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Assistant Manager not providing Opposition Instructions


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Summary: My new assistant manager is not handling / providing suggestions for Opposition Instructions - instead the Head of Youth is

Description of Issue: During games, I would expect to receive advice from my Assistant Manager.  Instead things like setting opposition instructions is performed by my Head of Youth Development (see screenshot below).

Steps to Reproduce:

  • Load save game
  • Proceed to any friendly match
  • Open "Tactics & Subs" then navigate to "Opposition".
  • Note that "Kristjaan Speakman" is providing individual instructions".  He is head of youth development.  It should be the assistant manager "Rolando Carlen"


Files Uploaded to the OwnCloudhttps://oc.sigames.com/owncloud/index.php/s/Kzvhd0MdU3v4Nv4

Named: "John McParland - Celtic.fmt"



  • Upon starting the game, I terminated the contracts of Head of Youth Development / Assistant Manager.
  • The Head of Youth Development was hired first, with Assistant following. 
  • So I wonder if the Opposition Instructions have "stuck" with the Head of Youth Development instead of moving to the Assistant Manager upon his hire.
  • Assistant Manager "Rolando Carlen" does provide some in-game advice - it seems infrequent (and caused me to initially believe the issue was wider)
  • Related issue:





Edited by celticfan
clarified after further testing
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