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Can you untrain a learnt position?

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Hi @JonStrac82

Learning a new position won't affect the payer's ability in his natural position, and if you change the player's training position away from AML then he will eventually forget what he learned there.

However, it does seem like a bug that this player is being trained like this... have you got a save game from just before the player gets set to train as an AML?


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No. Unfortunately I don't.  I've also noticed I have the same problem with a few other players. I'm playing as Malaga, and I'm assuming that they're being played out of position in the u19, C, and B teams, as there aren't enough players in that position? Maybe they learn these positions through playing experience instead of training? Either way it's very annoying. I very much hope that eventually they will unlearn them. They learned these new positions incredibly quickly??

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same thing happening in my game, my left back is now training to be a striker for some reason, his finishing is 7 :confused:


think this should be patched or we should be at least be able to have a conversation with them to say we dont think the position training isnt necessary 

Edited by kilik
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  • SI Staff
On 05/12/2020 at 12:26, JonStrac82 said:

Maybe they learn these positions through playing experience instead of training?

I think you might be right here. Players do get an immedaite "makeshift" boost to a position rating if they spend some time playing there in a match. So if your youth team manager decides to play him there for whatever reason (hopefully only due to an injury or something!) then that might explain it.

I think the match team are working on some improvements to the AI team selector which should make players being picked out of position much more rare, but if you have any examples where you see this happening, please let us know and provide a save game / pkm file where possible :)


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I definitely will, as it keeps happening. They also keep selecting my young first teamers for the u19, c, or b teams on first team match days. I constantly play with half a made up team? I know that they ask this before hand, but I've been very vigilant since the first few times, and also think it's strange that the game would not recognize this as strange, and at least query the decision?

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  • SI Staff

@JonStrac82have those young first teamers been made available for the u19/b/c teams? 

If not, could you upload a save from just before they get picked. If they are, you can make them unavailable via right clicking on their name -> Make Available For... and unselecting the ticked option

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