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Better feedback for Pre-game and In-game editor


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Not sure is this future or past request because i raise this almost every year.

As you can see in the title - we need better feedback for Pre-game and In-game editor.

@Neil Brock For example - take a look at page #3 of pre-game and in-game editor bugs forum.


49 theads from that page - only 13 have some answer from you guys. Question remaines just like in previous years - why should we raise issues and bugs if you guys cant at least answer to open threads.

I bet i have more answered threads in editors forum than you guys in bugs section which is ridiculous.

I know you guys dont have enough staff - especially for Editor because its low priority but you should be straight about that.

This way SI just show disrespect to our time - by that you show disrespect to your customers.



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just a couple of classic examples above and these are simply  basic things

we both know some more detailed bugs going back years have not been addressed 

but this year it is beyond belief the conclusion is it was released untested[but as you allude to the editor is not a priority to SI never has been ]

the lack of response in the  bugs forum is frankly appalling and reinforces the above conclusions

Edited by Roy Race 9
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