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So this is the Mac issue that people have been talking about.

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1 hour ago, WojciechZed said:

I just downloaded the FM21 demo and as I hit start I get this message.

Is there a way around this, or would I have to buy a different Mac (obviously not going to do that) in order to play?


Screen Shot 2020-11-25 at 11.36.23.png

This is not an error, it is because your OS version is no longer supported by FM. You don't need to buy a new mac, but you would need to upgrade your operating system to at least version 10.13 to play the game (upgrades are free via Apple store or can be found online).

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Ah so I can upgrade if for free? That's good.

I was thinking, the Mac I have isn't that old so it would be shocking if it was already out of date and I'd have to buy another.

Does upgrading it potentially mess up things I could do before or prevent me from playing previous FMs?

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FM will only run on OS versions higher than 10.13, so every OS below that has been deemed too old for FM21. You can upgrade to the last OS via Apple or find the installer files for other versions online, but I would definitely make a backup of your system first, just in case. Either via TimeMachine on an external drive, or use cloud storage to back up all you files first, then do a system upgrade.

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vor 22 Minuten schrieb WojciechZed:

Ah so I can upgrade if for free? That's good.

I was thinking, the Mac I have isn't that old so it would be shocking if it was already out of date and I'd have to buy another.

Does upgrading it potentially mess up things I could do before or prevent me from playing previous FMs?

It depends. OS X Mojave is the last one that supports 32 bit applications. If you like to run some older software (or FM prior to FM17) I would recommend that one. (10.14)

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