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Goalkeeper is bugged (defending and passing)


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My goalkeeper almost never defends one on one situations , if a player gets through i **** my pants every time because of how bad the goalkeeping is , now that's not the case with the AI goalkeeper and this must be fixed before the next patch !, my defenders almost always lets the player walk past him and it seems that kick and run is the best football in the FM world. see match. if it's supposed to be like this then surely the AI is supposed to be like this , i mean doesn't the rating of goalie mean anything, also look at it in goal number 2 in which he blasts the ball forward even though i have passing only set to center backs and full backs (extremely frustrating) and i concede because of it!?. 

also look at my save to see his ratings , maybe Donnarumma is just bugged i don't know because i had a 2 and half star goalie (Roman Burki) which was defending a lot more than he is and that is just mad. 


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