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Several Questions/Suggestions

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I've got a couple questions/suggestions and I hope someone can help me out.. I love the game, so don't think I'm only criticising it haha, I'm just wondering some stuff which could also be suggestions for improvements at the same time..

First of all, is it still not possible to see a player's height..?! You could say this could be reflected in a player's aerial ability, but short players could also be really good in the air.. And for a central defender for example, even if his aerial ability is quite high, I'd still prefer a taller one..

Also, it's still not possible to make a loan player available for the reserves team.. Has this been done intentionally?

Next to that, the staff member in charge of the reserves picks the formation and tactics for the team. But I think it would be better if I could influence that, that the reserves play and get used to the system I'm trying to develop within the club as well.. Also, I think on the squad information page of the reserves it should say who the manager is, instead of nothing..

Furthermore, I would have hoped that this year you could set the manager's date of birth, instead of the default age of 50 years.. As I'm younger than that.. And that you could upload a picture of yourself for your manager profile.. Would make it a bit more realistic.. Just read though that soon in an update the age will be removed, that could work as well, as it's just visual.. But still, my idea would be even better and add even more realism to the game I think..

That's it for now haha, hope you could help me out. I've often got ideas for improvements by the way, would love to help you out in some way if that would be possible.. Let me know.

Have a nice day!

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First of all, is it still not possible to see a player's height..?! You could say this could be reflected in a player's aerial ability, but short players could also be really good in the air.. And for a central defender for example, even if his aerial ability is quite high, I'd still prefer a taller one..

It's actually 'easier' for users to understand as a single variable imho.

For example if someone has 12 aerial ability and is 6'4'' ... is he better in the air than someone with 14 aerial ability who is 6'1'' ? ..

Actually as far as the game is concerned they're both the same, but showing the height would confuse people and make them take that into consideration. The fact of the matter is that some tall people are fairly lousy in the air, myself for instance (6'5'') .... and Dan Burn (Brighton) ... we might be able to head the ball if someone places it in the right area but we have no jump so far shorter players can actually beat us in the air consistently (well me more than Mr. Burn).

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The staff member in charge of the reserves picks the formation and tactics for the team. But I think it would be better if I could influence that, that the reserves play and get used to the system I'm trying to develop within the club as well.. Also, I think on the squad information page of the reserves it should say who the manager is, instead of nothing..

Furthermore, I would have hoped that this year you could set the manager's date of birth, instead of the default age of 50 years.. As I'm younger than that.. And that you could upload a picture of yourself for your manager profile.. Would make it a bit more realistic.. Just read though that soon in an update the age will be removed, that could work as well, as it's just visual.. But still, my idea would be even better and add even more realism to the game I think..

The reserve tactics is fair enough - at some point I'll see if I can make it settable or mimic the first team tactics.

With regards to human age, it being displayed anywhere is a bug and it'll be removed - you are your 'expected' age (ie. whatever you want it to be) and it has no effect in game for humans.

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@Marc Vaughan Thanks a lot for your reply, and amazing to see that my suggestion might actually be processed in the game..!

Considering the height, I get your point.. But still, imagine you've got two central defenders to pick from, both amazing in the air, both 20 aerial ability (I'd say this could reflect heading as well as jumping). One is very tall and the other quite short. I'd still prefer the taller one then, in case we play against someone like Peter Crouch haha.. So the height would still be quite handy to know, and I think wouldn't really confuse people.. In the PC version it shows it as well right, so why not in the mobile version?! A little detail that should be able to be added, however, how much of an influence this really has then in the game based on what you said about as far as the game is concerned is the question..

And what about this other thing, maybe you oversaw that..? :)


2 hours ago, larssteijger said:

Also, it's still not possible to make a loan player available for the reserves team.. Has this been done intentionally?

Many thanks once more!


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3 hours ago, Marc Vaughan said:

It's actually 'easier' for users to understand as a single variable imho.

For example if someone has 12 aerial ability and is 6'4'' ... is he better in the air than someone with 14 aerial ability who is 6'1'' ? ..

Actually as far as the game is concerned they're both the same, but showing the height would confuse people and make them take that into consideration. The fact of the matter is that some tall people are fairly lousy in the air, myself for instance (6'5'') .... and Dan Burn (Brighton) ... we might be able to head the ball if someone places it in the right area but we have no jump so far shorter players can actually beat us in the air consistently (well me more than Mr. Burn).

Not sure if it would confuse people Marc. They cope perfectly well in the other versions!. 

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3 hours ago, steam just is said:

Not sure if it would confuse people Marc. They cope perfectly well in the other versions!. 

Can you explain how it works in FM presently to me? - there is a visible height and jumping ability ... do they interact together or is the height purely cosmetic? (and if it is purely cosmetic what is the benefit of showing it).

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36 minutes ago, Marc Vaughan said:

Can you explain how it works in FM presently to me? - there is a visible height and jumping ability ... do they interact together or is the height purely cosmetic? (and if it is purely cosmetic what is the benefit of showing it).

Tim Cahill was a great header of the ball but you wouldn’t stick him at CB would you. You want to know if certain players can dominate the opposition. Height is part of that. Jose rarely plays anyone under 6ft. He doesn’t pick them cos they head well. But they impose themselves physically. 
It also helps build a picture of the player for the FMM manager. All part of submersion. As SI have the available stats i assume adding them to the FMM to file wouldn’t be a massive chore.

really like whats happening with FMM btw. Think it’s evolving very nicely 


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2 hours ago, steam just is said:

Tim Cahill was a great header of the ball but you wouldn’t stick him at CB would you. You want to know if certain players can dominate the opposition. Height is part of that. Jose rarely plays anyone under 6ft. He doesn’t pick them cos they head well. But they impose themselves physically. 
It also helps build a picture of the player for the FMM manager. All part of submersion. As SI have the available stats i assume adding them to the FMM to file wouldn’t be a massive chore.

really like whats happening with FMM btw. Think it’s evolving very nicely 


The way FMM works is 'aerial ability' isn't heading ability alone - its height, jumping and heading ability all rolled into one ... we won't be seperating them out because there is limited screen space on the device and there simply isn't room (same reason we have acceleration and pace behind the scenes and only an amalgamation shown).

I do understand why you want it for giving a mental vision of the person and I'm sorry it can't be in for that reason, but we're already juggling a lot of information to display in a small space and really don't have the room to split things out in that way.

(just to mention something else but this isn't as simply as just 'showing' the data either - when I implemented height and weight for the PC game (many years ago now) I also had to do all the modelling for growth for players and weight fluctuations depending on training, offseason etc. ... in the PC game if you hadn't noticed different players will gain different amounts of weight in the off-season depending on their natural fitness and professionalism ... yeah I'm that anal ;) )

PS - Thanks, I'm glad you're enjoying the game ... it's challenging keeping a mobile game fast and fun, while at the same time keeping it realistic and increasing its depth.

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Haha. I’m sure working on these games would make anyone OCD! Your customers are quite demanding..

What I love is that FMM is developing its own personality. Adding depth but depth which is the choice of the player. The match is key for me. I have an iPad and played FMT for years (wife and kids mean full fat is no longer an option). Frankly I want to watch a match and feel like I watching a game of football, I think FMT may have lost its way on that recently. if FMM can develop the match even more than the recent big leaps then it will become my go to game in the home and not just on the road. 

the gap between the 2 releases is interesting as it gives FMT fans the itch to dip into FMM. 

keep up the great work and hope you don’t get too much stick!

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Interesting to read this all and what kind of work goes into the game @Marc Vaughan. Definitely keep up the good work!

What is still unclear to me though, so even though data as height, growth, weight and other skills that are rolled into one because there is not enough space to show this separately (I'm convinced though there would be space to show a player's height in his bio, just like it has been possible to add the languages he's speaking, really cool addition as well!) aren't shown, they still have an influence in the game..? Or not in FMM as this isn't shown..? Otherwise I could for example look players' height up online myself, even though this would be a bit of a hassle, unless stuff like that doesn't have a function in the mobile version.. If you get me..

Also, could you maybe still answer to my other question..? See my last message, maybe you oversaw it again haha..

17 hours ago, larssteijger said:

Also, it's still not possible to make a loan player available for the reserves team.. Has this been done intentionally?

Thanks a lot again for your support!

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7 hours ago, larssteijger said:

What is still unclear to me though, so even though data as height, growth, weight and other skills that are rolled into one because there is not enough space to show this separately (I'm convinced though there would be space to show a player's height in his bio, just like it has been possible to add the languages he's speaking, really cool addition as well!) aren't shown, they still have an influence in the game..? Or not in FMM as this isn't shown..? Otherwise I could for example look players' height up online myself, even though this would be a bit of a hassle, unless stuff like that doesn't have a function in the mobile version.. If you get me..

The languages went in because they were an important aspect of the increased dynamics/relationships within the game and thus its important for users to be able to see them.

With height as mentioned it is integrated into the visible stat and wouldn't add anything of use to the manager and might confuse some people.

(which was the question I missed? - if its about moving loan players to reserves - I'll look into that)

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1 hour ago, Marc Vaughan said:

The languages went in because they were an important aspect of the increased dynamics/relationships within the game and thus its important for users to be able to see them.

With height as mentioned it is integrated into the visible stat and wouldn't add anything of use to the manager and might confuse some people.

(which was the question I missed? - if its about moving loan players to reserves - I'll look into that)

Okay okay.. Nice and realistic new feature indeed! 😄

Still don't get how height would confuse some people though, it would only make stuff more clear and realistic, especially if it actually has an impact on the game (even though the value is not shown but incorporated into the aerial stat), which is also still unclear to me..

Yeah, that was my other question. Okay okay.. Thanks!

Also got another suggestion, I think it should be possible to talk to a player about his performance in the last match if it's a friendly as well..

And also, I'm wondering why it's actually not possible to talk to your team or players individually before, during and after a match, to motivate or praise or criticise them for example.. This is possible in the PC version right?!

Sorry for the amount of questions and stuff haha, just wanting this amazing game to become even more amazing! 

Have a nice evening!

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1 hour ago, larssteijger said:

And also, I'm wondering why it's actually not possible to talk to your team or players individually before, during and after a match, to motivate or praise or criticise them for example.. This is possible in the PC version right?!

I try to make sure that the mobile game is fast to play so I'm notoriously cautious about adding items which affect the 'flow' of the game directly and might slow it down (ie. things which aren't optional and the user is 'forced' to move through).

That being said I do have a design for 'team talks' for mobile which might see light of day eventually (not this version though).

PS - The mobile and PC games are totally separate products, I've been involved in the development of both (although I've most worked on the mobile games in the last decade) ... as such what goes into one might not automatically appear in the other, nor should it as they have different styles and audiences.

I'm very happy to answer any questions, not a problem at all - thanks for being interested in the games :D

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Trimming back on things would be my suggestion here folks, not liking the concept of a team talk tbh as formation alone and all of its tweaks and commands are enough to tell the players of what’s expected of them - but the uploading of a photo of yourself, ya I can see that working definitely.

Aerial ability is enough, if we bring in hight and two players with identical areal stats are both 6ft 2in then I want to know who’s least heavy and least resistant to gravity, and if both are 12 stone then I will check their (strength stat) to see who pips the other, then if that’s also tied then I want to know what each are having for breakfast ...and so on and so fourth!! Ok so I’ve given a ridiculously extreme example but that’s the thing, enough pushing for these unnecessary extras, even at a rate of 0.1% per year eventually leads to a replication of the PC version.

If you could put the PC version onto a smartphone tomorrow I would not have any interest in playing it, the mobile version of FM should not be viewed as the PC versions inadequate little brother who is always on catch up, it should be seen an enjoyed as a separate entity that has no aim nor desire to chase anyone’s tail ...it’s rather like being into short women then feeling compelled into buying them taller and taller high heals ☺️  

Edited by JohnyBruce
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17 hours ago, Marc Vaughan said:

I try to make sure that the mobile game is fast to play so I'm notoriously cautious about adding items which affect the 'flow' of the game directly and might slow it down (ie. things which aren't optional and the user is 'forced' to move through).

That being said I do have a design for 'team talks' for mobile which might see light of day eventually (not this version though).

PS - The mobile and PC games are totally separate products, I've been involved in the development of both (although I've most worked on the mobile games in the last decade) ... as such what goes into one might not automatically appear in the other, nor should it as they have different styles and audiences.

I'm very happy to answer any questions, not a problem at all - thanks for being interested in the games :D

@Marc Vaughan 

Okay.. I get that.. Still, keeping on improving realism and making it as much of a real managerial experience as possible (like the PC version) is the goal I'd say, and showing height I think is part of that and wouldn't be something that would slow the game down.. And it's still not clear if this actually has an impact on the game, even though this value is not shown and rolled into the aerial stat as you said.. If it actually does play a role, I could look players' height up online myself. If it really doesn't matter how short or tall a player is and it's just about his aerial ability stat, well, that's the way it is then haha..

That's interesting to read about team talks..!


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21 hours ago, larssteijger said:

And it's still not clear if this actually has an impact on the game, even though this value is not shown and rolled into the aerial stat as you said

I'm pretty sure that's what Marc was saying: The player's height is taken into account when they create the player's Aerial score for the database, but that's it. It's not actually used in the game itself.

If two players have Aerial of 16 and one is 170cm and the other is 200cm, then they are both equal as far as the game is concerned, becasue they both have Aerial of 16. When the game tries to work out if they win a header or not, that's all it looks at. Their height doesn't make any difference. So it would confuse people if it's shown, they'd start thinking "better find a tall player", when it doesn't make any difference.

Edited by StephenCronin
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On 29/11/2020 at 06:45, StephenCronin said:

I'm pretty sure that's what Marc was saying: The player's height is taken into account when they create the player's Aerial score for the database, but that's it. It's not actually used in the game itself.

If two players have Aerial of 16 and one is 170cm and the other is 200cm, then they are both equal as far as the game is concerned, becasue they both have Aerial of 16. When the game tries to work out if they win a header or not, that's all it looks at. Their height doesn't make any difference. So it would confuse people if it's shown, they'd start thinking "better find a tall player", when it doesn't make any difference.

That is it in a nutshell - thank you for explaining far better than I've managed :D

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Height would be a nice feature if it actually affected the gameplay

But since aerial covers all of it it is purely cosmetic thus unnecessary

I'd personally be much happier if some bugs got fixed that got carried over the years

That being said I have to admit FMM21 blew me away

I was really cautious this year with FMM wait(given this damn pandemic and all) I even thought it was gonna get skipped this year and even if it got released I did not expect much

But you really came through

Set pieces, squad relationships, overall depth make this most exciting release since fmh15(when completely new engine got introduced) 👍🏻👍🏻

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On 28/11/2020 at 02:24, JohnyBruce said:

Trimming back on things would be my suggestion here folks, not liking the concept of a team talk tbh as formation alone and all of its tweaks and commands are enough to tell the players of what’s expected of them - but the uploading of a photo of yourself, ya I can see that working definitely.

Aerial ability is enough, if we bring in hight and two players with identical areal stats are both 6ft 2in then I want to know who’s least heavy and least resistant to gravity, and if both are 12 stone then I will check their (strength stat) to see who pips the other, then if that’s also tied then I want to know what each are having for breakfast ...and so on and so fourth!! Ok so I’ve given a ridiculously extreme example but that’s the thing, enough pushing for these unnecessary extras, even at a rate of 0.1% per year eventually leads to a replication of the PC version.

If you could put the PC version onto a smartphone tomorrow I would not have any interest in playing it, the mobile version of FM should not be viewed as the PC versions inadequate little brother who is always on catch up, it should be seen an enjoyed as a separate entity that has no aim nor desire to chase anyone’s tail ...it’s rather like being into short women then feeling compelled into buying them taller and taller high heals ☺️  


Do I notice some sarcasm here haha..?!

What you mentioned does maybe show what's expected of them yeah and how you'd like to play as a manager, but what if that doesn't turn out how you want it to? What if a player is performing below his level and could use some criticism to motivate him for example? Could have a massive influence on the match and the outcome.. The exact same reason I guess why this is possible in the PC version and why there's fortunately a concept for in place as mentioned..

The other thing you mentioned is a bit exaggerated yeah, stuff like weight would also be handy to know next to height I'd say yeah, little details that could easily be added, as all this data is available already.. But as this doesn't seem to have an influence in the mobile version and it's rolled into and just based on the stats in the player's profile, that's the way it is unfortunately.. The mobile version doesn't have to become an exact replica of the PC version of course, I just think it would be cool and best if it would be as realistic as possible, within the limits and possibilities...

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On 29/11/2020 at 11:45, StephenCronin said:

I'm pretty sure that's what Marc was saying: The player's height is taken into account when they create the player's Aerial score for the database, but that's it. It's not actually used in the game itself.

If two players have Aerial of 16 and one is 170cm and the other is 200cm, then they are both equal as far as the game is concerned, becasue they both have Aerial of 16. When the game tries to work out if they win a header or not, that's all it looks at. Their height doesn't make any difference. So it would confuse people if it's shown, they'd start thinking "better find a tall player", when it doesn't make any difference.


Yeah that makes sense, thanks for your reply..!

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On 30/11/2020 at 20:09, Alari Naylor said:

Just for information moving loaned-in players to reserves is already under review.

@Alari Naylor

Nice to hear, thanks for your reply!

I've got another remark for now, I'll tag @Marc Vaughan in this as well in case..

It seems there's a bug in the player's history section of his profile.. For example, I'm playing with Hearts now, and I've got one player on loan from PSV and one from Ajax. They've both played a couple games for me already, but it seems that some of those have been added as if they've played them this season for the team they're on loan from.. And also, the one from PSV scored a couple goals for me already, but it seems they're not all there/also as if he's scored them for the team he's on loan from..

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1 hour ago, larssteijger said:


It seems there's a bug in the player's history section of his profile.. For example, I'm playing with Hearts now, and I've got one player on loan from PSV and one from Ajax. They've both played a couple games for me already, but it seems that some of those have been added as if they've played them this season for the team they're on loan from.. And also, the one from PSV scored a couple goals for me already, but it seems they're not all there/also as if he's scored them for the team he's on loan from..

If you can send in the save game then we'll get this sorted.

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22 minutes ago, larssteijger said:

I tried to do it here, but I can't as the file is too big.. Have you got an email address I could send it to instead..?

Try marc.vaughan@sigames.com, if its too large for that PM me and I'll give you my personal email addy.

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@Alari Naylor @Marc Vaughan

Two more bugs/remarks.

I've selected my Captain and Vice-captain for the season. However, even though my goalkeeper is now the new Captain, it still says in his bio that he thinks he would make a better Captain than the one that was the Captain before (and is now the Vice-captain).. Also in other players' profiles about them.. As if the change hasn't been processed yet.. Even though it says it the right way in the Captains section in the Tactics screen, and they've both played in their new roles already.. Same for the Vice-captain, it still says in his bio that he's happy he's the Captain or something...

Secondly, so team talks isn't possible (yet), but at least you can talk to players about their performance in the last match for example to praise or criticise them.. But why is it not possible to talk to players who are on loan at the club (and maybe even as well to players that are out on loan)..?


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  • 4 weeks later...

Marc Vaughan or someone else, have you got an update in the meantime..?

I think in the meantime there have been two updates, and thanks for that of course and I'm sure you're busy, but stuff I addressed is still bugged or unclear.. Wondering if and when this will be fixed, as it's starting to affect my gameplay.. Just like the following issue I really hope you can help me with..

So I've created Set Pieces instructions. But it doesn't seem to fully happen like how I've instructed it to.. Especially defending free kicks. For example, I want my striker to stand in the wall.. But he always stays up front. I then thought that this maybe had to do with the Team Mentality (Shape), set on Attacking.. Maybe his mentality is too attacking for him to carry out his task.. But it stayed like that, even when I had changed the mentality to Control and to Balanced.. So I just changed it back to Attacking again, as it didn't solve it anyway and also as stuff didn't happen anymore in an attacking sense how I wanted it to because of me turning down the mentality.. I'll attach some screenshots I took of it, during each of the 3 team mentalities I mentioned.. Just two men in the wall, often at crucial moments where I don't wanna concede a goal cause of this and actually sometimes have..

Also, I think it should be possible to still change the Set Pieces instructions during a match.. Especially after making substitutions or changing the formation.. This as well could play a massive part..

Looking forward to hearing from you and hope you've had a good Christmas!








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App submissions are closed over the holiday period and most of the FMM crew are on holiday (I'm actually also on holiday - I'm just not very good at them ;) ) ....

There will obviously be further updates in due course and we'll try to address all items raised by you chaps - but please be patient with us, most of us are trying to get some downtime and remind our families that we exist this week :D

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On 29/12/2020 at 21:37, Marc Vaughan said:

App submissions are closed over the holiday period and most of the FMM crew are on holiday (I'm actually also on holiday - I'm just not very good at them ;) ) ....

There will obviously be further updates in due course and we'll try to address all items raised by you chaps - but please be patient with us, most of us are trying to get some downtime and remind our families that we exist this week :D

Haha okay, thanks for your reply. At least you know about the issues I've raised and I know that they hopefully are gonna get fixed.. Enjoy the holidays!

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  • 4 weeks later...


I've got a question and it's kinda the same as my last one that I quoted..

So in the meantime there's been another update (see screenshot attached), but the Set Pieces instructions problem seems to not have been addressed yet unfortunately.. I've not been playing the game anymore and I unfortunately think subconsciously it's cause of that.. You can play, prepare and try as much as you want, but if cause of this problem suddenly during a match when defending a free kick just 2 players stand in the wall instead of the instructed and intended 5, and you concede a goal and maybe lose cause of that, it's all for nothing really.. 

Really hoping this will still be fixed and if so, if you can tell me when that's expected to be, so I can resume playing and enjoy the game again..

It seems the captaincy issue has been fixed at least, something I've addressed before as well (have not checked it yet as I've not played anymore as I said), so thanks for that..


On 27/12/2020 at 21:48, larssteijger said:

Marc Vaughan or someone else, have you got an update in the meantime..?

I think in the meantime there have been two updates, and thanks for that of course and I'm sure you're busy, but stuff I addressed is still bugged or unclear.. Wondering if and when this will be fixed, as it's starting to affect my gameplay.. Just like the following issue I really hope you can help me with..

So I've created Set Pieces instructions. But it doesn't seem to fully happen like how I've instructed it to.. Especially defending free kicks. For example, I want my striker to stand in the wall.. But he always stays up front. I then thought that this maybe had to do with the Team Mentality (Shape), set on Attacking.. Maybe his mentality is too attacking for him to carry out his task.. But it stayed like that, even when I had changed the mentality to Control and to Balanced.. So I just changed it back to Attacking again, as it didn't solve it anyway and also as stuff didn't happen anymore in an attacking sense how I wanted it to because of me turning down the mentality.. I'll attach some screenshots I took of it, during each of the 3 team mentalities I mentioned.. Just two men in the wall, often at crucial moments where I don't wanna concede a goal cause of this and actually sometimes have..

Also, I think it should be possible to still change the Set Pieces instructions during a match.. Especially after making substitutions or changing the formation.. This as well could play a massive part..

Looking forward to hearing from you and hope you've had a good Christmas!










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2 hours ago, larssteijger said:

Really hoping this will still be fixed and if so, if you can tell me when that's expected to be, so I can resume playing and enjoy the game again..

We aim to fix all serious issues with our products before moving on to develop the next one - please do bear with us though as the first issues addressed will be show-stoppers which prevent someone playing the game (so it might be a crash or display issue upon a specific device or hardware type etc.).

Now these are all (hopefully ;) ) addressed our next updates will hopefully address gameplay issues (and eventually include the usual database update).

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37 minutes ago, Marc Vaughan said:

We aim to fix all serious issues with our products before moving on to develop the next one - please do bear with us though as the first issues addressed will be show-stoppers which prevent someone playing the game (so it might be a crash or display issue upon a specific device or hardware type etc.).

Now these are all (hopefully ;) ) addressed our next updates will hopefully address gameplay issues (and eventually include the usual database update).

Thanks for your quick reply. I understand that.. That's even worse of course. Still, the Set Pieces instructions problem has been a showstopper for me as well unfortunately, while I just wanna play and enjoy the game again. But until this gets fixed, there's no point really, not worth the risk playing a match and then maybe losing cause of something outside of your power, something you've not even selected..

Have you heard of more people having this problem..? I'll keep on hoping for this to be updated/fixed soon then and checking the Play Store frequently like I've been doing haha.. Or have you got an expected release date..?

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  • 5 weeks later...

@Marc Vaughan About a month later, still no reply to my last message unfortunately.. I've still not played Football Manager.. But, suddenly finally saw today there's been an update..!

It says something like "many fixed and improvements", could you give me a (short) list of what exactly..? And if this involves the things I pointed out, such as the problem with the set piece instructions..? I'm thinking of giving the game another chance, but at the same time would like to know if this is fixed before I start a match and maybe get put at a disadvantage again..


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5 hours ago, larssteijger said:

@Marc Vaughan About a month later, still no reply to my last message unfortunately.. I've still not played Football Manager.. But, suddenly finally saw today there's been an update..!

At present I haven't looked into any set-piece related issues - there have been very few comments about issues with it that I've heard about and its a very delicate area to tweak and test, as such I'm afraid it will have to wait until there is a longer period available (otherwise it could easily introduce more serious issues).

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Hi all,


I have register an account jus to share what i think ALL GAME relater to football got wrong......for 15 year


you gonna ask why? what did we do wrong......

LOOOOL have you seen this 2 play all year long for the last 15 years????? I'm not sure.

In FM FIFA PES messi and ronaldo are as good as any other common player...........WTF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Messi cannot be stopped!!!!!!! look at his games!!! 1, 2 or 3 defenders he will still keep going same for Ronaldo, the only way to stop them is to foul them

So I'm asking why your simulation does not reflect that? with the legend database i manage to get 16 year old messi and 16 year old ronaldo.......we are way far from reality.....

That's it, that was my question or feedback on 10 years of gaming.

Hope i'll get a feedback from you guys


Be safe and healthy guys

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  • SI Staff
9 hours ago, arthurnc86 said:

I have register an account jus to share what i think ALL GAME relater to football got wrong......for 15 year


Both are great players and this is imho reflected in their abilities in the game.

They are not unstoppable however (no player is) - if they were the wayside  you describe in real-life then they'd be scoring a dozen or more goals per game each match. 

PS - I have a feeling you're playing the FM PC game and not the mobile game which this forum is for, as far as I'm aware there is no 'legend database' for FM Mobile ... if there is then the fact they're 16 will impede their performances somewhat as younger players will be more erratic, especially when they have low reputation or are playing for larger clubs and still finding their way (because they aren't used to the pressures at that level yet).

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11 hours ago, Marc Vaughan said:

At present I haven't looked into any set-piece related issues - there have been very few comments about issues with it that I've heard about and its a very delicate area to tweak and test, as such I'm afraid it will have to wait until there is a longer period available (otherwise it could easily introduce more serious issues).

Thanks for your reply. Okay.. That's a shame.. But, check again what I've said before..:

On 25/01/2021 at 18:16, larssteijger said:

You can play, prepare and try as much as you want, but if cause of this problem suddenly during a match when defending a free kick just 2 players stand in the wall instead of the instructed and intended 5, and you concede a goal and maybe lose cause of that, it's all for nothing really..

Proof of this:

On 27/12/2020 at 21:48, larssteijger said:








Can you understand that this is a "showstopper" too..?

As I said, I'd like to give the game a chance again and find joy in playing the game again like before, but this puts me off it...

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  • SI Staff
2 hours ago, larssteijger said:

Can you understand that this is a "showstopper" too..?

I am sorry that you perceive it in that manner - I can understand it is frustrating, however for most users it isn't considered a show-stopper.

Changing the enhanced match engine internal is something which requires a LOT of testing, it's a huge module of code containing very complex math and AI code. The entire thing is written to allow perfect replication of the match being played out by using a non-divergent coding approach which is incredibly delicate and involved.

As such changing it can easily cause issues to occur within the game and it is for this reason that I'm afraid resolving this issue hasn't been possible at this point. I have noted it down (and mentioned it to QA) and we will attempt to  recreate and resolve it in due course when it is sensible to do so.

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2 hours ago, Marc Vaughan said:

I am sorry that you perceive it in that manner - I can understand it is frustrating, however for most users it isn't considered a show-stopper.

Changing the enhanced match engine internal is something which requires a LOT of testing, it's a huge module of code containing very complex math and AI code. The entire thing is written to allow perfect replication of the match being played out by using a non-divergent coding approach which is incredibly delicate and involved.

As such changing it can easily cause issues to occur within the game and it is for this reason that I'm afraid resolving this issue hasn't been possible at this point. I have noted it down (and mentioned it to QA) and we will attempt to  recreate and resolve it in due course when it is sensible to do so.

Okay, thank you. It's a shame this is such a difficult thing to fix and that therefore I'm afraid I will not be playing the game again, untill this gets resolved.. Imagine you've for a reason instructed 5 player to stand in the wall and each time only 2 do so and you keep on conceding goals cause of this and possibly losing matches; I can't understand how this doesn't frustrate more people..

I've played the last FM for a lot, many seasons, and I was looking forward to doing that again.. Then, you weren't able to tweak the set pieces yet, while I then thought that would be a good improvement.. But at least the way it was automated it didn't create any problems.. Is that not an idea maybe, to otherwise just remove it from the game and implement the automatisation from FM20 Mobile if it can't work anyway how it's supposed to..?

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1 hour ago, spencerross said:

Hello. I am also facing some issues about gaming. I am currently using Lenovo Legion Y530 Gaming Laptop, after updating drivers I am facing major lags in Tencent Buddy Emulator for call of duty .I have GTX 1050 with 4gb Ram,i7 processor. Emulator used to work without lagging before updating drivers and roll back driver is also not working now as i performed a clean installation using DDU .Please someone help me regarding this issue. And also if u know some decent driver for GTX 1050 model please recommend. And if anyone know with which driver number Lenovo sells Legion Y530 please Share it might be helpful to me.

I'm not sure which forum you wanted to post on - but this one is for the Football Manager Mobile game, I think you'd be better off posting on a Call of Duty fan site for support with your issue.

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Someone is Lost! 😂

Anyway just a fact, CR7 Said is going to retire at the age of 40 and if at 40 he thinks is body can handle more he is going to 42.

About This new update, we have a new Freddy Adu! Yeah sometimes i just Turn the PC to grab that little dude!

For the all that i read in This topic, i understand now that FMM is not going to be the FM and actually makes sence. Im starting to like the game as it reminds me the old CM that i played in Commodore Amiga 500 or the first FM for PC ..Blain Elifoot lol! Was the game that got me into This. 

I understand Lars with the issue of set pieces but i work arround that with a saved tactic. I use 3 in game só wend i wanna do changes i just load the saved One.. meaning that i have always the players in the position that i want.

Height..  well i understand Lars again in This.. i can make an example of a great Portuguese central defender Miguel Vítor the dude is smal for a CB and never got his carrear done in big clube or National side... But we can make another example of the oposite with another Portuguese CB that is tall enought Rodrick Miranda from Wolfes the dude is not good lol!

Anyway i like to read This One! Sorry the English dudes! 👍

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@RickyKosta Hey, thanks for your comment! I could understand you, don't worry about your English!

A new Freddy Adu...?! Tell me more..! 😃

Good idea maybe with those saved tactics.. But don't know if you can work around the issue I've experienced in that way, just 2 out of 5 guys doing as they're told and standing in the wall lol.. 😅


Edited by larssteijger
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