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Changed 3 players at half time but nothing happened


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I changed 3 players at half time. The screen showed the changes on the tactics screen but on the field the players remained. I then went to the tactics screen again but was only able to change 2 more (5 total subs allowed) and then said I can't make any more changes. 

So, while the game thought I did 5 changes only 2 actually happened. 

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It has not happened again but I have avoided making a substitution during half-time and instead letting the game start again then pause and make changes.

I can try again during half-time and let you know if it happens again - then share the save?


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It was half-time, I clicked on the Tactics button (left bottom) to open up the tactics overview plus players. I selected 3 players (one by one) and dragged them to the pitch to replace the player I wanted out. The red arrows appeared and they appeared on the tactic. I started the second half but the previous players were still there. I waited a couple of minutes to see if the changes will show. As nothing happened, I went back to the tactics screen to do it again, as I thought maybe it just didn't take them or I forgot to accept something. I saw the red arrows there, however, and then I selected two of the players I already subbed and put in the players as previously requested. The last one did not work, since I was out of subs (5 total).

As mentioned, I have avoided doing this at half-time afterwards, but I may try it during test games and see if it works. I was able to change a player previously.


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