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[FM21] Stuniverse's FM21 Adventure


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5 hours ago, Bitner said:

Congratulations on promotion! Hope there's more to come, and that coaching badges... finally


Thanks, @Bitner. The 2021 season in 2. Deild was very exciting and now, finally, in my third pre-season of the save I get to study for a coaching badge. The Chairman finally came through for me just as he announces he’s not standing for re-election.

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Wednesday 8th December 2021


Torshavn SportsJogvan Askham is the latest candidate to announce he'll be standing for Chairman in the upcoming Undrid Fotboltsfelag election. Aki Tunga was the first candidate to announce his intention to stand.


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Saturday 25th December 2021


Torshavn Sports: Hogni Lokin has joined Jogvan Askham and Aki Tunga in the election race to become the next Undrid Fotboltsfelag Chairman.


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Saturday 1st January 2022


Torshavn Sports: Undrid Fotboltsfelag have announced six pre-season friendlies. Undrid will kick-off heir pre-season against 3. Deild side Midvags Boltfelag, before playing two 2. Deild teams in Vikingur Gota III and FC Suduroy. Undrid will then play three Betri Deildin Menn sides 07 Vestur, Itrottarfelag Fuglafjardar and Vikingur Gota.


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Saturday 1st January 2022


Torshavn Sports: Any Undrid Fotboltsfelag supporters still thinking they dreamt last season's promotion will have seen the reality today as the 1. Deild fixture list was announced.




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Monday 3rd January 2022


Torshavn Sports: Election Day has arrived for Undrid Fotboltsfelag with four main candidates to become the next chairman. 

Aki Tunga, Hogni Lokin, Jogvan Askham and Mattias Arge have all announced they will continue running the club as it has been run previously if elected Chairman.


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Monday 3rd January 2022



Torshavn Sports: Mattias Arge has won the election to succeed Arnar Lognberg as Chairman of Undrid Fotboltsfelag.



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Tuesday 4th January 2022



Annika Vestergaard: Well?


Stuniverse: Well, what?

Annika Vestergaard: Did you meet him? The new Chairman? What did he say?

Stuniverse: Oh, Mr Arge. Mr Mattias Arge. Yeah, we spoke briefly.

Annika Vestergaard: And?

Stuniverse: Well he shook my hand, congratulated me on winning the 2. Deild title and gaining promotion to 1. Deild, and thanked me for my patience during the Election canvassing and the Election itself. Mr Arge said he's delighted to be Chairman of Undrid Fotboltsfelag.


Annika Vestergaard: And? Anything else?

Stuniverse: Well he said there would be no cash investment into the club and that he wasn't here to rock the boat.

Annika Vestergaard: OK. Is that good? Do you think you can work with him?

Stuniverse: Well, we briefly talked about his vision for the club and, to be fair, I couldn't see any difference between what Mr Arge was saying and what Mr Lognberg had said. As you know, Mr Lognberg was very stubborn and set in his ways which wound me up no end so hopefully Mr Arge will be easier to get along with... Time will tell on that one.


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Wednesday 19th January 2022


Torshavn Sports: Undrid Fotboltsfelag have confirmed the signing of 22 year-old centre-back Aron Sorensen on a free transfer from Klaksvikar Itrottarfelag III.

Undrid manager Stuniverse reunites with Sorensen who was a virtual ever present in Stuniverse's first 18-months in charge, until Sorensen surprisingly decided to leave for KI III in July last year. Both teams got promoted to 1. Deild but Stuniverse was able to persuade Sorensen to return to J & K Vollur.

Welcome back, Aron.






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Wednesday 19th January 2022


Torshavn Sports: Undrid Fotboltsfelag continue their busy transfer window by announcing the signing of 26 year-old midfielder Solvi Egilsson on a free transfer from 07 Vestur.





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Jack Wilson sits down in a booth in the corner of and nervously waits for manager Stuvinerse to show. It's been around 10 months since he was barred from the Udrid facilities by then owner Arnar Lognberg, while Jack still showed up to some games he didn't dare to decided to try and interview Stuniverse incase it got him in trouble. But with the owner deciding not to run for reelection and Udrid just won promotion so Jack that it was worth the risk. Jack didn't have anything to fear as just 10 mins after he sat down Manager Stuniverse arrived.


Jack: It's been a very long absence but it's good to see you again manager Stuniverse. First off big congrats on winning the league and taking Udrid to new heights. I got some questions for you if you don't mind.


Stuniverse: Likewise, Jack. It’s been a while but I don’t think we can say any more about that, can we? Not while Mr. Lognberg remains Chairman of Undrid. Thank you. It was an amazing season, unbelievable in many ways, and of course fire away with your questions.


Jack: Just how magical of a season was that for you and your squad?


Stuniverse: Magical is a good word for it because we hadn’t even thought about winning the 2. Deild Title in pre-season. Yes, we thought we could build on the previous successful season to challenge for promotion, but to win the title in such style, by such a comfortable distance, breaking Undrid and 2. Deild records left, right and centre was beyond our wildest dreams.


Jack: What are your thoughts about being promoted and playing in a new league?


Stuniverse: I’m just so proud of everybody connected to the club and that they got their rewards for all the hard work and effort they’ve put in, not just this season, but last season, and in previous years.

The players, of course, were magnificent. They stood up and were counted from the very first game of the campaign and they grew in confidence as we gathered momentum and won game, after game, after game. We had the odd set-back along the way, we lost two consecutive league games at one point, but the players showed the togetherness we have in the squad, the spirit and character they have both individually and collectively, and bounced back stronger than ever after each setback.

Hopefully, playing in 1. Deild will help us bring in more revenue through increased attendances and more commercial and marketing opportunities.


Jack: You must be very happy that you are now a Semi pro club but what does it change for player contracts, ability to bring in players and your own salary? Will you still be have to be working at the bar/restaurant on your off days?


Stuniverse: Blimey, there’s quite a few things wrapped up in that question.

For me, personally, yes I’m now being paid by Undrid but I wouldn’t go so far as to call it a salary, I’m certainly not going to be able to raise a mortgage off the back of it. So, yes, I’ll still be working behind the bar and waiting tables in Mr and Mrs Vestergaard’s hostelry.

We can now pay our players although, to be fair, none of them are contracted as such but they will get paid appearance money and bonuses next season. Hopefully that’ll make it harder for other clubs to prize our players away from J & K Vollur, but it does mean we’re still powerless if a player gets a better offer and wants to leave.


Jack: I'm pretty biased in my thoughts about Arnar Lognberg but now that he's not your boss what are your thoughts on him and your time as his employee?


Stuniverse: I think it’s fair to say that Mr. Lognberg and myself haven’t always agreed on everything but, even though we haven’t always seen eye to eye on things, I can’t fault him for wanting the very best for the football club and striving to achieve that. I can’t blame him for not paying me a wage because Undrid were an Amateur side but his constant refusal to fund a coaching badge for me was very frustrating. Ironically, the very last thing Mr Lognberg did as Chairman was to fund a coaching badge for me.

Mr Lognberg steps down after Undrid’s best ever season in their short 16 year history, so his tenure has to be seen as a success and his name will forever be written in the Undrid history books. I wish him all the very best for the future and hope he will continue to support Undrid Fotboltsfelag and attend our games.

Hopefully the new Chairman, Mr Arge, can help us build on the success we’ve had at J & K Vollur during my time as Undrid manager.


Jack: Have you talked to the new board about the future of the club and if so are goals the same as Arnar?


Stuniverse: I’ve met Mr Arge, the new Chairman, briefly. He congratulated me on our promotion last season, told me that he didn’t plan on changing anything that wasn’t broken, and to carry on as if nothing had changed. He did stress that there would be no cash investment into the club at this time.


Jack: Lastly is there anyone you would like to shoutout/thank


Stuniverse: The players, obviously. Without the players performing the way they did all campaign we wouldn’t have achieved what we achieved this season. They’re the ones who deserve all the credit.

My backroom staff who worked tirelessly behind the scenes, with particular thanks to the recruitment team who had the very challenging task of finding players who were good enough to improve the quality of our team and squad and were willing to play for us for nothing.

Mr and Mrs Vestergaard because, if it wasn’t for them employing me in a part-time capacity at their hostelry, I wouldn’t be able to afford living here.

And their daughter, Annika, who translated for me in my first few weeks and months here and taught me how to speak Faroese.

And finally, and this is beginning to sound like an Oscar winning speech, a very special thank you to my mum and dad for their support and encouragement.


Jack: That is quite a list you have there, thank you again for meeting and I'll make sure to get the video up ASAP.


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Saturday 29th January 2022

PREVIEW: Midvags Boltfelag v Undrid Fotboltsfelag (Friendly)

Torshavn Sports: Well it doesn't seem five minutes since you were finishing off the 2. Deild campaign as Champions and now it's your first pr-season game ahead of Undrid Fotboltsfelag's fist ever season in 1. Deild. How are you feeling?

Stuniverse: I'm feeling great thank you. The players have worked hard in training this week and we're looking forward to getting out on the pitch again and finding some rhythm.


Torshavn Sports: With an obvious step-up in standard this season in 1. Deild, how are you approaching pre-season this year?

Stuniverse: To be honest with you, the same as always. The start of pre-season is primarily about fitness and giving as many players in the squad as much playing time as possible. We start against 3. Deild side Midvags Boltfelag today, then we have two games against 2. Deild sides, and then we play three teams from the top flight Betri Deildin Menn with a Testimonial for Trygvi Absalonsen in there to celebrate his 10 years playing for Undrid, against 3. Deild side FC Hoyvik II where Trygvi started out.


Torshavn Sports: The media prediction is for Undrid Fotboltsfelag to finish 4th in the 1. Deild this season. Does that match your own expectations?

Stuniverse: Both the outgoing Chairman (Arnar Lognberg) and incoming Chairman (Mattias Arge) are looking for us to finish mid-table and we had a good meeting with the players on Monday and agreed exactly that. But we had an amazing season last campaign, the players are full of confidence, and if we get off to a good start, with some early momentum behind us, as we proved last season, who knows how far we can go and what we can achieve.


Torshavn Sports: How are you getting on with Mattias Arge, the new Chairman?

Stuniverse: So far, so good, although to be honest not much has changed at the football club - apart from the transition to Semi-Professonal status which outgoing Chairman Arnar Lognberg put in place - and I've been asked to just carry on what I've been doing.


Torshavn Sports: We haven't seen much of your agent at J & K Vollur recently, or in and around Torshavn, or on the Faroe Islands for that matter but rumours of him offering your services to other football clubs won't go away. Are you planning on seeing this season out as manager of Undrid Fotboltsfelag?

Stuniverse: First of all, I'm not sure if technically I do have an agent, I'm certainly not being paid enough by the football club to afford one. And, second, if you're referring to Stanley Baryla, I can't remember the last time I even spoke to him. In fact, the last time we spoke he told me that my reputation in the footballing world was so low no other football club was prepared to even offer me an interview. So, like it or not, Undrid Fotboltsfelag supporters are stuck with me.


Torshavn Sports: After the last two seasons, we like that a lot. Good luck for the season ahead.

Stuniverse: Thank you.

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Friday 4th February 2022


Torshavn Sports: Undrid Fotboltsfelag have signed 17 year-old right-winger Janus Johansen on a free transfer from Tvoroyrar Boltfelag.




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Tuesday 8th February 2022


Torshavn Sports: Undrid Fotboltsfelag have signed 19 year-old right winger Pauli Magnussen on a free transfer.




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Tuesday 8th February 2022


Torshavn Sports: Undrid Fotboltsfelag snap up 26 year-old left winger Leivur Hojgaard on a free transfer after a trial period at J & K Vollur.





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Tuesday 8th February 2022


Torshavn Sports: Undrid Fotboltsfelag snap up 29 year-old left winger Sandri Faero on a free transfer after a trial period at J & K Vollur.





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  • 4 months later...


I wanted to apologise for not updating this thread in ages. As you’ve no doubt gathered, this save wasn’t doing it for me any more, but I really should’ve let you know that rather than disappearing into a black hole of radio silence.

What went wrong?

There were two main problems:

Firstly, I went with a type of FM save I don’t usually do but chose it through wanting to do something a little bit different to what I’d used for successful Career Update saves on FM19 and FM20. Unfortunately, despite giving the save my best efforts for a couple of seasons, it never grabbed me.

Secondly, I should have stuck with the Nations / Leagues that are part of the FM release version, as I became increasingly frustrated at my inability to attract managerial interviews and job offers outside of the Faroe Islands. Had I been able to progress beyond the Amateur status of the Faroe Islands football clubs, I may have been able to get into the save more.

Thirdly, although not directly related to FM, I wasn't enjoying football in general due to the disastrous form of the football club I support. Quite how Derby County managed to stay up off the back of one win, four draws, and 10 defeats in their last 15 Championship matches I'll never know.

Will I be back for FM22?

I’m hoping to be back with a Career Update thread in FM22 and this time I’m going to be doing a save I know I will enjoy. Right now, my favourite idea is doing a save based in Italy, starting with a club in one of the lowest playable divisions, although I do have soft spots for Pisa and Venezia having visited those cities a few times. On my FM20 save, after quite a few years in Scotland, I had one enjoyable season at Sampdoria before taking on the role of Italian National manager. I feel like I have unfinished business in Italy.

What about FM21?

I may well be back with a short FM21 save once the transfer window closes, possibly with Derby County. I’ve done a few ‘private’ saves and have enjoyed progressing through a season in a few days, rather than a few weeks when I’m updating on here, so I want to try a different approach that will allow me to make Career Updates regularly but progress through the save at a more rapid pace.

If you’re reading this, I hope you and your families are well and keeping safe.

Best wishes,




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  • 3 weeks later...

*** COMING SOON - [FM21] Working for Daniel Levy ***

I've missed not doing a Career Update on here and am already thinking about my main Career Update save for FM22. I'm 99% certain what that save will be.

In the mean time, I'm currently planning another FM21 Career Update save which I aim to start around Sunday 15th August 2021, as the English Premier League kicks-off again that weekend. I've already started the thread for it and am really looking forward to this save.

I'm sorry my Scandinavian Journeyman save didn't work out - I kind of got marooned in the Faroe Islands and wasn't enjoying it - but I'm really excited about replacing Jose Mourinho as manager of Tottenham Hotspur. I hope you'll join me for the Adventure...


Best wishes,



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