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Excellent In Training Yet Attributes Drop?!?

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Can someone explain this to me please? How is it a player can perform very well in training, "perfect a new position" (which isn't a new position at all) yet almost every single attribute has a down arrow?!

Ben Davies, Spurs LB, training as a Wing Back instead of Full Back so hardly a new position, still very early in pre-season, yet all down arrows for development. (He's the only player in the squad with down arrows, everyone else has a number of up arrows). Any ideas? Thanks.


Screenshot 2021-01-29 at 22.11.47.png

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PLayers often drop like this at the beginning when they're "learning new positions" (no matter whether you think its a new position or not), but they always come back up plentyful if you just keep giving him game time.

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1 hour ago, zindrinho said:

PLayers often drop like this at the beginning when they're "learning new positions" (no matter whether you think its a new position or not), but they always come back up plentyful if you just keep giving him game time.

who knew wing back was such a change from full back? thanks for the info though, much appreciated.

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2 hours ago, Tonton_Zola said:

Any other reasons why this can happen?

I have an outstanding 21 year old CB with model citizen personality who has developed brilliantly...

...before suddenly plunging into the dreaded orange arrows...

any thoughts?

How this was explained to me is that it happens when a player is developing well (as yours is), but their sum of attributes ("Recommended CA") reaches a certain threshold that causes the game to "rebalance" attributes and keep it in alignment with actual CA. Your player should continue their development normally, and I think the orange arrows should disappear whenever the CA next raises

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8 hours ago, autohoratio said:

How this was explained to me is that it happens when a player is developing well (as yours is), but their sum of attributes ("Recommended CA") reaches a certain threshold that causes the game to "rebalance" attributes and keep it in alignment with actual CA. Your player should continue their development normally, and I think the orange arrows should disappear whenever the CA next raises

This here. Basically when a player is developing "too fast" the game balances this by then lowering slightly attributes acrooss the board (0.1-0.2). Long term it should'nt matter.

The only issue I have seen with this mechanic its that when it happens to some players, specially slightly older you may have quite a hard time to recover the physical loss as those are the hardest to raise once the player is not very young.

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So what about when a newish young player isn't really developing, has the orange arrows of death over a majority of stats, without new positional training and yet the coach still says he's "developing" with decent training level?

Go into training progress, select all time for attributesl changes and it's orange arrows. 

Progress my ass. 

Edited by Gunblade
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