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I seem to always get an analysist recommendation of 50. 55 maximum, wow found a 64 highest ever! I get scores less, but generally 50...

They are all listed as various qualities, is useful/good/quality but all get 50 with 100% knowledge. I have one of the best recruitment/analysis teams in the epl





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  • SI Staff
6 hours ago, Barak14 said:

I seem to always get an analysist recommendation of 50. 55 maximum, wow found a 64 highest ever! I get scores less, but generally 50...

They are all listed as various qualities, is useful/good/quality but all get 50 with 100% knowledge. I have one of the best recruitment/analysis teams in the epl





From the screenshot attached it looks like these analyst reports were generated on the 29th July which is pre season. The analyst score will be based off stats for the current season. 

As no matches will have been played yet there will only be the default info such as career goals and career apps. 

Once the season begins and data is recorded then there will be more variation in the analyst score. 

We are however aware of an issue where the analyst scores are too low in general and this is something we are looking to improve. 



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  • 5 weeks later...
  • SI Staff
On 02/01/2021 at 18:59, Ruskin said:

Any update on this?  The  low scores continue.

At what stage of the season are you seeing these low scores? I've given details above as to why low scores can be seen at the start of the season before matches have been played. 

If you have examples of low scores which you feel should be higher then please upload the save game to our cloud service and we will take a look. A save game from before the analyst report on the player is generated would be very helpful. 



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