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4132 - Lack of goals

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I've been using the below 4132 after being inspired by watching Marco Rose's teams at Salzburg and now Monchengladbach as well as Gallardo at River Plate. I've been enjoying it however the team really does seem to be struggling with a lack of goals, mostly winning by one or sometimes two goals and having a lot of draws (Almost a club record apparently!) 


The strike partnership is one area I'm not as sure on, flicking between an Advanced forward and a Deep lying forward on support and two complete forwards on attack and support.




Defensive wise we are doing a lot better, sometimes having to adjust to control the flanks more or moving the Def line and LOE but the pressing is working how I want. 


Does anyone have any advice on making it a bit more potent in attack whilst not losing too much of our defensive solidity?


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It looks decent to me. I'd personally drop the LOE a bit more to get the forwards more involved in transition play while becoming more compact (there's going to be a decent sized gap between the midfield and the forwards). Perhaps change the support player up front to something like a DLF (S) or F9 (S) as well. You have a solid back 4 + Anchorman, so I'd make the choice of either going for something more aggressive than the carillero in midfield, like another mezzala, or be more adventurous with the wingbacks. 

EDIT: Also, I know it's not particularly intuitive, but despite playing a narrow formation I'd look to stretch the pitch more by going for a wider approach. This is something I always do with narrow shapes - especially as you're one of the better teams and are going to need to break down some narrow low blocks.

Edited by yellowforever
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22 hours ago, anderson36015 said:


The Prevent short GKD makes little (if any) sense in a system with only 2 players up front (besides being defensively risky for that exact reason).

4132 is a narrow system, so - like any narrow system - it relies on the fullbacks/wing-backs providing width by constantly moving up and down the pitch. And both your fullbacks are played in an overly conservative role (FB on support) for this particular type of formation, If you do not have fullbacks capable of playing more demanding roles, then simply do not use a narrow system.

Having both strikers in the same role (even with different duties) is something that I consider a tactical no-no :herman: 

Specifically in a 4132, these are striker combos I would look for:

- DLFsu / AF

- F9 / AF

- PFsu / CFat

- CFsu / PFat

- TQ / PFat

Edited by Experienced Defender
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I agree that dropping the LOE would be good for linking up the strikers. Also the 2nd CF should be a F9 or DLF. I thing F9 would be the best but you can play around with it. I would also set the RCM as a B2B. I think a Car is to passive and a Mez is to attacking with your setup. Also I would set your full backs to wing backs. You can have your left side as D but your right side can be S, and if you playing a weaker team turn on overlapping to get him down the pitch some more.

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Thanks for the feedback so far everyone!


The advice has come at a good time as just starting pre season heading into our second campaign, so going to try out a few variations over the friendly matches.


Initial changes I am going to make before assessing further:


-Remove Prevent GK distribution

-Drop LOE to standard

-Change both FB's to Wb (s)

-Strike duo change to F9 and AF


Going to use width variations depending on how we perform in each game, and also considering changing the role of the CAR to BBM or a regular CM(S) but will monitor the initial changes first.

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The problem with playing so narrow is when a team plays narrow defensively, you aren't going to get goals.  What's going to happen is any "chances" that you get to the middle those shots are going to bounce off their defensive players.  They will throw themselves in front of shots and you'll end up with alot of shots and not many goals.

You need to stretch the defense out a bit.  Not saying go extremely wide, but wider than what you have.   Especially if you're playing with the bigger clubs.  Most teams are going to play defensive formations and counter you.  

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