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How do you beat the Financial Storm challenge?

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This seems impossible! 




I've tried it with 7 different sides, of different levels and can't even come close. I go bankrupt after 2 games.




I've tried selling every player at Liverpool, terminating all the staff's contracts too. It still isn't enough money.




I've tried at Valur. They start just 5,000 over wage budget. I adjusted my budgets, sold the high earners. I even won qualification to the Euro Cup. Still went bankrupt.

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If you mean that your finances go into the negatives after a couple of weeks, that's normal. At the end of the season you'll finish with a negative balance, and at the start of the next season the TV sponsorship money and other income will put you in the positives again.

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1 hour ago, goranm said:

If you mean that your finances go into the negatives after a couple of weeks, that's normal. At the end of the season you'll finish with a negative balance, and at the start of the next season the TV sponsorship money and other income will put you in the positives again.

No. I mean the in game challenge called 'Financial Storm'. It seems impossible to beat.

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