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Ability star meaning

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3 hours ago, HUNT3R said:

There isn't a blanket answer to this as stars are relative to your club and the players at the club. A 3 star for Liverpool wouldn't be a 3 star for Bournemouth.

I understand that...i just wanted to know what is the relation between stars and ability in general...

But also in the future maybe it should be avoided this star measurement of a player's quality...i mean....a number a star should always be the same....if a Liverpool player is 3 star....then a lower league player should not be rated the same...If Messi, C. Ronaldo are 5 stars...no other player should have same stars...either there should be  used numbers so that we could differentiate exactly the quality of players accordingly to their qualities and the league where they are playing...

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1 minute ago, bitzu_rock said:

I understand that...i just wanted to know what is the relation between stars and ability in general...

As said, there isn't a relation. It's relative. That's why an answer to your question isn't possible.

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Just now, HUNT3R said:

As said, there isn't a relation. It's relative.

5 stars for a top world player should not be displayed for a top lower league player....just an idea...i would rather see numbers then stars...Messi and other like him (CA 100, PA 100)....other players lower numbers for CA/PA....so a 6th English league tier player could have something like CA 10 / PA 15...just to see exactly the difference between top players, normal quality player, lower quality player.

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4 minutes ago, bitzu_rock said:

5 stars for a top world player should not be displayed for a top lower league player....just an idea...i would rather see numbers then stars...Messi and other like him (CA 100, PA 100)....other players lower numbers for CA/PA....so a 6th English league tier player could have something like CA 10 / PA 15...just to see exactly the difference between top players, normal quality player, lower quality player.

That's a feature request, but it'll mean if you're a 6th English League tier player, every single player will have 0.5 stars. No one better than the other. Not sure what point there is.

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Just now, HUNT3R said:

That's a feature request, but it'll mean if you're a 6th English League tier player, every single player will have 0.5 stars. No one better than the other. Not sure what point there is.

Exactly...so either switch to numbers or raise the number of stars

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I do kind of see what you are saying, @bitzu_rock but the current star system relies on you having the backroom staff and quality of the reports which adds another level of realism to the game for me. Without staff with good JPA/JPP then their opinions won't be as 'accurate'.  Which menas I, the manager, should also be finding quality backroom staff to work with.

The 'hard' figures you are looking for are available if you are comfortable digging around in an editor and there may even be a skin or mod available that would show these numbers in the UI. Or, look at the player's attributes and make your own mind up.

As @HUNT3R said, in order to differentiate the massive gap between the best player in the game and the 'worst' there would need to be a huge number of stars. 

Use the stars as a guide and the attributes to make the decision.

Edited by Snorks
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8 hours ago, MrPompey said:

or leave it as it as as we all understand what it means

We may understand it, but it's still a source of confusion for players on a regular basis (see the many forum posts like this one), because of the uncertain nature of the star-rating system.

Both sides got a point and I don't see any elegant solution to the problem.

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16 minutes ago, Baodan said:

We may understand it, but it's still a source of confusion for players on a regular basis (see the many forum posts like this one), because of the uncertain nature of the star-rating system.

Both sides got a point and I don't see any elegant solution to the problem.

I'll make the argument that we have both right now.


1 - We have star ratings which, as we know, are relative to the club and players. A 3* for Liverpool will be a 4.5* for Bournemouth. That's the star rating showing us relative ability of players. 


2 - On the other hand, a coach or scout report will also include that the player is a "leading Premier League player" whether you're managing at Liverpool or Bournemouth. That's the opposite of the star rating and something more absolute.

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I tend not to rely on star ratings at all, anyway.  They are the opinions of your scouts or coaching staff and will only be as good as those scouts or coaching staff are.

I manage in the lower leagues where the staff are pretty useless.  In many cases they give star ratings which are bizarre. If you have two strikers, for example, they might rate one as a three star man and another as a two star.  However, if you actually go through their attribute stats you find that the two star person outscores the three.  I always do the hard sums and make up my mind on that basis!

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I use stars as a guide when looking at players I might want to sign. Are they better than what I already have? What are the areas of the team I need to strengthen? Which positions have lower star rating players? This is all done in combination with scout reports, so taking into consideration attributes, pros and cons etc.

I recently entered the realm of lower league management and have a five star striker and a couple of four star midfielders but this is all relative to the club I'm currently managing. They would not be four / five star rated if I was managing a club a couple of leagues above and hopefully as I move upwards with this club and bring in better players their star rating will gradually wain in comparison.

What it does do though is give me some help in identifying where the strengths and weaknesses are when I have absolutely no idea who these players are and what they might be like in real life.  Whereas when I normally manage Leeds United I have a very clear idea right from the start who are the good players.

And as Rupal states above the star rating is based on your backroom staff feedback as well, so always treat with caution and look at all the other related stats available. As I say above it just gives me a quick visual to work from when taking over a team I don't know anything about.

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I think the problem here is that people may want a scientific answer, its a computer game and maybe FIFA does do something

However in real life scouts and managers get it wrong about their own players, their youth players and new signings and signings they dont make that someone else does.

Personally I think getting an indication is good but it shouldnt be an exact science where ALL the facts/details are  accurately reported to the FM gamer. I want FM to reflect real life, not become sterile and obvious

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I personally wouldn’t put too much into stars and numbers and descriptions. Of course, it’s a useful tool and rough guide however nothing beats attributes.

I’ll always use my gut instinct of a player based on specific attributes. Of course, I do not know the players hidden attributes, and then using reports and numbers and stars can be useful. 

But how I feel about a player in my squad boils down to how they will fit my tactic, my dynamics, my squad cohesion, their form etc.

A prospective signing’s attributes are far more valuable to me than anything else, and part of the fun is finding players that my scouts don’t think much of, that I’ve spotted something in, that turn out to be top acquisitions. 

The fun is making up my own mind on a player. Not what my staff think. 

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Stars and numbers aren't everything.  

I remember way back signing a striker from a Norwegian lower league club for a tiny fee.  I think I was playing with Elgin City at the time.  He had a finishing stat of 6.  He couldn't miss and scored over 30 goals for me in his first season.  I kept him after we got promotion (we were forecast to end up bottom), and he did exactly the same the next season as well!

As I said he really couldn't miss.  If I remember correctly he had a very high Composure stat, which may go some way to explaining it!

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1 hour ago, Rupal said:

Stars and numbers aren't everything.  

I remember way back signing a striker from a Norwegian lower league club for a tiny fee.  I think I was playing with Elgin City at the time.  He had a finishing stat of 6.  He couldn't miss and scored over 30 goals for me in his first season.  I kept him after we got promotion (we were forecast to end up bottom), and he did exactly the same the next season as well!

As I said he really couldn't miss.  If I remember correctly he had a very high Composure stat, which may go some way to explaining it!

A finishing stat of 6 yet he was prolific? What other stats should I be looking for?

I always put my eggs in the finishing and composure stats for strikers and then hope their anticipation and vision is good as well.

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3 minutes ago, metallimuse said:

A finishing stat of 6 yet he was prolific? What other stats should I be looking for?

I always put my eggs in the finishing and composure stats for strikers and then hope their anticipation and vision is good as well.

I made the mistake years ago of always just looking primarily at finishing... it wasn't until I started coming on this forum and reading some of the really good contributions made by the community that things like composure, off the ball, anticipation etc. were just as important. Seems obvious once you are told :D

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Just now, HUNT3R said:

Balance is very important too.

I find in lower league management pace can make the difference between a striker with lower key attributes scoring more than a striker with higher typical striker type attributes but lower pace. Probably because they end up with more chances.

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1 minute ago, gibson147 said:

I made the mistake years ago of always just looking primarily at finishing... it wasn't until I started coming on this forum and reading some of the really good contributions made by the community that things like composure, off the ball, anticipation etc. were just as important. Seems obvious once you are told :D

Yep. It’s this very reason some are upset by the current ME. They think attributes aren’t being replicated properly, which may be true.

But this story, of a ST with a finishing of 6 just goes to show that either all previous ME’s ignored attributes (they didn’t) or that there are exceptions to the rules. Plus as said, other stats are just as important to how a player performs.

I’ve currently got a newgen who has been capped by England 44 times at the age of 24. His passing is 8 and his vision is 9. He’s a CB (he’s blatantly not for me) at 5’9” with a jumping of 6. However his positioning is 19. His decisions are 18. Tacking 18. Marking 17. Determination 18 etc.

He’s a CDM for me, so I’ve been retraining him there. I ask him to pass it to someone who can actually pass and wow. He’s brilliant.

Need to make our own judgements sometimes :)

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5 minutes ago, Tyburn said:

Yep. It’s this very reason some are upset by the current ME. They think attributes aren’t being replicated properly, which may be true.

But this story, of a ST with a finishing of 6 just goes to show that either all previous ME’s ignored attributes (they didn’t) or that there are exceptions to the rules. Plus as said, other stats are just as important to how a player performs.

I’ve currently got a newgen who has been capped by England 44 times at the age of 24. His passing is 8 and his vision is 9. He’s a CB (he’s blatantly not for me) at 5’9” with a jumping of 6. However his positioning is 19. His decisions are 18. Tacking 18. Marking 17. Determination 18 etc.

He’s a CDM for me, so I’ve been retraining him there. I ask him to pass it to someone who can actually pass and wow. He’s brilliant.

Need to make our own judgements sometimes :)

Indeed, I used to get obsessed with trying to get players with full capability in a role so a nice full green circle as it would be now. Of course when you actually look more into the attributes needed for a role, player traits, key mental attributes etc you can have players performing really well in a role that if you just looked at the capability circle (whatever it is called) they wouldn't seem to be the best choice.

A case in point been Stuart Dallas playing in the right wing back role in my Leeds save, capability wise he doesn't look suited. However, he played so well for me there Luke Ayling struggled to get back in the team when he was fit and capability wise he of course looks to be perfect for the role.

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