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Nationality in Scotland/Wales/NI being different to England after Brexit


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Summary: Players playing in Scotland/Wales/Northern Ireland are gaining either English nationality or Great British, not Scottish/Welsh/NI. Players in England are gaining English.

Description of Issue: 

Playing as Dundee United I've noticed issues with players gaining nationality in the wrong UK nation. Notably my goalkeeper Benjamin Siegrist, is gaining ENGLISH nationality (he previously played in England and his days towards nationality are now counting up while based in Scotland). He is NOT gaining Scottish nationality.

Checking my save, players in England gain 'English' when settling. Players in Wales/NI/Scotland are treated differently to England??? Chelsea (for example) have signed a number of players who are gaining 'English' nationality. TNS in Wales, Linfield in Northern Ireland both have players also gaining 'Great British' nationality.

Steps to Reproduce: Just check the mentioned players in the save I've uploaded, move forward a day after noting Siegrist, Powers or Spörle , they will gain days to English nationality. Check Chelsea to see the English nationality.

Have checked with a buddy, same thing happening on his save, so its not just me.

Files Uploaded to the OwnCloudKS-DU-SI 0312202.fm & New 12/12/202 - DUFC 3.10 121220.fm

Edited by Mallidon
More info, changing title to reflect, adding save.
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