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Still cannot export match highlights


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I posted this bug report during the beta but didn't get a response from SI - not even a tag to say the issue was under review or anything.

I have manually recorded some highlights (both during a match and also when reviewing a previously-played match) and received this pop-up afterwards:


However, I cannot find a place from which I can export these highlights - or any highlights, for that matter.

Could you please look into this issue? Right now, our only real option when it comes to recording highlights is to use third-party software.

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I'll add my voice to this too. I have tried to record a goal and get the same pop up as CFuller. I can't find a way to upload either.

I tried You Tube but get a pop up to that I can't sign in via FM because the app hasn't been verified by Google.

I do find that the record button is troublesome in highlights anyway. Sometimes it fades and is unclickable.

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