnt matter that the customer might call the director out or anyone else, why are they doing that? why are they unhappy but just deleting a post is not constructive and these people have paid money to have the stance you have is disrespectful.

I'll repeat since you're missing the part where I explained NEGATIVE or positive feedback is appreciated. Just keep it constructive and civil.

Here's the explanation : 


Now with that out of the way, let's draw a line under this and return to feedback on the game. :thup:

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4 hours ago, acmilano112000 said:

I'd like to remind us all to take a wider and more productive perspective in discussing what is or isn't wrong with the Match Engine...

Or you could just play the game and have fun with it, without over analysing every single last detail, which is a grim road down to obsessive insanity. 

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I've settled down into my single player Stoke save, and noticed that I'm getting an awful lot of crosses. Between 30-40 a game so far. When opposition crosses are factored in its meaning a cross every 1.5 minutes or so. I mean I'm playing a pretty simple tactic:


I'm wondering how many crosses per game are the people getting that are seeing their wide men blaze shots into the side netting because I'm barely getting it. So I'm wondering is it either a case of they're actually playing an awful lot more down the wings and therefore just sheer percentages are forcing it to be higher or if they're just not crossing. Not going to lie, there's been a couple of passages of play where I'd have taken a shot into the side netting rather than watch Ince play another cross that ends up reaching Ward on the far side of the box. 

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One thing that is irking me a bit this year is the speed of the match engine (3D view in particular) - The medium setting is a little slow and one notch up is a little too fast. Would like to see a speed in-between these two. However, this is a very minor grumble. 

I'll use the rest of this post for my daily reminder to everyone that, despite still needing tweaks here and there, this is the best match engine in the series so far. Hands down. 

Don't @ me.        

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6 minutes ago, Dagenham_Dave said:

One thing that is irking me a bit this year is the speed of the match engine (3D view in particular) - The medium setting is a little slow and one notch up is a little too fast. Would like to see a speed in-between these two. However, this is a very minor grumble. 

It's the same with the commentary, I like to read it between highlights, having it other than slowest (I think it is) is too fast but then it's snail's pace 

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Any date of 20.2 update please?

I'm happy with everything but want to start looong save and want to do this without ME changes during process (just my crazy)

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4 minutes ago, Novem9 said:

Any date of 20.2 update please?

I'm happy with everything but want to start looong save and want to do this without ME changes during process (just my crazy)

SI will never usually release a date for any update till it is ready for release for a number of logistical reasons that have been explained before.

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Just to bust the myth that AI cheats, here is a match I played vs AI Napoli as Sampdoria. They absolutely hammered me with 29 shots and 61% possession against my 5 shots and 39% possession. Result? I won 4-2.



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35 minutes ago, FrazT said:

SI will never usually release a date for any update till it is ready for release for a number of logistical reasons that have been explained before.

This. There is a stickied post at the top of the ME bugs forum from CJ on the known issues and PKMS from yesterday. So they have been acknowledged for future updates. Obviously that depends on what can be balanced. 

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6 часов назад, acmilano112000 сказал:

I'd like to remind us all to take a wider and more productive perspective in discussing what is or isn't wrong with the Match Engine...

1. Some people are saying "my game doesn't have that issue" or "my tactic is fine" or "my ME is fine" -- but please check AI vs AI games in your save. That's how you'll really know, not just your tactic which could be down to any little detail. For example, the largest problem I'm having with the ME is that strikers in 1 striker systems are just decoys (I wrote briefly about this 3 pages ago, essentially look at lone striker recieved passes that aren't throw ins. they're wildly wildly smaller than real life). If you run a 2 striker system like a 4-4-2 then you may not think you personally are experiencing this -- but you are! Its still in your ME when you play against 1 striker teams. Every 1 striker team you face is having huge abnormalities. Maybe benefiting you, maybe not, but either way it is an extreme overall difference from soccer as we know it. To have the striker be a full decoy.

So please, let's have a wider perspective. This isn't about "Its not in my save" or "I'm scoring goals with strikers". Its about the ME in general. If you feel like your ME truly doesn't suffer from this or other problems being discussed then that is good information for the discussion, but please check more than just your particular team's tactics first. And please not just one game as an example. Multiple games! Mid season! Look at AI v AI games in detail. Look at AI vs you... etc.

2. This also goes for team familiarity and all that. Don't base your own takeaways on your first 5 preseason matches. Too many variables about whether the play is even the full potential of the ME, or just undermined by your team has no tactical clue yet. Also please assume that when other people give detailed explanations that they are looking at midseason or long term ME examples. For example, when I looked at AI vs AI 1 striker involvement it was from games in Dec and Jan. So we can at least eliminate one of the variables and hopefully be more constructive.

3. Bug reports and PKMs won't fix problems these large. That's why some of us are posting in this thread rather than bugs forum. To me, the extremely unrealistic lone striker tactic lack of striker involvement is not a bug. Its a huge general issue. Gamebreaking. I could upload a PKM of any game, or anyone at SI could just play a game and use that one. Issues like this and several of the other big ones are large scale and need to be looked at in a big picture way. I have no clue how to begin to fix it and it sounds super complex, haha. But I do have faith that SI can do it... because it wasn't always the case! ME's from years ago did not have this issue.


Well if you will analyze every second of every pitch area for sure you will found some issues. Im happy already because when I check table results I see logic in ALL leagues. No more topclub which systematically places in midtable or Guardiola without any power etc. I remember FM18 where are City in ChL in second season is a achievment for AI. And yes I watched tens AI vs AI games because I collected examples for one issue and I didnt notice any criminal there are too.


3. Have no idea why you decide this. You have issues, but some members dont have issues. You say its problem not in you and decide how better to developers fix this? :) 


For me this is 100% the best engine ever, I played few houndred games already and still notice some little details which never happened before :thup: the best reproduction and simulation of decisions too

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In my opinion if the following can be addressed then we might have a very smooth match engine:

1)Reduce 1v1 by reducing long balls from defenders to strikers

2)Better conversion of 1v1 and better finishing from strikers 

3)Less shooting from wingers and more passing to free players 

4)More through balls to strikers and more central play if has been set through tactics

If the SI team can find a balance between all those issues we might talk for one of the best game experiences of late...


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I suspect SI know exactly how to get strikers to move more, receive the ball in space more, finish their one-on-ones, and get wide attackers to stop hitting the side netting and cut easy balls back.... but your scorelines will be 15-14 rugby scores. I think it's all balanced to realistic scorelines and any change to the now obvious 'nerfs' to strikers the past couple of years is not an easy fix that satisfies realistic football simulation. They went down a dead end by killing central forward play a while back - to get it back they now need to walk the knife edge that is touching anything in this dated spaghetti-code engine without breaking something else. I'll bet they're tearing their hair out quite honestly!

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3 minutes ago, amberhelix said:

I suspect SI know exactly how to get strikers to move more, receive the ball in space more, finish their one-on-ones, and get wide attackers to stop hitting the side netting and cut easy balls back.... but your scorelines will be 15-14 rugby scores. I think it's all balanced to realistic scorelines and any change to the now obvious 'nerfs' to strikers the past couple of years is not an easy fix that satisfies realistic football simulation. They went down a dead end by killing central forward play a while back - to get it back they now need to walk the knife edge that is touching anything in this dated spaghetti-code engine without breaking something else. I'll bet they're tearing their hair out quite honestly!

Depending on which ME you are on but there are too many set pieces goals, penalties, first touch masterpieces from range etc. I think there is enough room for more open play goals.

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1 minute ago, Mitja said:

I think there is enough room for more open play goals

Absolutely, I completely agree with you! I just think they have to make engine decisions to keep scorelines in check and the road they went down a couple of years ago now is big problem for them in FM20.

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26 minuti fa, Novem9 ha scritto:

Well if you will analyze every second of every pitch area for sure you will found some issues. Im happy already because when I check table results I see logic in ALL leagues. No more topclub which systematically places in midtable or Guardiola without any power etc. I remember FM18 where are City in ChL in second season is a achievment for AI. And yes I watched tens AI vs AI games because I collected examples for one issue and I didnt notice any criminal there are too.

The outcome may be realistic enough in terms of rankings and stats, but HOW the game got there can be confusing or infuriating.

Again, if Top Club v Small Club ends 4-1, it's a reasonably accurate scoreline. However if the 4 goals have come via a long-shot by the CM, two wing-to-wing crosses and a header on corner, while the worldclass striker has bottled like 3 one-on-ones and one penalty, it's slightly less realistic.

And yes, such games happen, top strikers have long dry spells and whatnot... Still, FM20 has been, so far, chock-full of awkward or downright absurd situations with a much higher frequency.

E.g. we still remember Martin Palermo missing 3 penalties in one game because it was exceptionally bad... Judging by the screenshots many users post around the net, it's just another matchday in FM20 [BTW, I haven't had it myself, as my strikers "only" miss 30-40% of the pens, but have never got more than 2 in a game...]

Again, stats-wise everything can check out, there may be rather glaring flaws in the actual figures/proportions


26 minuti fa, Novem9 ha scritto:


3. Have no idea why you decide this. You have issues, but some members dont have issues. You say its problem not in you and decide how better to developers fix this? :) 


For the same logic: if it doesn't happen to YOU, other users are either lying or are clueless morons spreading lies?

If the "against" examples are anecdotal, so are your "for" ones...


26 minuti fa, Novem9 ha scritto:

For me this is 100% the best engine ever, I played few houndred games already and still notice some little details which never happened before :thup: the best reproduction and simulation of decisions too

Which is still a bit like being the slimmest kid at the fat camp...

As far as I can remember, every FM has had a couple of annoying ME quirks. Some almost game-breaking, others relatively harmless or at least workable. So far, to many, wide play (from crossing and side-switching to side-netting shots) and penalties have been a huge issue. And they have reported them plenty of times in the bugs forum. So it's clearly not just randos' baseless venting for venting's sake.



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10 minutes ago, RBKalle said:

For the same logic: if it doesn't happen to YOU, other users are either lying or are clueless morons spreading lies?

If the "against" examples are anecdotal, so are your "for" ones...

There's a lot of that around these parts 

I've been watching AI games, loads of them, for example I watched Leicester vs Bournemouth last night & noted every single ME bug reported, in a fairly mid-table clash. Balls over the top to Wilson & Vardy to miss 1-on-1. Vardy running through on the counter with Iheannacho running through in space centrally for Vardy to punt it wide to Ricardo. Vardy running in from wide to blast the ball into the side netting. Terrible ratings for every single player on the pitch apart from the goals scorer

Was 1-0 to Bournemouth with a miss hit cross scoring the winner. It was horrid to watch & is pretty much what I see every game, I honestly can't just ignore the issues      

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32 minutes ago, Johnny Ace said:

There's a lot of that around these parts 

I've been watching AI games, loads of them, for example I watched Leicester vs Bournemouth last night & noted every single ME bug reported, in a fairly mid-table clash. Balls over the top to Wilson & Vardy to miss 1-on-1. Vardy running through on the counter with Iheannacho running through in space centrally for Vardy to punt it wide to Ricardo. Vardy running in from wide to blast the ball into the side netting. Terrible ratings for every single player on the pitch apart from the goals scorer

Was 1-0 to Bournemouth with a miss hit cross scoring the winner. It was horrid to watch & is pretty much what I see every game, I honestly can't just ignore the issues      

Makes you wonder if the score line is scripted before the match and just plays it out with limited input from the manager

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8 hours ago, Etebaer said:

I have yet indeed the same setting as in FM19 and it never happened to me that way in FM19...

Just my assumptions;

It is partially down to the new laws. 

Previously, when there was a goal kick, the ball had to be kicked out of the penalty area for it to become in active play. That law has been changed so the ball is in play when it is kicked. That's meant teams can pull their defenders into the penalty areas and play the ball short. The tactical advantage is that the opposition are not allowed in the penalty area before it is kicked, so a goalkeeper can play it to a ball playing defender who can distribute better without being under too much pressure.

Though, in open play that doesn't apply, so there should be more variety in positioning down to your distribution style. In theory anyway.

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2 minutes ago, isignedupfornorealreason said:

Just my assumptions;

It is partially down to the new laws. 

Previously, when there was a goal kick, the ball had to be kicked out of the penalty area for it to become in active play. That law has been changed so the ball is in play when it is kicked. That's meant teams can pull their defenders into the penalty areas and play the ball short. The tactical advantage is that the opposition are not allowed in the penalty area before it is kicked, so a goalkeeper can play it to a ball playing defender who can distribute better without being under too much pressure.

Though, in open play that doesn't apply, so there should be more variety in positioning down to your distribution style. In theory anyway.

It's absolutely down to the rule change regarding opposition players not being allowed in the area before the keeper takes a goal kick. We've seen countless teams (e.g. Arsenal) stubbornly stick to this principle at great cost to them (and the manager's job this morning).

I personally think that fullbacks / wing backs are get given far too much space to receive the ball from the keeper. They are often given 30 yards or more to run into the opposition half. Does prevent short GK distribution prevent this? not fully experimented with that yet.  

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1 час назад, RBKalle сказал:

For the same logic: if it doesn't happen to YOU, other users are either lying or are clueless morons spreading lies?


if system failed for all users - its system's issue. If system works stable for part of users at least, system is correct. Error on user's side. Its simple

In ME context for sure

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