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No face please


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Hi all,

I would like to configure the game so that no face is ever displayed (no photo, no face of regens, not even these black silouhettes). I know it was possible in earlier versions of FM. Are you aware of a setting or a skin that allows this?


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My request does not seem to stir the crowds ...

Maybe you could give me some tutorial references so that I can learn how to design my own skin with no face? or maybe you could direct me to someone knowledgeable about skin design?


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I’m pretty sure the silhouettes are a graphic, that can be removed/renamed using a blank image. Would need to have a look as to which folder they’re in.

I imagine that once they are removed/changed you would end up with a blank space where a picture would be shown. To remove that blank space would mean going through every panel a picture would show and removing the code that calls it. Doable, but a bit of work.

If you have no pictures in your SI/FM21/graphics folder then obviously the game will not call any.

I can’t be sure, but I don’t believe the game ships with pictures for players/staff anyway.

Your best bet would be to get the extraction archiver from steam and extract the fmf files and have a look around. 

Or at some point I can find the folder that holds the silhouettes. Or you can wait for someone more knowledgeable :)

Edited by Tyburn
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I'm also interested in a skin that does not display player and staff faces.  Most of the solutions I have read about are only workarounds like Tyburn mentioned.  Ideally, I would like the base skin with only player and staff names in a larger font and no large blank space where a modified silhouette file is.  This probably involves editing a panel and so far, I haven't had much luck identifying which one.

On 23/01/2021 at 15:36, Tyburn said:

You’ll also need to block the generation of newgen faces. There might be an easy solution to this is preferences, but I can’t be sure, and I’m not in front of the game at present.

This can be done by going to Preferences/Interface/Player Screen - Uncheck 'Show pictures of players (and staff) who have been generated by the game'.



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13 minutes ago, Squinty13 said:

I'm also interested in a skin that does not display player and staff faces.  Most of the solutions I have read about are only workarounds like Tyburn mentioned.  Ideally, I would like the base skin with only player and staff names in a larger font and no large blank space where a modified silhouette file is.  This probably involves editing a panel and so far, I haven't had much luck identifying which one.

This can be done by going to Preferences/Interface/Player Screen - Uncheck 'Show pictures of players (and staff) who have been generated by the game'.



You’ll have to edit ‘every’ panel that shows a player face. Removing the silhouette is just part of it. You’ll then have to remove/alter all references to containers/widgets that hold the code to generate player faces. Unless you’re happy with blank spaces everywhere :) 

As I said, doable, just a fair bit of work.

Good to know my instinct for turning off Newgen pictures was straight forward :) 

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11 minutes ago, Tyburn said:

You’ll have to edit ‘every’ panel that shows a player face. Removing the silhouette is just part of it. You’ll then have to remove/alter all references to containers/widgets that hold the code to generate player faces.

If anyone could walk me through how to achieve this with the base skin, for example, on the player information screen I would be grateful.  I could then have a go at applying the same edit to all panel instances that require a portrait.

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Start with "player personal details panel" and "player profile personal details" - found in panels/player.

Look for code that starts with <!-- Profile picture -->. Have a play around. Try deleting the whole block.

For instance:

<!-- Profile picture -->
                <widget class="picture" id="prop" scale_picture="true" keep_aspect_ratio="true" image_alignment="centre_x">
                    <record id="object_property">
                        <list id="get_properties">
                            <!--Facegen data request-->
                            <record get_property="fcgn" />
                            <!--Fake name request-->
                            <record get_property="Pfke" />
                            <record get_property="prpc" set_property="valu" />

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You don't need to mess around removing the face code from the various panels.

To remove the regen facegen just turn generated images off from the preferences menu,

To remove licensed player faces you just need a config file without the images present - easiest way is to extract them from the game files and keep the extracted config files but delete the faces;

To remove the default silhouettes just do the same as above - they are found in the default folder with the player faces, though for the default images you might need to replace them with transparent files.

If you don't want a blank space then you will need to manually go through each panel and remove the code and play around with the remaining code so it shifts across correctly.

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On 26/01/2021 at 17:35, michaeltmurrayuk said:

If you don't want a blank space then you will need to manually go through each panel and remove the code and play around with the remaining code so it shifts across correctly.

Can you elaborate on which bits of code I should be looking at?  I have managed to remove the player portrait code which worked and luckily the remaining information shifted over to the left of the panel (date of birth and no. of caps).  The text however is cut off short, almost as if there is an invisible box over the top of it.

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It depends on what panel you have edited, each one is coded differently, most likely you'll need to edit the layout values (or rows/columns if in a table) to account for the removal of the player pic - you have basically shifted the other code into the space for the pic so it's set to use the width/height values for the pic instead of it's own values.

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Thanks @michaeltmurrayuk  I have managed to get the player profile screen altered but I am having trouble with text in the popup profile screen.  I've removed the player portrait and have indented the player position but I can't work out how to indent the player name so that it lines up.  Also, is it possible to remove the pale blue lines on the white background of this panel?


Can anyone identify the two panels below that show the player and staff names?  I need to remove the space where the portrait should be.


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Hi Squinty, Michael and Tyburn. 

Many thanks for your reply


On 30/01/2021 at 15:12, Squinty13 said:

Also, is it possible to remove the pale blue lines on the white background of this panel?


Can anyone identify the two panels below that show the player and staff names?



 My coding skills are too poor, I'm sorry. May I ask you how to proceed precisely to achieve what you already have there? (what is a transparent file ?) I find that great. Well done for that.


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  • 1 year later...
On 26/01/2023 at 23:27, cooperidol said:

How did you get on with this squinty mate?

id love to run the new fm without any photos, silhouettes or blank spaces!!



I'm still playing FM22 but Marco's NO FACES MOD linked by bluestillidie00 above, looks to be a perfect solution.  I can only imagine how much hard work it took, so give it a try and drop him a thanks!

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  • 5 months later...
On 27/01/2021 at 00:35, michaeltmurrayuk said:

You don't need to mess around removing the face code from the various panels.

To remove the regen facegen just turn generated images off from the preferences menu,

To remove licensed player faces you just need a config file without the images present - easiest way is to extract them from the game files and keep the extracted config files but delete the faces;

To remove the default silhouettes just do the same as above - they are found in the default folder with the player faces, though for the default images you might need to replace them with transparent files.

If you don't want a blank space then you will need to manually go through each panel and remove the code and play around with the remaining code so it shifts across correctly.

Hi, I'm playing FM23 and I don't have access to the Resource Archiver. Is there anyway I can still remove all the licensed faces and play with only black silhouette (maybe there's a config file shared somewhere)?

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2 hours ago, Oyt said:

Hi, I'm playing FM23 and I don't have access to the Resource Archiver. Is there anyway I can still remove all the licensed faces and play with only black silhouette (maybe there's a config file shared somewhere)?

Did you check this to see if that was to your liking ?

else i would say no, as you need the config file and all the face data

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57 minutes ago, snowofman said:

Did you check this to see if that was to your liking ?

else i would say no, as you need the config file and all the face data

Unfortunately thats not what I want since the skin removes everything, including the empty space left by the silhouettes/faces. Thanks for the reply :)

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