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Football Manager 2020 January & February Transfer Updates Feedback Thread

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Some notes without ME issues

  • National Team is limited. Need to more deep gameplay and improves. in all cases from interview for last day. Separately - inconvenient list of players. If somebody injured - you need to remove him and find again later. Need a pool for injured players.
  • 3D model is creepy. A real back troubles (posture) and give more suits if you started this, please.
  • I played for 38 y.o. manager from Rotterdam. His favourite club is Feyenoord, reputation is national and his current rating A+. Feyenoord ignored me and chose strange noname 62 y.o. manager from East Europe. Strange.
  • Its so stupid that Spanish season restarts in July only. Other leagues has an advantage of more early new transfer budgets. Or inbox message about reputation changes - season changes taken into account AFTER this message.
  • B-Teams. Still players from B-teams asked me for something. My U23 players have a matches, but B-Team friendly games only.
  • Every time I selled a player who has a good reputation but he is weak for team and league even, I have a stupid dialogues with team. If I buy new player before sell this guy - they still want to hear about 'we will find a better player'
  • Dialogues in general. The same guy wants more time and he wants more players in position :thup:
  • Interview - change or delete please. So routine.
  • SI talking about a lot of customers have a low laptops/pcs and we have a 'twitter' - useless thing which need some resources.
  • Manager has no favourite teams/players and unfavourite too. I mean dynamics like AI players/managers.
  • Need more interaction with DoF. I want to give him a list of request like I asking for scouts to find a players. For now we have 2 options for DoF
  1. I find player and asking DoF for contract negotiations
  2. DoF find players and buy them himself

But I really need new option where I 'describe' for DoF players I need and he searching for them (like scout tasks)

  • imrpoves for manager licenses and attribute distribution by myself
  • Freekicks/corners improves. No marking for players, positions only (if I say CAM is taker so its any player who plays CAM position right now). The worst thing when my LB is corner kicker or my CB is throw-in kicker
  • Honestly looks like current interface is outdated. I dont mean a visual GUI, I mean interface engine (forget how it calls). So we have some resets, bugs, slow work and limited flexibility
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The whole B-Team stuff needs to be rewritten so it works like the U19 which is a direct part of the club instead of being a "permanent affiliate of a Special Kind" with little control over plus complicated staff Management.

Edited by Etebaer
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Is there any reason why attributes can no longer be selected from this drop down? Removing this and forcing you to use the "attributes" section to the right exclusively results in the following problems;

You can no longer select both a minimum and maximum value when searching for attributes. When you are trying to find, for example, someone to be a technical coach and you're unable to get staff members with a technical attribute of a certain amount to join you, you might want to reduce your maximum setting to exclude the people you've already tried and failed to sign. If you're playing as a smaller club remembering the individual names of all the guys you already spoke to (or rearranging the attributes which are displayed every single time to include what you're searching for, rather than being able to use your own custom settings) can be a real pain in the ass.

You can no longer add a single attribute to your search criteria at a later point. You will have to use the option on the right. This is particularly annoying because if you've tweaked the values for the attributes you're looking for that'll all go out the window... When you add in another attribute that and the pre-existing ones must all be set to one individual value.

I'm sure there are other problems with this that haven't immediately occurred to me... You have a game in which searching for people by a set of values is a key aspect yet you've taken a set up which offered a comprehensive set of options to do that and stunted it. What could possibly have led to such a completely ridiculous decision?

Could you please advise if this is something that's been messed up by accident or a deliberate decision?


Edited by drizzlynewt
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1 minute ago, JJ2k19 said:

What about next years FM game, what if SI are not able to fix the flaws of the current ME are they just going to feed the customer garbage once again?

Positive criticism of the game is welcomed- the responses in some of your last few posts are not, so please have a think before posting like this again.

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25 minutes ago, FrazT said:

Positive criticism of the game is welcomed- the responses in some of your last few posts are not, so please have a think before posting like this again.

hard to make positive criticism once the announcement was made that the major bugs remaining with the match engine would not be fixed in this version of FM. The existence of these bugs was acknowledged by the SI team and to be happy to leave them unresolved is amazing.

No doubt fixing them is very complicated otherwise it would have been done post beta but it really blemishes the FM brand. This is the first release in 20+ years where the game is left with a ME that has such glaring issues. Before there might have been MEs you could exploit but nothing as significant as the 1 vs 1 problem we have had here since Beta. 

I think only naive people will buy next years game until its knowledge on these boards the ME is satisfactory 

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I have to admit, after the update many big issues are solved as i dont see them anymore like the stupid thru balls or the endless 1 on 1 misses. So im glad that it is solved and better now. The game is overall very nice too only its just the games, and especially the away games that bothers me much the last time. I just cant win easy while in my home games, in like almost a same tactic i can win the games. And if i was a small oke but im a big club. And now some will say yeah its your tactic, well it might be yes, but still the difference is just to huge.

Also the in game tactics changes a lot, the Ai's especially and you kinda need to react on them to win somehow. And what also botters me are those exploit tactics, really 99,9% of them are just extreme pressing tactics, i mean come on, that shows immediatly the weaknesses in this ME and its AI's. And its something which people can do if they want to but it is really not cool as i want to understand the tweaks and stuff. Not just plug n play while my tactic is full of tweaks i dont understand. But the hard thing is again, you need to watch the whole game to see whats happening and really that is something i just cant do. 

So maybe Si could think about a better help AI from the Ass. manager who gives advices in the game, where he dont say, we could go better pass direct or untick tackle harder etc. but instead analyse the opponent and tell you like, go more on counter to exploit their spaces in the back or their attack is coming from the centre mostly, then you know oke i could go defens narrower and so on. So you can understand the game better and what to do in different situations. Now its hard, as i just watch extended highlights and nah im totally not into watching a game on full, that is just too much. I like this managing game but im not a IRL manager lol. Also also the instructions could give a virtual image of what the tweak is doing excatly instead of only a bit of written info. An image could give you a better view on it i think. 

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@drizzlynewt Please don't misrepresent staff and target moderators with such comments.

I've had to remove your post for this reason. There were some comments you made that were fine; but making comments directly laid at particular people and posting misinformation is not acceptable. 

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@drizzlynewt  I don't normally comment when questioned by a user but in this case, because of your eloquent defence of his post, it is justified.

My post ti JJ2k19 responded not just to the post he had just made, but to "some of your last few posts", 3 of which had required to be hidden because of their disrespectful content.  I would refer you to this thread from the House Rules https://community.sigames.com/topic/509042-providing-feedback-and-engaging-with-others/?tab=comments#comment-12192127


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4 minutes ago, ExeChris said:

As per @Travis Bickle above.  That first game after a successful transfer window...



It can't always be "your tactics".

The only way to actually score in this game consistently is with your wingers or from corners. If you try to feed your striker forget about it.

I want SI to once and for all explain how scoring and finishing actually works within the ME otherwise I'm through with this game for good. 

Edited by Travis Bickle
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Something I saw happen for me and I'm not sure if someone else has it but.

Players with preferred foot 'Either' (Think of Hazard and Son for example). Don't use whatever foot when they need to. They are just preferred foot 'Right' who happen to have a good 'Left' foot. I haven't seen them use their left foot once despite it often being the best option in many situations. Instead they stop, try to get to their right only to either lose the ball, play it back to the back, disturbing the flow of the attack and wasting a chance, or they just cross it into no man's land. For Son I can somewhat understand it since he still has 'Cut inside' PPM so he still tends to end up on his right a lot. (Even though there also are plenty of times he actually goes up the line and pulls the same thing.) but Hazard doesn't have it and the amount of times he reaches a perfect crossing position with his left only to completely waste it like that is... yeah, it's just annoying when it happens constantly.

Again, could just be something that's just happening for me, but I still wanted to share it and see if someone had similar experiences or observations on that.

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8 hours ago, Lucas said:

@drizzlynewt Please don't misrepresent staff and target moderators with such comments.

I've had to remove your post for this reason. There were some comments you made that were fine; but making comments directly laid at particular people and posting misinformation is not acceptable. 

Perhaps you could clarify what misinformation I posted?

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3 hours ago, FrazT said:

@drizzlynewt  I don't normally comment when questioned by a user but in this case, because of your eloquent defence of his post, it is justified.

My post ti JJ2k19 responded not just to the post he had just made, but to "some of your last few posts", 3 of which had required to be hidden because of their disrespectful content.  I would refer you to this thread from the House Rules https://community.sigames.com/topic/509042-providing-feedback-and-engaging-with-others/?tab=comments#comment-12192127


Then if I could make a suggestion; Perhaps a *private* rebuke would be in order in instances where the conduct of a person will not be visible to the community at large? Surely the only purpose of doing so publicly - assuming that you're not attempting to embarrass someone - is to have it act as an example of what is acceptable/unacceptable behaviour?

The same problem arises now on account of Lucas' action; I made a criticism of you which, in retrospect, may have been invalid on the basis of information which was simply not available to me. You were able to clarify your position. I get the sense that this was, in part, because you understood that with the information available to me there was a valid cause for concern. Had my post been left in place it would have been possible for others reading the forum to be informed about this matter.

Once an action is taken in public, rather than in private, it opens it up to public scrutiny. I'm not saying this just to be argumentative but because it needs to be taken into account that, had I not decided to actually address the matter with you (as the vast majority of people won't) I'd have been left with a really bad impression of the forum. I can't believe that I'm the only person who'd feel that way in instances where people are having posts directly quoted and being warned for behaviour which not only isn't in that post but can't be found at all on the message board. On the other hand chastising a user privately to address behaviour which is no longer public would not only avoid potentially giving a bad impression to other users (or, for that matter, spamming up a thread) but would also be more likely to result in rehabilitation of the poster in question because people are more likely to acquiesce to your requests when there isn't an element of public embarrassment attached.

Regardless, I appreciate the clarification and the humility required to make it.

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On 08/04/2020 at 15:22, Federico said:

I think the problem is that the people not happy about the game is a minority according to SI and according to the number of people playing it and the hours they spend on it.

Surely the game need to be improved, but probably, according to their view, it is not that bad and fixes are not that urgent as we (myself included) are depicting.

I uninstalled FM20 too for the same reason. Again, I purchased a version of FM I barely played, and not because of lack of time only. Incredibly, I personally find FM15 or even FM07 more entertaining and realistic to play. No offense, I know a lot of work has been made meanwhile.

Yea SI are bragging quite alot on twitter about how many people are playing this game. I personally think its the worst match engine so far but as long as people are still buying/playing and anyone that criticises the game is in the minority then it won't be changed 

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3 hours ago, Travis Bickle said:

It can't always be "your tactics".

The only way to actually score in this game consistently is with your wingers or from corners. If you try to feed your striker forget about it.

I want SI to once and for all explain how scoring and finishing actually works within the ME otherwise I'm through with this game for good. 

The only way I've found to have a prolific tactic was setting up my wingers and full backs crossing aiming the far post, only way to win games and have someone scoring more than 15 goals per season.

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30 minutes ago, lex311085 said:

Yea SI are bragging quite alot on twitter about how many people are playing this game. I personally think its the worst match engine so far but as long as people are still buying/playing and anyone that criticises the game is in the minority then it won't be changed 


30 minutes ago, lex311085 said:

Yea SI are bragging quite alot on twitter about how many people are playing this game. I personally think its the worst match engine so far but as long as people are still buying/playing and anyone that criticises the game is in the minority then it won't be changed 

I agree with you but actually looking back at the games the ME has been getting progressively worse since 2015. Lack of competition maybe but SI will either adapt or kill this great series. There has been a lot of criticism of this version and the last one over the internet. The real problem is the ME fails to spot a short killer central pass, always goes wide in 20, every time, previous 2 versions most of the time. 

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Pre season without any injures (just few micro on 1-5 days)

Matchday 1, won 5-1.

4 important players (CB, DLP, BBM and MEZ) are injured in next 10 days. When I asked to challenge, I didn't mean this


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12 hours ago, Travis Bickle said:

Just don't think I can keep playing this game for my own mental health. 

It is incredibly frustrating to pour time into something that offers no reward. I've watched a lot of football in my life, and obviously you get frustrations in real football, but on this game it is something else.

Just about everyone can agree that SI need to fix one on one conversions and set pieces. You will consistently encounter in this game your strikers fluffing one on ones only for you to lose 1-0 from a set piece. This repeats itself time, and time, and time, and time again. SI need to fix this, otherwise the game is ultimately a painful experience. I just can't stand this anymore. I can stand losing when you're outplayed, not when 90% of your losses are from set piece goals. 

Well i have to agree with you. I already said some issues are solved so that is oke. But there is still much to improve for sure. I Forgot about the set pieces and yeah that is a major issue too which is totally not balanced in the game. Even small players heads in goals like they are Sergio Ramos. Im trying to find the joy in the game but i have to admit its hard. Everything is very nice for me, but the in game, ME and especially the away games can be so frustrating. And im just trying to get there but its hard. If this continues like this im sure i wont buy fm21, and if so for sure not directly but watch it out. And as you said a game shouldnt bring more frustations but instead more enjoyment and sometimes a bit frustrations would be oke then. Its not balanced at all for me atm sadly. 

#Where I played hour after hour on the older Fm's easliy now i find it hard to start FM because im afraid i will get back into frustrations# 

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How’s everyone finding wide free kicks in this game? I’m decent at setting them up to score a goal but it’s a complete mess when setting it up defensively.

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4 minutos atrás, Jaydenoren disse:

Como todos estão encontrando chutes livres neste jogo? E decente em configurá-los, mas é uma bagunça completa ao configurá-lo defensivamente.

This game is totally unbalanced in relation to that

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Seems like I should follow these rules to ensure I don't waste my money anymore:

1. No pre-ordering.

2. Play the demo AND read the forums to see whether issues are being fixed or just outright abandoned because this is the second/third year in a row I'm going through this.

Playing the demo isn't a decider on it's own anymore sadly. Major issues are just being pushed to the next version year after year after year.

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Good penalty takers miss too many penalties, it's something I have noticed for a while so I created a player with 20 penalty taking, 17 finishing and 17 composure, and he has scored 6/10.

The best penalty takers in real life barely miss/have a shot saved, MLT missed 1 from over 40, good penalty takers have like 95% scoring rates, not 60%.

I also checked Harry Kane, who also has 20 for penalties, 19 finishing, 17 composure and he scored 4 from 7 last season. 

Raul Jimenez, 20 penalty taking, 3 from 5.

Cristiano Ronaldo, 4 from 5. 


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On 08/04/2020 at 16:24, hh123 said:


Again for me deciding the engine wont be worked on anymore is quite amusing. Above match a prime example: My team with 2 world class strikers and a world class gk: 6 clear cut chances and 4 half chances (2 goals one an own goal and 2nd a penalty...). Other team zero clear cut or half chances and 2 goals...  


The above scenario happens time and time again. The reality is clear cut chances (excluding penalties) have a 1 in 4 chance of going in at best?  half chances a 1 in 6?  The conversion rates for these for me are far lower than long range shots that are not blocked and also probably similar to conversion rates from corners...

Most goals scored from forwards are rebounds after another shot or even sliding tackles near the goal...

Yes you can play the match engine (I have won the cup last 4 seasons, league last 3 and last season won all domestic trophies), CL harder as a teams performance seems so erratic (1 day i could beat Real Madrid 7-0 and next lose 5-0 to Man Unt with identical tactics and line up) however its still very frustating just seeing nicely crafted opportunities missed again and again with strikers with 18 finishing, composure and technique...  As someone who plays/ed football to lower semi pro level in real life even I would have at least double the conversion ratio presented these chances than my world class forwards have. 

Yeh see similar, you batter the opposition, create 1v1s, close range shots, point blank headers and then the AI goes and scored from their first counter or first set piece highlight or some long range shot.

One game I played Norwich, battered them all game I had 5 clear cut chances, 4 half chances at least, a host of other shots inside the box saved, they counter me from a corner, cross from out wide, a guy with long shots of 10, technique of 11, finishing of 9, on his WRONG foot, volleys in first time from 25 yards on the run. He also was lacking match sharpness and it was his first goal of the season.  I managed to go on to win the game 2-1, but seriously I should have battered them 3-4 to nil easily, but nope, not in this version of the game and this happens far too often.

Just played Liverpool in the Charity Shield, won 3-2, which on paper is a great result, but it shouldn't have even been that close, they created nothing in game but scored from a Milner long shot (long shots of 9) and a Matip volley from just inside the box after a set piece, who has finishing of 7. Meanwhile my strikers with like 16/17 finishing, fail to score in 3 1v1s and Allison also saves a penalty from my penalty taking 20 player. 

Consistently I have to create 3 times the number of chances and shot to the opposition to out score them in most games. 

It's also dissapointing because I can see where my tactic works and where it's weaknesses are, but consistently don't score goals or concede goals due to that, I score goals from corners and counter attacks as much as I do from chances created even though I create lots of good chances, and concede not from overloads or being too attacking but because of silly things like my player dwells on the ball after a throw in and I get countered despite setting up my set pieces for that not to happen.  Or from set pieces or counters from corners where my people on the edge of the box seem to go missing all the time and my two covering defenders never get to the ball before the ONE attacker.

It just makes it frustrating to watch. 

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Clear cut chances almost only  ever result in goals once the GK is out the way (player has dribbled past him) gk has saved the ball and the rebound is almost and open gaol, a cross or pass takes it so the shot isnt in the gks range. If its a clear cut chance with the gk in range conversion rates must be 20% tops. 

When you have two good teams like in the later CL stages it often becomes a complete lottery and nothing to do with tactics 

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Yes wide free kick assists, long shots more scary than 1 vs 1 chance. It doesn't make much sense. I've re installed and played FM 2018 again and it was the opposite. Long shots and set pieces weren't any effective.  But still I much prefer '18 version. ME feels more realistic about attributes weight about how goals scored in open play and through short balls in middle. Let's see what '21 version will show..

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Also why is the hoof over the top still so stupidly effective? Just played Palace, they camp in their box the whole game and just hoof the ball over the top creating chance after chance through it, despite literally having the bang average Ayew up front against my two world class centre backs, but of course Palace defenders that have no playmaking ability can first time hoof perfect 70 yard balls, that the again the completely average Ayew somehow controls perfectly and my two centre-backs are nowhere to be seen, whereas IRL NONE of that would ever happen, such balls those players are not capable of and would be meat and drink to even average PL centre backs let alone quality ones.

This match engine is so horribly broken and this problem has been in the game for like 2 years and still isn't fixed, IRL goals from clearances/long passes from box to box leading to direct 1v1s barely ever happens at the top level because defenders are too good for such simple tactics, it has to be a proper error to cause it, but in game it happens game after game. 

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Been paying a lot more due to the lockdown and I have to say the one on ones are still horrendous, getting plenty through balls and good build up but strikers only seem to score from a cut back into the box from a wide players.

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30 minutes ago, Domoboy23 said:

Would people say the ME has gone backwards since 19? Regardless of their opinion on the 19 engine?

(I have played both, and just wondering other peoples opinions as I may of become a bit blind-sided)

IMO the ME has gone backwards since FM15/16/17

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After reading through this thread, I'm glad to see that I'm not alone in thinking this game and particularly, the match engine, isvery much flawed.

It's unbelievably predictable which takes away the excitement from the matches. You already know what's gonna happen before it happens.

Some of the issues that spring to mind:

- One on ones/set pieces = There's been enough said about this already so no need for me to elaborate.

- Poor first touches = This is just incredible how poor this feature is in the match engine. Players keeping the ball in and taking 10+ seconds to recover their position and coincidentally allowing just enough time to let the opposition player run 20-30 yards and steal the ball.  Also, when a diagonal ball comes across to the winger and he heads/chests it and it ends up near the halfway line.....ridiculous how poor this is considering the supposed 'advancements' within the gameplay. Get the basics right first.

- Passing = I've lost count how many times my centre-back will have the ball with the full back in acres of space and instead he passes it straight to the opposition in midfield or to another teammate who is marked completely.....another ridiculous flaw.

Many issues which have already been raised in this thread. I appreciate how difficult it can be to get a game like this to a realistic level as possible however, when the series has been running for a number of years and the game is only going backwards it makes you question.

It can never be a good sign and certainly not value for money when people have to go back to old games such as CM 01/02, etc. just to enjoy some football management experience during these unprecedented times!

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Wow, I'm loving this game in quarantine. Best version ever imo. To those not enjoying the ME, dare I say it, the forbidden words: it's your tactics, maybe? :lol:

Or even your players not fitting your system and style? What about your man management of player morale and rotation? Or your tactical flexibility in matches not working out?

One really has to think about the opposition this version before a match, which is closer to real life, after all, this is what a simulation is supposed to be like.

Granted it's not perfect, which game is? But every year it gets better. 

So SI, you probably know this, by the number of hours people put into your game, but most players love the game. Keep at it in the new world order!

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On 13/04/2020 at 06:53, saiyaman said:

Seems like I should follow these rules to ensure I don't waste my money anymore:

1. No pre-ordering.

2. Play the demo AND read the forums to see whether issues are being fixed or just outright abandoned because this is the second/third year in a row I'm going through this.

Playing the demo isn't a decider on it's own anymore sadly. Major issues are just being pushed to the next version year after year after year.

Nobody should ever pre-order a game, ever. Wait until it's out, you've read a lot of opinion, THEN make the decision whether to give developers your hard earned money. Make them earn it, don't give in to pre-order discounts, it's a cancer.

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7 hours ago, Braincomplexa said:

Wow, I'm loving this game in quarantine. Best version ever imo. To those not enjoying the ME, dare I say it, the forbidden words: it's your tactics, maybe? :lol:

Or even your players not fitting your system and style? What about your man management of player morale and rotation? Or your tactical flexibility in matches not working out?

One really has to think about the opposition this version before a match, which is closer to real life, after all, this is what a simulation is supposed to be like.

Granted it's not perfect, which game is? But every year it gets better. 

So SI, you probably know this, by the number of hours people put into your game, but most players love the game. Keep at it in the new world order!

My central defender scored 4 goals after set-pieces in one game, he ended up having 18 goals in the league. Central defender. 

Please sir, let me know which tactics should I use to fix this? 

Edited by Marko1989
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6 minutes ago, Marko1989 said:

My central defender scored 4 goals after set-pieces in one game, he ended up having 19 goals in the league. Central defender. 

Please sir, let me know which tactics should I use to fix this? 

Well, for one you can change your set pieces to score less that way. 

I've found that to score more open goals the game needs to think your tactic is working, so I can suggest tweaking your tactic and set pieces to see more variety. But maybe there is a bit too much set piece goals regardless... :onmehead:

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Just now, Braincomplexa said:

Well, for one you can change your set pieces to score less that way. 

I've found that to score more open goals the game needs to think your tactic is working, so I can suggest changing your tactic and set pieces to see more variety. But maybe there is a bit too much set piece goals regardless... :onmehead:

Oh thanks, next time when I pay for a football game I will try to score less, sadly I had to uninstall this one. I wish I knew that earlier

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5 minutes ago, Marko1989 said:

Oh thanks, next time when I pay for a football game I will try to score less, sadly I had to uninstall this one. I wish I knew that earlier

I mean, you said it, it's a football game. What kind of football do you want to see? Well, play the game that way then. I score in every way possible and I love it. I'm sorry you went to uninstalling it, but we all know you'll be back :lol: Or not and that's absolutely fine and maybe a blessing in disguise? 

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7 hours ago, Braincomplexa said:

Wow, I'm loving this game in quarantine. Best version ever imo. To those not enjoying the ME, dare I say it, the forbidden words: it's your tactics, maybe? :lol:

Or even your players not fitting your system and style? What about your man management of player morale and rotation? Or your tactical flexibility in matches not working out?

One really has to think about the opposition this version before a match, which is closer to real life, after all, this is what a simulation is supposed to be like.

Granted it's not perfect, which game is? But every year it gets better. 

So SI, you probably know this, by the number of hours people put into your game, but most players love the game. Keep at it in the new world order!

In my opinion you are wrong.

In this thread I previously posted that I won the Premier League and Champion's League with my strikers refusing to score and key players injured more than often because I often won through random Long Shots and Set Pieces.

My tactics are not the problem. SI got it right outside the ME but got it wrong inside the ME. I create a lot more clear cut chances and end up winning through set pieces.

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Just now, saiyaman said:

In my opinion you are wrong.

In this thread I previously posted that I won the Premier League and Champion's League with my strikers refusing to score and key players injured more than often because I often won through random Long Shots and Set Pieces.

My tactics are not the problem. SI got it right outside the ME but got it wrong inside the ME. I create a lot more clear cut chances and end up winning through set pieces.

Strangely enough I haven't won either yet, and believe me I've tried, but I enjoy the match engine a lot. For one, my striker scores for fun, and this is due to my tactic. I remember painfully when my strikers were not, but now I understand the game a bit better and that's the honest reason.

OK, you won those competitions through long shots and set pieces, but was it mostly those goals or is it confirmation bias a little bit? Either way there are way to score less that way and ways to score more from open play. It's a game, and it calculates so many variables: the players, the morale, the system, the style, the tactic, the opposition players, morale, tactic etc. Until it all fits into place for it to work nicely. 

This thread here (a long read, but best of all time on here IMO)

 skyrocketed my understanding of football in general and reignited my enjoyment of this game to its peak. I hope you can get the enjoyment you want 

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I was thinking about governments that have paid trolls. Not to disrespect honest kids feedback.

But  what tactic you would like against youth team, first team scoring from wide free kick 5 goals in same match. Well age about +30 in my team they don't need tactic anyway. They should already memorized their role.  That should be it. :)


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despite home isolation i have had to uninstall the game and this is when i have more time than ever before to play.

Have bought some other games and wont be buying a future version again until I see ME working (everything else for me works great)  but with matches being such an important piece i cant do it.  I considered playing more as a football director and just holidaying the actual matches themselves so i dont have to watch the ME  but its not the same. 

How Sigames are happy with this i do not know. Yes player numbers are probably up due to the virus but expect them to crash next year due to the actual experience this ME gives

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On 13/04/2020 at 00:53, saiyaman said:

Seems like I should follow these rules to ensure I don't waste my money anymore:

1. No pre-ordering.

2. Play the demo AND read the forums to see whether issues are being fixed or just outright abandoned because this is the second/third year in a row I'm going through this.

Playing the demo isn't a decider on it's own anymore sadly. Major issues are just being pushed to the next version year after year after year.

You forget that things could be passable in November and be absolutely ruined come the February patch, so you have no chance at all to know when it is a good idea to buy.

All you can know for certain is whatever the state of the game it will be abandoned in March.

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I've been off work for 18 days as I'm frontline worker who started developing symptoms. I thought about so many times of booting up FM20 and giving it another go, but in the end I didn't. That's how bad this game is. What a shame. 

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