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Personalised player role overwrites normal role


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I use personalised player roles so that I don't have to constantly change the player roles when I swap a player out (e.g. my inside foward will come off for another player who is better suited for a winger)

However, when I start a match with someone who has a personalised role, the standard tactic changes to that role even when I put someone in there who doesn't have a personalised role set

It's a bit difficult to explain but I hope that makes sense

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I think there's any issue with player instructions that they know about. I am having similar issues by telling my striker to shoot more, then when I go back into edit more instructions for my striker it appears that I never told him to shoot more as it's not been selected. 

You should provide screenshots to the SI guys, will provide them will evidence of what your issue is. 

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OK, so hopefully these screenshots help

Normally in my tactic, I have my AMC using the Attacking Midfielder (Attack) role (1 - Standard)

However, in this case, I am going to play someone who has a personalised role. In this case, using the Advanced Playermaker (Attack) role (2 - Personalised)

However, after starting him in a game, I remove him from the position, but the role has changed to use the Advanced Playermaker (Attack) role rather than the Attacking Midfielder (Attack) role (3 - Changed)

This happens in all the positions I have tried with many different roles...

1 - Standard.JPG

2 - Personalised.JPG

3 - Changed.gif

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