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Competition not resetting / restarting - Stuck on year 1


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Often I'll post a question and figure it out myself after a few hours but this has been bugging me for days.

I've created a new Champions League qualification system and competition, which works pretty well for the first year, but goes no further. The 2020-21 final is played in late may but the competition does not restart in June as it's meant to.

I've tried:

- Creating a gap between the season update and set-up days.
- Creating separate list entries for subsequent seasons.
- With 'Valid years' set.
- Competition overlapping years off/on.
- Registered teams off/on.
- Setting the update day to after the final stage has finished.
- Having no season update day at all.
- Having no set-up day.
- Offsetting the start year, or having no start year at all.
- Every combination of date ranges (July-May, June-May, June-June)
- Moving the finals date forward into mid-may
- Moving the first stage back to July and August.

One thing i thought it could be- it doesn't give me the option to change between fixed / flexible rules so maybe it isn't applying the rules correctly?

There are a few other things I want to iron out and will eventually build other European competitions onto this, so there's some loose ends in this file, but none that should affect the season restarting in 2021-22.

Can anyone help?!


Screenshot (217).png

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Europe RFS NS Test Split.xml

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Try to use only setup date without season update day. I had many issues with season update day when editing continental competitions.

Also you should edit your xml - now champions league is set to version 1 - you should set it to 999 or 1000.

Maybe you should test this first.




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Cheers for the reply. Have tested all morning but unfortunately no combination of these works.

Setting the version to 1000 (Fixed rules) or 999 (Flexible rules) sometimes crashes the game mid-way through the season. Sometimes it works ok. 1 is more stable.

However in all of them the competition just doesn't end as planned after the final. A winner is recorded but the process of restarting the competition doesn't begin.

If I start the competition later, in 2021, it works as planned but again only runs one season.

Screenshot (222).png

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Still struggling with this, driving me mad!

I restarted the process, extracting the European competitions as per your tutorial, krlenjushka. Ran a test without making changes, runs fine. Then the moment I merge the database with "club continental rules" added, the existing European competitions no longer load, even if no custom continental rules have actually been applied. If my custom CL is in the database, it does load, but again only runs a single season. 

I thought I could just copy across the 'stages' into the existing CL system so it should work,  but any changes to the existing structure and it won't run for more than a season.

Is there any way to force the competition to end? That seems to be the problem, the final is played, and if I manually set history to record the final, then  the winner is recorded. But the system doesn't recognise that that's the end, almost as if it is waiting for something else to happen. 

Given the structure is virtually identical to the original Champions League structure, I'm sure I've not missed a tick box or anything- I've checked it so many times. It must be a bug, I'm just wondering if there's any way around it by forcing the competition to end to allow the new season to start? 

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