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Custom tactic - where can I improve?

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The overall style of play is aimed to be a hybrid of a slightly more direct style on the ball and pressing off it. It doesn't let me send a screenshot of tactic for some reason, so I'll just put it below

Attacking 4-2-3-1

          SK (SU)


              BWM (DE)         CAR (SU)

IF (AT)                    AP (SU)               IF (AT)

                                AF (AT)


In Possession

Play out of Defence 


Be more Expressive


In transition

Roll it out

Distribute to CB'S 



Out of Possession

Higher LOE

More Urgent

Prevent Short GK distribution

Use offside trap


(my passing length and tempo are both on default for attacking mentality, so slightly more direct and higher tempo) I also accidentally posted it before I even put the tactic :D

Any help would be appreciated :)

Edited by YLSFM00
Accidentally posted it too early
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You say you want to play direct, then you have "play out of defence". It's a bit of a contradiction, but not necessarily a tactical issue.

Regarding roles and duties: I don't fancy all 3 forwards on attack. They already start up high, they will be a bit disconnected from the rest of the team. Probably dropping one of them to IF-S will help. I would go with the RW. You could also have your LB become a FB-S with Get Further Forward, so his main focus is defence, but he'll offer support on the wing.

Then, I would only play 1 BPD, but that's more of a personal option than an advice.

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5 hours ago, YLSFM00 said:

IF (AT)                    AP (SU)               IF (AT)

                                AF (AT)


5 hours ago, YLSFM00 said:


I don't see any point in using the Work ball into box in such a gung-ho setup. Because for any instruction to be effective, it needs to be in harmony with the rest of the tactic, especially the setup of roles and duties.

On top of that, even apart from the WBiB, an attacking trio made of 3 roles of essentially the same type (direct attacking runners) - i.e. an AF paired with attacking IFs - usually leads to competition for space and influence up front and consequently tends to make a tactic rather ineffective. 

So if you want to play with IFs and the striker all on attack duties, I would suggest switching the striker to more of a creator role (e.g. CF or DLF or TQ). Or switching the IFs to IWs (or one winger and one IW). 

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8 hours ago, Experienced Defender said:


I don't see any point in using the Work ball into box in such a gung-ho setup. Because for any instruction to be effective, it needs to be in harmony with the rest of the tactic, especially the setup of roles and duties.

On top of that, even apart from the WBiB, an attacking trio made of 3 roles of essentially the same type (direct attacking runners) - i.e. an AF paired with attacking IFs - usually leads to competition for space and influence up front and consequently tends to make a tactic rather ineffective. 

So if you want to play with IFs and the striker all on attack duties, I would suggest switching the striker to more of a creator role (e.g. CF or DLF or TQ). Or switching the IFs to IWs (or one winger and one IW). 

   thanks, and I'll take @lfds89advice as well 

                           IF (AT)                        AP (SU)                       IF (SU) 

                                                                DLF  (AT) 

could it work?

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2 hours ago, YLSFM00 said:

IF (AT)                        AP (SU)                       IF (SU) 

                                                                DLF  (AT) 

could it work?

Happy to say it has! was 3rd and 3 points off top before I did this, won 5 league games in a row and now 2 points ahead at the top.

90% of teams we've been playing play a deep block, so I've added high DL for those and made the attacking width extremely wide, will drop back down to standard against better teams I think, but both tweaks have helped a lot against teams who sit deep :) 

DLF (A) Wintzheimer has been getting a lot of goals as well, so again I'm happy, hopefully we can keep it up

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