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Refund my FM20 purchase

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Hi, please move this thread to appropriate subforum if posted in the wrong one.

Big fan of the FM/CM Series. Well, I was. SI regresses each year. FM20 match engine is a true disaster. Shameful release. I'm sick of waiting for an update 2-3 months after the full release to attempt to fix the problems. Same old story. So without wanting this to turn into a rant/feedback post, please advise me on how I can refund the game if I've already spent 2+ hours on it (steam).


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35 minutes ago, Ronald Wallace said:

Hi, please move this thread to appropriate subforum if posted in the wrong one.

Big fan of the FM/CM Series. Well, I was. SI regresses each year. FM20 match engine is a true disaster. Shameful release. I'm sick of waiting for an update 2-3 months after the full release to attempt to fix the problems. Same old story. So without wanting this to turn into a rant/feedback post, please advise me on how I can refund the game if I've already spent 2+ hours on it (steam).


You can't so keep on playing mate

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37 minutes ago, Ronald Wallace said:

Shameful release. I'm sick of waiting for an update 2-3 months after the full release to attempt to fix the problems. 

The actual release day was 18th November, (I think). The full game has been released for 10 days. 

I'm not overly happy with this years release either, but let's just stick to basic facts shall we? 

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1 minute ago, Jimbokav1971 said:

The actual release day was 18th November, (I think). The full game has been released for 10 days. 

I'm not overly happy with this years release either, but let's just stick to basic facts shall we? 



I'm sorry? Your comment doesn't seem to make any sense. The game is release in an unfinished state, like previous FMs, and then an update is release a few months after to make it some-what playable.

Is this your first edition of FM?

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41 minutes ago, Ronald Wallace said:

Big fan of the FM/CM Series. Well, I was. SI regresses each year. FM20 match engine is a true disaster. Shameful release.

Then you shouldn't have purchased without trying the demo first. You've no one to blame but yourself.

Edited by Tiger666
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Just now, Ronald Wallace said:



I'm sorry? Your comment doesn't seem to make any sense. The game is release in an unfinished state, like previous FMs, and then an update is release a few months after to make it some-what playable.

Is this your first edition of FM?

Thanks for correcting me. So the full game has only been out for 9 days rather than 10 days. I suggest you give them a chance to resolve some of the issues. Alternatively, maybe you want to ask yourself why you bought it in the first place. You do know you don't have to buy it on release day don't you? Nobody forces you. You seem to be well aware of how things work, so with that knowledge do you really feel able to complain? 

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13 minutes ago, Dagenham_Dave said:

If it 'regresses each year' in your eyes, why on earth did you buy it in the first place and not play the demo first? I will never understand this logic. Ever. 

Now that's cleared up, I think I'll go and post on Zanussi's website to try and get a refund on a washing machine I bought out of Currys. :rolleyes:


Perhaps you don't know what beta-testing is. Though I remember reading a post from you on the feedback stating that you want the game to stay in the current-state and was going to ask the SI team to make no tweaks the match engine.

How my eyes bled.

Now that that's been cleared up I think I've concluded that you're the type to buy a washing machine with tumble drier built in.

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Just now, Jimbokav1971 said:

Thanks for correcting me. So the full game has only been out for 9 days rather than 10 days. I suggest you give them a chance to resolve some of the issues. Alternatively, maybe you want to ask yourself why you bought it in the first place. You do know you don't have to buy it on release day don't you? Nobody forces you. You seem to be well aware of how things work, so with that knowledge do you really feel able to complain? 

Beta test. To see for myself rather than read conflicting feedback. It's simple, like you - clearly.

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Closing this thread, you do not ask for refunds directly over the forum threads. You can contact Steam directly, or wherever you both the game from to ask for a refund, or send an email to SI directly asking for help. The forums isn't the place to ask for refunds.

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