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Reject all loan offers not working


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You get loan offers for a player you don't even want to loan out so you reject and then press the reject all loan offers for that player and you just keep getting loan offers for that player every single in-game day, I'm seriously losing the will to live with this game, I've had every single FM since 05 an I've never had a game with so many bugs/errors, this year's version is almost like they didn't even test the game before they released it, I expect a few, that goes without saying but this version is littered with bugs and can't get an answer as to when it'll all be fixed.

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Hi @leeisted,

Could you perhaps confirm the context of this issue? if you have responsibilities for transfers set to yourself and are rejecting a certain amount of loan offers which have come in on one particular day, on one particular inbox item then this would not be a bug. You will continue to get loan offers for a player even after one lot of offers have been rejected. Or if this in fact isn't the issue, could you please post some screenshots in this thread of what particular inbox item or items it is you are seeing these issues. We of course are trying extremely hard to fix as much as possible so please try to be as constructive as you can be when posting in the forums as this only helps us fix any issues far quicker. 



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Sorry I thought I explained it pretty well myself, I'm controlling transfer responsibilities myself and you know there's an option to stop getting any offers for a player whether it is a loan offer or a transfer well even if you select the option to stop getting loan offers you still continue to get them 

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