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Adding New Nation to European Competitions in FM 21?


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Hi, I'm having the exact problem I had last year with my Isle of Man file where I can't get them to enter the Nations League or European Championship.

I've set Kazakhstan to Asia, and removed them from the Nations League registered teams (I replaced them with Latvia and moved Isle of Man into Group D) but they are still playing in the competition. I've simulated up to 2030, and Kazakhstan are still playing in the Nations League despite being set as Asian and not being registered for the competition in the database.

Any help is appreciated, as I'm frustrated this issue has happened again.

EDIT: If I uploaded my file, could someone take a look at it and see if they can spot an issue? I'm great at the basic stuff and excellent at data entry and sourcing, but complex rule changes baffle me.

Edited by Rainbowz
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57 minutes ago, krlenjushka said:

I solved this earlier but i cant remember how. Think you have to edit Euro qualifying registered teams list.

The Euro qualifiers registered teams isn't showing any teams for me. Do I have to add them from scratch? I edited the Nations League one already.

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48 minutes ago, Monsi9958 said:

I think it was this example :


I used it as a model for my creation. You have to create 2 files and not one.

I had it working last year from 1 file. I'm know there's a way to get it working with 2 files, I'm just not familiar with it. 

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23 minutes ago, Rainbowz said:

The Euro qualifiers registered teams isn't showing any teams for me. Do I have to add them from scratch? I edited the Nations League one already.

You edited registered teams list in database? You have to edit registered teams list under advanced panel also.

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11 minutes ago, krlenjushka said:

You edited registered teams list in database? You have to edit registered teams list under advanced panel also.

Ah, I'm still editing Isle of Man on the basic rules. So I need to sort out the Euro competition in a separate file using advanced rules?

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Im not sure about EURO qualifying connection - i helped 2-3 years ago in some thread related to this same issue but im not sure what was the solution here.

I think only thing you need to edit is registered teams list - in database but also in advanced rules.

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Bump. If I uploaded my file, could someone take a look at it and see if they can spot an issue? I'm great at the basic stuff and excellent at data entry and sourcing, but complex rule changes baffle me.

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50 minutes ago, Rainbowz said:

Bump. If I uploaded my file, could someone take a look at it and see if they can spot an issue? I'm great at the basic stuff and excellent at data entry and sourcing, but complex rule changes baffle me.

Upload your file and i will take a look.

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  • 2 months later...
On 26/11/2020 at 20:19, krlenjushka said:

As i said before - registered teams list in UEFA Nations league advanced file.

hi, wonderered if you could help. 


i have made my own nation using ireland pre1922, i have left Kazakhstan in Europe and left them in uefa nations group c, i then added my nation to uefa nations group d. i have tested the file over 15yrs and the nation plays in the world cup qualifiers but does't participate in any european international tournaments. i have converted to advanced rules and tried to add the uefa nations but everything is empty, i've had a look at your fix for rainbow but i can't work out how to add all that data for the uefa nations

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17 minutes ago, J-Hood said:

hi, wonderered if you could help. 


i have made my own nation using ireland pre1922, i have left Kazakhstan in Europe and left them in uefa nations group c, i then added my nation to uefa nations group d. i have tested the file over 15yrs and the nation plays in the world cup qualifiers but does't participate in any european international tournaments. i have converted to advanced rules and tried to add the uefa nations but everything is empty, i've had a look at your fix for rainbow but i can't work out how to add all that data for the uefa nations

Upload your file and i will take a look.

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Did you remove a team from the UEFA Nations Leaugue?  The competiton will be hardcoded and not as felxible as the World Cup.  So you will need to remove a European nation from the registered teams using advanced files of the UEFA Nations League,  You can't just add your team to the competion and not change things.  

Each nation has a ranking number for the Nations League as below, so you need to make sure that you have a default number of teams with 'info' at 14, four at 13 etc.  AS I had issues previously I just left my created nation in Kazahstan's place of 12 when ideally I want my new nation as a 14.

I have inlcuded my working fictional nations file incase you need to see what I have done in the editor in more detail.



Free Republic of Freeland.fmf

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  • 1 year later...
  • 7 months later...


using fm21 editor.

could someone please help me too.

I’ve took the pre Ireland route also. And made the nations coen points match Gibraltar’s (as they play in the euro qualifiers, nations league and World Cup qualifiers). Figured if it was as simple as coen points this would be a quick fix…. However..

im having international issues still..

when I start a game, my u21s start in the u21 euro qualifiers (however, this is the first and last time they enter). My u19s and main team never play in any qualifiers or nations league, even 10 years later into the future. and my u21s play in 1 qualifier and then no more).

1) what needs to be done to get my nation in the nations league.

2) what needs to be done to get my nation in euro qualifiers (including the u21 and u19s also).

3) same as above for the World Cup qualifiers (and u21, u19s if they have these)? 

i will attach my file too, if this speeds things up. the nation is called Costaloupe




costaloupe v2 AR.fmf

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4 hours ago, Degzy said:


using fm21 editor.

could someone please help me too.

I’ve took the pre Ireland route also. And made the nations coen points match Gibraltar’s (as they play in the euro qualifiers, nations league and World Cup qualifiers). Figured if it was as simple as coen points this would be a quick fix…. However..

im having international issues still..

when I start a game, my u21s start in the u21 euro qualifiers (however, this is the first and last time they enter). My u19s and main team never play in any qualifiers or nations league, even 10 years later into the future. and my u21s play in 1 qualifier and then no more).

1) what needs to be done to get my nation in the nations league.

2) what needs to be done to get my nation in euro qualifiers (including the u21 and u19s also).

3) same as above for the World Cup qualifiers (and u21, u19s if they have these)? 

i will attach my file too, if this speeds things up. the nation is called Costaloupe




costaloupe v2 AR.fmf 27.87 kB · 0 downloads

Not sure about FM21, so this is based on my experience with FM22. You'll need to edit the Nations League to add the new country. The first season is setup to use specific teams (has to, so that they're in the correct division), subsequent seasons are just based on promotions/relegations, so no new teams would ever be drawn in. It should be pretty easy to add them though. Once you load the Nations League rules up in the editor have a look at the teams/registered teams sections, look for one of the teams in League D and basically duplicate those settings for your team. Since League D has 7 teams you may not even need to edit anything else since then it should just be two groups of 8. You may have to change something in the League D rules though, just depends how it's setup.

For qualifiers you'll probably have to edit those too. Not sure how some of them work, it's possible they just pull teams based on reputation so you could potentially get into the default versions of them at the expense of another team with enough rep points. The Euro Qualifiers are linked to the Nations League though, so just being in that may get you into those. Although in FM22 at least the Euro Quals are set for a specific number of teams and if they have more than that they just break, so they still may need editing to allow for the additional team.

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Hi rusty,


This could be a lot of work, I’m not too strong in the advanced rules, there’s just too much information to deal with haha.


I was thinking of downloading rainbows fix and re-editing his league system and adding more teams.. but the file is still in advanced rules. And I’m too scared to mess with it haha


ill have to give one or the other a go though, or I’ll be stuck forever..


appreciate the info and help.

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4 hours ago, Degzy said:

Hi rusty,


This could be a lot of work, I’m not too strong in the advanced rules, there’s just too much information to deal with haha.


I was thinking of downloading rainbows fix and re-editing his league system and adding more teams.. but the file is still in advanced rules. And I’m too scared to mess with it haha


ill have to give one or the other a go though, or I’ll be stuck forever..


appreciate the info and help.

For FM22 at least there's a file in the downloads section that has all the international stuff already done for Ireland. You wouldn't need to touch that file itself, just load it alongside your file and it should all work. Might be worth looking to see if there's something like that for FM21 too.

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On 17/10/2022 at 01:01, rusty217 said:

For FM22 at least there's a file in the downloads section that has all the international stuff already done for Ireland. You wouldn't need to touch that file itself, just load it alongside your file and it should all work. Might be worth looking to see if there's something like that for FM21 too.

Hey again

From what i could see, i wasn't able to get workshop file for the nations league. not any guides on how to create this yourself.

i am really stuck.

i just can't seem to get my head around how to even start the advanced rules for the nations league. I'm great at doing competitions for clubs (sub divisions etc). but when i am in international rules, with the nations league having sub divisions (due to the promotion and relegation setup). i don't know where to start.

all i want to do is add a new team to the existing 55 to make 56. i've added my nation to the database in group D. next step of doing this in advanced rules, i need help.

i've attached my file, if anyone including yourself, Rusty is experienced at adding my nation to the nations league


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40 minutes ago, Degzy said:

Hey again

From what i could see, i wasn't able to get workshop file for the nations league. not any guides on how to create this yourself.

i am really stuck.

i just can't seem to get my head around how to even start the advanced rules for the nations league. I'm great at doing competitions for clubs (sub divisions etc). but when i am in international rules, with the nations league having sub divisions (due to the promotion and relegation setup). i don't know where to start.

all i want to do is add a new team to the existing 55 to make 56. i've added my nation to the database in group D. next step of doing this in advanced rules, i need help.

i've attached my file, if anyone including yourself, Rusty is experienced at adding my nation to the nations league


There may be some differences for FM21, but this is generally what you need to do.

Go to the Registered Teams page here

Find a nation in League D, eg. Andorra, and duplicate their entry. Change the Team in the duplicated entry to your team.

Then go to the General page of League D here.


Increase the Number Of Teams by 1.

Go to the Ranking Level Info page for League D here.


Change the No. Teams for Ranking 3 to 2.

Finally go to the Ranking Level Info page under Ranking Rules towards the bottom of the list.


Increase the No. Teams by 1 again.

I think that should be it. Luckily the unbalanced League D groups makes it a lot easier to add 1 extra team.

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That guide will definitely help thanks.


only issue i can't get the nations league to look like yours does in advanced rules. that's where i am failing i think. yours has groups and everything. mine has nothing, thats how stuck i am haha

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14 minutes ago, Degzy said:

That guide will definitely help thanks.


only issue i can't get the nations league to look like yours does in advanced rules. that's where i am failing i think. yours has groups and everything. mine has nothing, thats how stuck i am haha

Here's a guide for accessing the rules for continental/international competitions. It doesn't work for every competition though.

You can skip the steps about opening up the blank rules etc. since you already have the rules open. You'd just need to copy the Nations League rules from a new database, re-load the database, then load your file, and paste them over the blank Nations League rules you have there.


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2 hours ago, rusty217 said:

Here's a guide for accessing the rules for continental/international competitions. It doesn't work for every competition though.

You can skip the steps about opening up the blank rules etc. since you already have the rules open. You'd just need to copy the Nations League rules from a new database, re-load the database, then load your file, and paste them over the blank Nations League rules you have there.


That guide definitely helped.

As I now have an extracted nations League.

I'm starting to realise that I am so dumb with this though... haha

i've attached both files

1) Nat Lea (nation League extracted) basic 21.4.0 update file

2) costaloupe v2 AR (finished new nation, leagues, cups, teams etc) saved to the 21.4.0 database.


here's my dumb question... how do i get all the information from the costa file and merge it with Nat Lea? I won't be able to find Costaloupe in the Nat Lea file as they don't exist for that database.. could it be as simple as.. loading my nat lea file.... create a very basic costaloupe from pre-ireland? (when i say basic, im talking like changing the name pre-ireland to costaloupe) then following your steps above to add costaloupe to nations league? save that to the nat lea file.... then just load (tick both files) Nat Lea and Costaloupe v2 at the create a game page? would the game be that smart to be able to load the clubs and leagues and everything else i've done in my costa file and load the nation change and add to nations league into the same new game?

if so... i think we've nailed it haha



costaloupe v2 AR.fmf

Nat Lea v2.fmf

Edited by Degzy
wrong file edited
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6 hours ago, Degzy said:

here's my dumb question... how do i get all the information from the costa file and merge it with Nat Lea? I won't be able to find Costaloupe in the Nat Lea file as they don't exist for that database.. could it be as simple as.. loading my nat lea file.... create a very basic costaloupe from pre-ireland? (when i say basic, im talking like changing the name pre-ireland to costaloupe) then following your steps above to add costaloupe to nations league? save that to the nat lea file.... then just load (tick both files) Nat Lea and Costaloupe v2 at the create a game page? would the game be that smart to be able to load the clubs and leagues and everything else i've done in my costa file and load the nation change and add to nations league into the same new game?

if so... i think we've nailed it haha


That should work, although I'd suggest not making any changes at all, since they may override your nation file. Just use pre-Ireland there instead. It picks teams based on their unique ID, which will be the same for both, rather than name anyway.

Although you could also just do it in the same file. Just add a new set of rules to your nation file and paste the Nations League over them.

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21 minutes ago, nasaiain said:

run the attached file with your Costaloupe file and it should work just as you want, though not sure about the U-19 as not all nations take part

Extra Nation in Europe 21.4.fmf 18.78 kB · 0 downloads








This is amazing... but what if i dont want to lose Kazakhstan?

rather kazakhstan be in group C and Europe and ireland join group D... no substitutions


What do i do then? just add kazakhstan back into europe and re-add them to nations league and fifa world cup quals?


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The issue is with the Euros, they will only work if there are exactly 55 teams in Europe, I think you can add them back, but leave them in Asia and the will only play in the Nations league, not the Euros or the European WC Qualifiers. But then their will be clashes in their schedules are they are playing in 2 continents

This version does as you suggest Kazakhstan are back in the Nations League but are still in Asia, i think  if they would have qualified for the Third round in the Asian World cup qual;ifying there would be fixture clashesExtra Nation in Europe 21.4 + KAZ.fmf

(iuf you test the file in the editor it will come up with an error, but it still works)


Europe is definatly the most common Continent people want to add Nations to but one of the worst and its down to the fact that the 3 compeitions are coded completelky differently

  • Nations league is easy to edit, and the way it is set up can accomodate 1 more team in its current format, and 8 more if you add 2 more groups to League D replavce the relegation playoff with striaght relegation in Group C
  • The world cup Qualifies are set to take the 55 bset teams in Europe (excluding any hosts), as there are 55 Natiosn is Europe that isnt an issue, but if you add a nation sme one will miss out
  • The Euro Qualifiers are the pain, they are hard coded, and you can break them without doing anything. They will only work if there are exactly 55 nations in Europe, any more or any less and they just dont take part. So the only way to do it is to rebuild them, an d that is a big task because of the way they are linked to teh Nations League

But on the flip side the Uefa Club Competitions just adapt to accomodate clubs from another nation, its all just annoying how differently it all works

Conversly Asia can accomodate additional nations with ease, as they only have one qual;ifying competition for both the AFC Championship and the world cup that simplifies matters, but the qualification has a preliminary round, and thet just expands to accomodate additional teams. Though it may break the Solidaity Cup, I've never been to concerned. But once again the club competition work the opposite way, and clubs from additional nations dont get added.



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i've managed to add them back in no problem with the euros... however...

germany for some reason appear in group A and D in the nations league. they replaced Gibraltar. despite Gibraltar still being in the list of registered teams.

i increased the teams allowed by 1 (55 to 56). al works and loads in game.. just have that double germany problem now haha

i've attached the file.. where i've added kazak back in... would you mind taking a look to see what it could be? please


NL kazak v1.fmf

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You know what.. for the sake of the hard work you've both given...

seriously.. amazing help the both of you, thanks.

i'm just going to use your original file.. kazak can stay out of europe completely.

i'm just happy to have my nation competing on all fronts

if you happen to find a fix for double germany though, let me know haha

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19 minutes ago, nasaiain said:

No problem, always try my best to help, especially with the new nation issue, when you spend time on your own custom nation you just want it to fit in seemlessly.

yeah you're not wrong there!

but yeah you've done a solid! much appreciated

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