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AssMan feedback in "The Dugout"

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I'm only a few matches into a save but I notice there's often very little Assistant Feedback in 'The Dugout' bit of the new matchday interface. On FM20 one of my 2D widgets was Assistant Feedback which would update constantly through the match with things like "they are trying low crosses" or "they're playing more expansive" or "X is still finding space despite being marked" etc, now I'm getting 1 maybe 2 pieces of information per half or per game (and thats usually "X wants to be subsitituted" when I can already see that on the bar at the bottom of the screen)

Is this normal? Is there some setting/area I've not seen for "more Assistant feedback", or is this just the level of in-match feedback we get now in FM21? Thanks.

Edited by Colonel Getafe
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4 hours ago, Colonel Getafe said:

Solo llevo unas pocas partidas guardadas, pero me doy cuenta de que a menudo hay muy pocos comentarios del asistente en la parte 'The Dugout' de la nueva interfaz de la jornada. En FM20, uno de mis widgets 2D era Assistant Feedback, que se actualizaba constantemente durante el partido con cosas como "están intentando cruces bajos" o "están jugando de forma más expansiva" o "X sigue encontrando espacio a pesar de estar marcado", etc., ahora Obtengo 1, quizás 2 piezas de información por mitad o por juego (y eso suele ser "X quiere ser sustituido" cuando ya puedo verlo en la barra en la parte inferior de la pantalla).

¿Esto es normal? ¿Hay algún entorno / área que no haya visto para "más comentarios del Asistente", o este es solo el nivel de comentarios dentro del partido que obtenemos ahora en FM21? Gracias.

They have removed the widgets for putting the dugout and now there is less information. You can't consult your second coach whenever you want, which seems stupid to me. Only when AI wants to. I understand your frustration, it is one of my complaints this year

Edited by Costanino Hummels
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