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Me and my friends started an online game. We play with Teams from Bundesliga 1 and Bundesliga 2. We use saturday and wednesday fixtures, but the games from Bundesliga 1 are set on 3.30 and the games from Bundesliga 2 are set on 8.30 pm. We want them to be at the same time. Did we miss to set a preference or ist this a bug?

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I actually think that might just be a German thing. Bundesliga 1 games in the afternoon and the 2nd division in the evening. You notice in real life, 1.Bundesliga and 2.Bundesliga never have games start at the same time.

1. Bundesliga:

Friday 19:30
Sat 14:30
Sat 17:30
Sat 19:45 (occasionally)
Sun 14:30
Sun 16:30
Mon 19:30


Friday 17:30
Sat 12:00
Sun 12:30
Mon 19:30 (if no Bundesliga game)

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