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[Portugal] (Official) League Specific Issues

Freddie Sands

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14 hours ago, PandoraBox said:

É, tente iniciar um salvamento. Eu mesmo testei e os jogadores não conseguiram jogar contra o tempo principal


até que as regras de disciplina não sejam resolvidas, não jogarei. Não faz sentido um jogador com 2 cartões amarelos na Taça de Portugal perder um jogo do campeonato. Tive 3 jogos seguidos, todos diferentes nas competições. Joguei contra o sporting, o benfica e o sporting de novo. Agora ia jogar contra o Portimomense pelo campeonato, tenho os zagueiros centrais punidos, os meio-campistas também. Ou seja, a experiência do jogo é horrível. Nada é perfeito, mas são coisas que poderiam ter sido corrigidas, são 2 min, no editor são 2 min que muda isso, mas isso também com você cheio de erros. Se o SI não corrigir os erros, é muito importante que o editor funcione corretamente.

the loans are still the same, I made them simulate, the porto loaned the player Carraça to the portimonense, the player played.

I keep saying, the game is full of errors. Thanks.


Edited by fabiogabriel
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12 horas atrás, fabiogabriel disse:

até que as regras de disciplina não sejam resolvidas, não jogarei. Não faz sentido um jogador com 2 cartões amarelos na Taça de Portugal perder um jogo do campeonato. Tive 3 jogos seguidos, todos diferentes nas competições. Joguei contra o sporting, o benfica e o sporting de novo. Agora ia jogar contra o Portimomense pelo campeonato, tenho os zagueiros centrais punidos, os meio-campistas também. Ou seja, a experiência do jogo é horrível. Nada é perfeito, mas são coisas que poderiam ter sido corrigidas, são 2 min, no editor são 2 min que muda isso, mas isso também com você cheio de erros. Se o SI não corrigir os erros, é muito importante que o editor funcione corretamente.

the loans are still the same, I made them simulate, the porto loaned the player Carraça to the portimonense, the player played.

I keep saying, the game is full of errors. Thanks.


You have to start a new save for the rules to work.





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20 horas atrás, Branquinho1997 disse:

Np, i understand but is there any way that we can send that topic to SI so they can investigate? Because this is not a new issue, last fm was the same issue with second divison clubs not getting the correct values

Not sure if it is here or in the editor forum.

You should try the editor one



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Plataforma Steam para PC FM 2021

Depois de usar o pre-game editor guardei as alterações, ao começar o jogo continuo sem poder selecionar o ficheiro, alguém me pode ajudar?

Já tentei limpar a cache, verificar os ficheiros da Steam, apagar as pastas cache da appdata e nada, continua na mesma.

Os ficheiros foram guardados nas pastas default do FM, não foram alteradas.


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44 minutes ago, *ComuNinja* said:

Plataforma Steam para PC FM 2021

Depois de usar o pre-game editor guardei as alterações, ao começar o jogo continuo sem poder selecionar o ficheiro, alguém me pode ajudar?

Já tentei limpar a cache, verificar os ficheiros da Steam, apagar as pastas cache da appdata e nada, continua na mesma.

Os ficheiros foram guardados nas pastas default do FM, não foram alteradas.


Welcome to fm 21. A game full of bugs, which even after updates remains the same.

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Guys , caps , bolt etc.. come on this is a forum :) . 


Ok bugs know and urgent to fix is the B teams .

2022 winter is not a break is the World Cup so dont report that like a bug . 

I still play with the Beta Save Game , is any of that talk bugs need to get a FULL new save  to play? That will be bad because im in 2023 :( ... 


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2 hours ago, Tigas said:

Pessoal, bonés, parafuso etc. vamos lá é um fórum :) . 


Ok, bugs conhecidos e urgentes para consertar são os times B.

O inverno de 2022 não é uma pausa, é a Copa do Mundo, então não diga isso como um inseto. 

Eu ainda jogo com o Beta Save Game, algum desses bugs precisa para obter um novo save COMPLETO para jogar? Isso vai ser ruim porque estou em 2023 :( ... 


you are children? They have to fix everything. Everything, from teams b, to discipline rules, to loans, everything. They launched a beta, were warned of errors, and released the full game, when in fact it is the continuation of the Beta. if this week does not come out update, i will ask for my money back and i will never buy fm again

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5 hours ago, fabiogabriel said:

you are children? They have to fix everything. Everything, from teams b, to discipline rules, to loans, everything. They launched a beta, were warned of errors, and released the full game, when in fact it is the continuation of the Beta. if this week does not come out update, i will ask for my money back and i will never buy fm again

Tuga power... nao uses o translate :) , e não , não sou criança , se calhar ainda não tinhas nascido já eu jogava CM 1 :) . 

Claro que  o jogo ainda está meio verde mas ser parvo não vai acelerar a correção de problemas , muito menos em português e já agora " caps , bolt etc.. come on this is a forum " é capslock , bolt é o texto carregado logo não é traduzido :) . 

Se não sabem estar num forum não venham largar parvoíces nos mesmos. 

Se não estás satisfeito , pede os euros de volta mas boa sorte que alguém devolva passado de teres o jogo faz dias. 

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Im playing with Canelas 2010 and i just won the portuguese championship

But then i get sacked because i cannot play portuguese third league, even tough i have all portuguese leagues availables to play.

I already upload to your cloud as file 1111


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2 horas atrás, palmamiguel92 disse:

When can we expect a fix? winter patch?

I hope so...But I do not believe it will be fast...

They are more concerned with being politically correct here (and I will not say anymore otherwise I'm the one that will be "warned")... instead of fixing the most bugged game ever in this saga...

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20 minutos atrás, SlingShot disse:

I hope so...But I do not believe it will be fast...

They are more concerned with being politically correct here (and I will not say anymore otherwise I'm the one that will be "warned")... instead of fixing the most bugged game ever in this saga...

I'm sure they are doing the best they can

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1 hora atrás, palmamiguel92 disse:

I'm sure they are doing the best they can

Bro I really hope so...I love this game

But right now I have my money in the trash...I buyed right after they open the buy process...and yet I cannot play...

So I'm really unhappy with the developers, coders, testers, etc.

In therms of database this year was the worst I remember...I play this game since CM 03/04 (yeah I was a kid at that time and most of the time I did not knew what to do or how to really play, but I relied in a cousin to play), when I had my 1st computer my 1st game was FM06 and since then I never stopped to play...today I can not play, not because of my computer, not because of my time, not because of my money, I can't play because them...They just didn't do a god job...

But I really want and hope that they fix it.

I just write here for them to see that this is important to us, to they improve themselfs and the game and to all of us who play the game to enjoy every save, win, draw or lose (sometimes getting fm'ed xD).

So guys can you update and resolve this bug's? xD

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On 08/12/2020 at 01:36, FrazT said:

Você escolheu anteriormente passar comentários desnecessários sobre as postagens e estilo de postagem dele - faça o que lhe foi pedido e siga em frente, por favor

Hi. It seems that the only way for someone to give importance to the Portuguese people and their complaints, is when we arrived here and started to speak ill of all and everyone. Instead of worrying about the well being of the forum, start worrying about the well being of us who are your customers and we bought a "final" product that in fact is not. And sorry to use a translator, as good Portuguese as I am. If they say again that I use a translator, I'll come back and say what I said last time.

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Hey there, so I am playing with Sporting CP, and for some odd reason, my next opponont in the 4th round of the portuguese Cup is my B team. AS far as I remember, B teams dont enter this competiton let alone play against their A Team.

Screenshot 2020-12-09 094810.png

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On 02/12/2020 at 16:30, SlingShot said:

Após o update de hoje fiz uma simulação até 2022 e isto continua a acontecer....


Simplesmente vergonhoso...

Lançar um jogo com falhas assim vergonhosas nunca vi...comprei vários FM's e este em termos de bug's é uma anedota...durante o beta é desculpável...depois do beta é simplesmente uma incompetência para isto era melhor só lançar o jogo em 2021...

Adoro esta série tenho imensas horas nela, adorei as mudanças que fizeram no FM21 a vários níveis, mas nunca vi num FM tantos bugs como este ano...embora tenha gostado de muitas coisas novas se desse pedia o dinheiro de volta... erros deste calibre, assim como jogadores emprestados jogarem contra a própria equipa (a liga portuguesa proíbe isso), a melhor posição em certos jogadores não é a posição natural mas sim uma mais baixa, certas regras de inscrição de jogadores, algumas transferências aparecem em duas epocas consecutivas contando para os valores totais de ambas..., simplesmente vergonhoso... 

Including other many bugs, this one is the one that REMOVES all the fun 😔

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23 hours ago, FrazT said:

Não há necessidade de responder a nenhum outro usuário e certamente não há necessidade de reafirmar o que você disse da última vez - se houver um problema com qualquer outro usuário, apenas relate a postagem e os Mods cuidarão disso.

my problem is that i spent money on a game that started in the beta phase, and we are in the official game, and it continues with the errors of the beta game. That is my big problem. You SI, launch a game to test, we all here say what is good and bad, and guess what? They do nothing. Then release updates and guess what? remain the same. So yes this is my problem.

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1 hora atrás, Neil Brock disse:

We're aware of the issues raised in this thread and there's something we're investigating with the aim of fixes for a future update. Apologies for any inconvenience caused.

Have you checked my topic too regarding the sponsors?

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1 hora atrás, Neil Brock disse:

We're aware of the issues raised in this thread and there's something we're investigating with the aim of fixes for a future update. Apologies for any inconvenience caused.

Still investiganting???

I see the season ending and this bug's still in the game...

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Im been told the Lucas Powell is too old for the Under 19s, however he is 18 years old as you can see from his profile.

From reading the competition rules for the U19 squad it says the squad canot have any players aged over 19 (born before 1.1.20), which does not apply to Powell




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3 hours ago, teep007 said:

still don't like any solution? we want to play, aren't you going to release a fix this week? thank you reply? thanks

It’d be very nice but I’m sure they are working on it. Despite that, I’m expecting to see the issue solved just in late January. I hope I’m wrong. Would like to play Liga NOS again as it is

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Competitions and Rule Groups*
- Various rule updates for Croatia, Serbia, Singapore, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Brazil, Uruguay, Romania, Russia and Scotland
- Spanish and Portuguese B-Team promotion fixes
- Fix for B teams incorrectly appearing in the Italian Cup

Hope the this is a mistake and they fixed in Portugal aswell

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9 minutes ago, Aim_Less said:

Competitions and Rule Groups*
- Various rule updates for Croatia, Serbia, Singapore, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Brazil, Uruguay, Romania, Russia and Scotland
- Spanish and Portuguese B-Team promotion fixes
- Fix for B teams incorrectly appearing in the Italian Cup

Hope the this is a mistake and they fixed in Portugal aswell

Don’t think so. If it’s a save game compatible update, B teams are still playing cup matches in 2nd season

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1 minuto atrás, zbidram disse:

Don’t think so. If it’s a save game compatible update, B teams are still playing cup matches in 2nd season

"In some instances, changes to competitions, rules and registrations will require starting a new game to come into effect."

I don't know but I will test...

Already with the game open testing, in a few minutes I will respond here if they solved this problem...

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Just now, SlingShot said:

"In some instances, changes to competitions, rules and registrations will require starting a new game to come into effect."

I don't know but I will test...

Already with the game open testing, in a few minutes I will respond here if they solved this problem...

Thanks SlingShot. Let’s hope for the best...

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19 minutos atrás, zbidram disse:

Just went fast forward to season 2 after starting a new save and in Portugal, b teams are not playing the cup anymore. 
thanks SI

I stopped now my test... in 5years I did not saw any B team in any Portugal Cup, the 3rd division was working fine as the 4th division (campeonato de Portugal (Prio) ) and all the rules looks fine... thanks SI

Just one more thing that I did not tested was if a loan player can play against his original team, I looked in the rules and I did not saw anything about that...tomorrow in my new save I will test (but it's not an important rule for me, the B teams were the important one).

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33 minutes ago, SlingShot said:

I stopped now my test... in 5years I did not saw any B team in any Portugal Cup, the 3rd division was working fine as the 4th division (campeonato de Portugal (Prio) ) and all the rules looks fine... thanks SI

Just one more thing that I did not tested was if a loan player can play against his original team, I looked in the rules and I did not saw anything about that...tomorrow in my new save I will test (but it's not an important rule for me, the B teams were the important one).

Exactly. It was nonsense having b teams playing cup matches. Thanks SI for solving it. Let’s start a new Liga NOS!

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That's it, my English is weak, I use the translator, I hope you understand me. You are being warned that there are errors, basic correction errors. launches an update and remains the same? What part doesn't realize that Portugal's rules are wrong?


5 yellow cards 1 game suspended in Portuguese leagues. 2 yellow cards in the cups, it is suspended in the cups, but they are unique competitions, if it is suspended in the Portuguese cup it is not in the league cup. Any red card is suspended in the next game, in any competition.


I just asked for that, I was suspended, I was everything and it remains the same. Now will you suspend me again? No more incompetence..





Isso poderia ser alterado pelo editor, mas é claro, seria bom demais para ser verdade.



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