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Develop Youth Players Promise?

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So I've inadvertently been lumbered with a promise to 'Develop youth players' after my squad / captain complained about me selling a crap striker.

I have about 250 days to achieve this, but what is classed as keeping this promise and being successful at this? 

I have two or three young players out on loan this year that I have an eye on for next season but it's not something I've been focusing on specifically in this save.

Is there somewhere I've missed I can see the actual conditions for these promises? 


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I’ve got a player moaning about exactly this right now too. I’m halfway through the season and he’s happy with the promise. I’ve got 6-7 wonderkids in my first team squad :) I’m 4th in the league.

Play some under 20’s in your first team. Hope they play well.

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On 25/04/2018 at 13:25, Neil Brock said:

It depends on the context how it was promised. Was the player angling for a move away to a bigger club? Or was it in reaction to a player being sold?

If it was due to interest in the player from a bigger club, you would be expected to bring your team up to the same standard as the interested club. 

If it was a reaction to a player being sold, I need to clarify to know 100%, but I believe the promise means that you need to have players progress to a high rating than the player sold. 

Either way, playing some under 20's in your first team and hope they play well, probably wont cut it.

Edited by Baodan
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27 minutes ago, Baodan said:


Either way, playing some under 20's in your first team and hope they play well, probably wont cut it.

Except that’s exactly what’s happened for me and the player I’ve promised is happy. Weird right?

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I've experienced the opposite which is why I knew where to find that quote from Neil Brock. I'm merely passing this piece of information on and not looking for any kind of argument regarding this subject.

Good weekend to the both of you.

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1 hour ago, Baodan said:

I've experienced the opposite which is why I knew where to find that quote from Neil Brock. I'm merely passing this piece of information on and not looking for any kind of argument regarding this subject.

Exactly. You can play them and still not fulfil that promise. There are many players who complained about that on the forum in recent years. I always considered it that the player must reach CA of the player who is sold to fulfil it. That might not be true but it's just how I think about that promise based on my experience. But It is the promise I avoid. Just tell the players that no individual is more important then the club and that they drop it. 

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It’s a trust in youth situation. You’ve basically promised that the sold player won’t be missed because you’ve got some great looking prospects coming through. The promise is that they, or you as a club perform as well as, or better, with these kids in your 1st team squad now that you’ve sold the player everyone is crying about, based on your clubs expectations for a season.

If you are fulfilling your expectations and the kids are contributing then the promise will be met.

All of my squads, like forever, have an abundance of youth in the first team. It’s my personal philosophy. I’ve never had an issue with this promise.

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Hmm, thanks for the responses guys. 

We will see how it goes, I wasn't anticipating it actually being a promise haha. Maybe 3 young players but they aren't quite ready for me and my first team is set and needs to be played as much as possible to give us the best chance of top half so, no intentions to change things up with young players until next season earliest. 

I am a club legend from national north to top half championship so I don't anticipate a major issue (knocks on wood)!

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Yeah, it’s frustrating after a simple chat with a player to find out you’ve actually made them a promise!

Did you say to the promised player, in a chat, that we’ve got some good kids coming through and the sold player won’t be missed?

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17 minutes ago, Tyburn said:

Yeah, it’s frustrating after a simple chat with a player to find out you’ve actually made them a promise!

Did you say to the promised player, in a chat, that we’ve got some good kids coming through and the sold player won’t be missed?

Exactly that option, mate.

I have two interesting young strikers out on loan for the season and in my mind I was thinking well they're a good loan season away from pressing for first team action so it made sense as an answer. 

Not to mention the player sold played 5 times, scored 0 and when an offer came in to basically refund what I paid I took it.

My main striker has been here since league 2 and is a consistent 15 goal championship player at the minute, and for us bottom half/mid-table side establishing ourselves at this level, that's going to be hard to dislodge.

Saying that one of the loanee's just scored a hat-trick in his debut for Port Vale so things are looking up!

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