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Cadiz B - can't terminate staff contracts and change players transfer status

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I'm managing Cadiz B in spanish Segunda Division B.  My affiliate club is of course first team of Cadiz CF. In rules there is written, that the backroom staff are contracted in the main club. And it's ok. But the problem is, that although in my managers responsibilities are hiring and firing staff (coaches, medical staff, scouts), I can't do this, there is no option like this (2nd screenshot). So I can't make any changes in my team staff, in the same time my first team board (which is also my teams board) haven't sign new contract with my staff or terminated their contract (now these are month-to-month contracts).

Other thing is that I can't change my player transfer status. I have a few players which are transfer listed or lister for loan, but I don't want sell o loan them. So, I would like to remove them from the lists, but It is not possible (third screenshot). And - the same - in managers responsibilities is set, that I'm initiating, negotiating and finalising sales from Cadiz B.

You can find it in a save, whitch I uploaded a few minutes ago also for the other thread: "Cadiz B (v02).fm".




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