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Board Attributes


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I know background staff such as your board members have a big influence on the game, especially with the club vision now involved in the game this season. However, I would like to see some sort of indication or status to know how good your background staff are. Obviously you cannot hire or fire them, that's not what I am asking.

I am asking for a star rating for either your board members or a 1-20 attributes which can be seen by you. I believe they do have attributes which are hidden and can be viewed on the database editors or a few tools which you can download like FMSE on FMScout. The reason why I want to bring this to a viewable attribute screen is because of the heavy influence they have in the game. In regards to finances and negotiating new deals, you may wonder as the manager why your not getting great new sponsorship's and higher income. An attributes screen or star rating of your board can detail that. 

The biggest point of this is during negotiations you can opt for the board to negotiate or if the board take over buying players then you would want to know roughly how good they are at negotiations. If they are poor at negotiations then they could spend way over budget or not even get the player that you want. This is the same for player contract negotiations, sometimes the board could overspend or force a player to not sign a new contract for being poor in negotiations. 

As I said, this is not an ability for a manager to take over and do board activities, that is not within a manager's scope. Rather, it is the ability for the manager to understand and make a decision whether to rely on background staff or take on more responsibilities or leave them to the board. For example, I know Daniel Levy is an absolute hard-man when negotiating and very stubborn - that can be reflected with attributes or star ratings including a personality which is already available in editors or the database editors but displayed for the manager to see. It can also be a deciding factor when selecting a new team if you know how the board operate.

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