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Staff Issue - Sacked Ass.Man. returned

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Just finished season one and my assistant manager I signed at the start of the game to replace the one I started with was poached by a bigger club. I found a replacement but upon negotiating with the new guy I noticed a message at the bottom of the screen saying my original assistant would cost X amount to sack.

I thought this was just an odd UI bug but went to the staff screen and there he was taking up his old role.

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  • SI Staff

Hi @minigod, thank you for your post.

This might not be considered a bug, if you navigate to the Responsibilities tab on Staff there is a Staff Recruitment Responsibility, if this is set to Backroom Staff then it could be the case that they have appointed the Assistant Manager, if this is set to Manager then there is an issue present. 

We would ask that you look at this responsibility and advise whether this lies with yourself and advise.

Thanks again.

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  • 2 weeks later...

So I just clicked on the staff screen and noticed it showed I had two Assistant Managers. The original guy who I replaced then returned when the replacement was poached and then the latest recruit.

I have now sacked Van der Weerden so hopefully he stays away now.


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This happened to me yesterday in my Walsall save near the beginning of my second season.

I hired a new assistant manager, Colin West, and once he joined I received a message stating that Glyn Thompson would be released for £55k. Fine, I thought that was that and he was off to pastures new. 

A few in game days later I noticed my old ass. manager, Mr Thompson, popped back up to tell me which players were in the last year of their contracts. Confused, I went to my Staff screen to realise he was still employed alongside my new ass. manager. I had two in the same role. 

To resolve this issue I had to offer Glyn Mutual Termination of his contract, to which he accepted. It seems my club payed to both 'Terminate' his contract, which didn't happen, as well as the sum offered to mutually terminate. 

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Just noticed Van der Weerden had returned again after terminating his contract. Had been alright for a bit but noticed he had returned after seeing the Coach Report for one of my players was from him and not my actual assistant.

Will see if he makes a third return :D

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Hi, I've joined up after thinking there must be a forum (played this decades ago on pc) to report all these bugs.  

Yep, I have the same issue mentioned.   I manage Stockport County and hired an assistant manager which I later got rid of by employing another ass man.   New recommendations came through with old managers name - they were terrible recommendations so I think the search was old managers and not just a text error - also cost me his compensation again to get rid.   Not at Xbox but names and dates can be given if needed later,



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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi, after my last issues the same thing has happened again.  I got rid of Ray Lewington and paid his termination fee.  New Assistant came in.   I noticed a few weeks later (could have been from day 1) that the reports were provided by Lewington. I went into Staff re screen shown on other posters post and I had two assistant managers.  I terminated his contract (cost), moved forward a day and new assistant managers name on report - don't agree with either of their opinions and the scouting is a joke - latest assistant thinks Harry Kane would be a great buy and buy him at any price - what with the 100k budget!   No way are my players the low star ratings they give them.  In fact I think one is a bug since he was called for international duty but that is a different issue.



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