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No feedback when offering Second Team players to clubs

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A continuing problem from last year, still happening in FMM21, is that if you offer out a Second Team player to other clubs, you do not get a feedback message (eg "no interest in player X" or "several clubs showed interest" etc).

If you offer out a First Team player or a Reserves player (in leagues that have Reserves), you DO get the feedback message. Can you please make this happen for Second Team players as well? 

To replicate this, start a game with Barcelona, go to their B team and offer Moriba out to other clubs. You will not get a feedback message. If you move him to the first team and offer him out, you will get a feedback message.

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  • 4 weeks later...
On 26/11/2020 at 20:45, Louie Silvani said:

Hi Stephen - thanks for making us aware of this issue. This has been raised with our team!

I think the latest release notes implied this has been fixed in the latest version (although I might have read them wrong)? But I'm still seeing it happen, this time with PSG.

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1 hour ago, Louie Silvani said:

Hi Stephen, don't believe this has been fixed yet. When this goes into an update will let you know in this thread!

Ah, good to know, thanks Louie. I just looked up the changes listed in the Play Store and there is a "Fixed b-team offer to club news" line which I was thinking was this one. No rush or pressure or anything, just wanted to check that it wasn't supposed to have been fixed. 👍

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