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Underlap vs Overlap vs none

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Been trying to get an IF-At to produce the way I want him to, by being consistent. I've had multiple tactics and even though they score they just go missing in others, with possibly not enough opportunities for them in the right areas being an issue. 

Does an underlap help within this tactic? My go to is to overlap as it makes the WB more aggressive but can see how it is counterproductive for the IF. Does underlap help feed through balls to the IF more?


Screenshot 2021-04-06 at 17.41.04.png

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7 minutes ago, skyline72 said:

Could it be the player himself is not consistent?

Did think that but its been the same across different saves and different players. When I move them into another position and role eg RW IW-At they seem to perform a lot better.

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38 minutes ago, RPM_01 said:

Did think that but its been the same across different saves and different players. When I move them into another position and role eg RW IW-At they seem to perform a lot better.

The IF(A) is pretty much an out and out goalscorer like the AF(A), so if they don't manage to get their name on the scoresheet they generally won't do anything else that would give them solid ratings. The IW(A), while still very aggressive, is more creative and can impact the game even without scoring. Personally, I much prefer the IW(A) over the IF(S/A) this version, as they still have high enough mentality to push the line and be regular goal scorers, while at the same time not completely disappearing from the game if they don't manage to get their name on the scoresheet.

As for your initial question. Underlap would push your IF out wide, so away from the goal, which if you want him to be a main goalscorer probably will backfire. With the role he should still cut inside later, but then there's also the WB in that space, so unless you have a very good attacking WB you're probably only gonna congest the space and make things harder for your IF. As far as overlap goes, with a positive mentality and a WB(S), I personally don't think it's needed. The WB will inherently get forward aggressively and naturally overlap, without your IF slowing down to allow for the overlap.

You could try focusing your play down the flank to see if that helps with your IF being more engaged in general and improve his ratings, even if he doesn't score?

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I've had success with an IF-A who was quite good on the air. I had my team cross from the right and he just had many chances attacking the area from the left flank.

Regarding the overlap/underlap, I rarely use the overlap, but when I do is mostly to get crosses from the byline from my fullback. Regarding the underlap, I've had decent success in one occasion: I had a FB-S with stay wider and take more risks coupled with a IW-A (or S, don't remember) playing on the midfield strata. I've noticed when they played on the AM strata he was already to far forward to make the underlap movement. Team on attacking mentality to increase risk taking.

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Your LWB will naturally overlap the IF so imo I wouldn't feel the need to use it, Also remember when you use Over/Under Lap it will have an effect on the more advanced players mentality, for example in this case if you use over lap on the left, your LWB will become more attacking, however your Left IF's mentality will drop.

You also have to remember what this TI does, the IF will hold onto the ball for longer to wait for the WB to overlap, this can have a knock on effect on how it performs in the final third. 

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17 hours ago, RPM_01 said:

Been trying to get an IF-At to produce the way I want him to, by being consistent. I've had multiple tactics and even though they score they just go missing in others, with possibly not enough opportunities for them in the right areas being an issue. 

Does an underlap help within this tactic? My go to is to overlap as it makes the WB more aggressive but can see how it is counterproductive for the IF. Does underlap help feed through balls to the IF more?


Screenshot 2021-04-06 at 17.41.04.png

I have the same direct question/problem. I have this world class all around player (natural in cm, am, aml etc.). I tend to play him as IF(A/S) but if he doesnt score he doesnt do much and have very low rating.

@Freakiie's idea is the one i will def. try. I will try to play him IW(A) and will hope for still to score as IF was, but also to help to build up a attack, notch a assists here and there and will see how it goes. Its also true I dont play a F9, I play AF (i have pacey striker) and if it is as you say (that IF(A) works basically as AF) they probably bother each other. Hoping for the best, will give the update after few matches.

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@blejdek If you want to discuss your own tactic or player(s) or tactical issues, then you'll have to start your own separate thread topic. This thread is exclusively about the OP's tactic. 

1 hour ago, blejdek said:

will give the update after few matches

No updates here. Only in your own thread once you open it.

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