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26 minutes ago, samuelawachie said:

I think many people are opposite to you, like me. Once I use the editor, I feel that the save has been "tainted" and that I've got an unfair advantage over the AI. It just makes the game lose some of its value. Like the bible says, "FM is a honorable thing, with the save undefiled". (: 

I support this point. But in case of situations, like I've described above there is no way around it, it's a bug loop, you can't get out of. Other than that I never use in-game for fixing saves

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1 hour ago, Wizard boy said:

Anyone tried buying a player who has been transfer listed with an asking price but you try to pay it and the club want more? 

When I tried to buy Mahrez from City as United, the price indeed doubled. 

Because they're sworn rivals. 

Outside of that, not sure. 

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1 hour ago, Wizard boy said:

Anyone tried buying a player who has been transfer listed with an asking price but you try to pay it and the club want more? 

Yep asking price 400k they wouldn't shift from 450k which was still a massive discount on his value...

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16 saat önce, Leon_fogo said:

Will we have a patch before Christmas?

And have you been playing your games in 3D mode without any LAG or stutter?

I'm really enjoying the goalkeepers' defenses and also the varied shots ... I'm excited to see the interaction doing very well during the game.

I don't know when we get a patch actually. 

There was stutter first but i made some changes on nvidia settings and now it's fine. Try this:



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17 hours ago, Leon_fogo said:

Will we have a patch before Christmas?

And have you been playing your games in 3D mode without any LAG or stutter?

I'm really enjoying the goalkeepers' defenses and also the varied shots ... I'm excited to see the interaction doing very well during the game.

I saw someone of the mods said that there will me patch in Christmas (like every year)

I dont think (and i hope so) that there will be just a little changes in the ME.. cuz this is the best ME of any FM addition.

Just little tweaks about AI mentality , GK assists , too many blocked crosses and goals from throw ins. 

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2 minutes ago, GOODNAME said:

I saw someone of the mods said that there will me patch in Christmas (like every year)

I dont think (and i hope so) that there will be just a little changes in the ME.. cuz this is the best ME of any FM addition.

Just little tweaks about AI mentality , GK assists , too many blocked crosses and goals from throw ins. 

ME is good but one on ones 99% of the time results in a goal and shots at close range. Keeper just stands there. Do love the little dinks over the keeper though. 

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14 minutes ago, Double0Seven said:

Oh man don't get me started. Like a ton of bugs with stats not showing correct numbers. Someone had a summary post somewhere here but I forgot which page it was. 

This and the regen bug make this game a non starter for me right now, I dont be making decisions based on faulty stats so Ill wait until the December patch which hopefully fixes it. Ive been following this thread fairly carefully but havent seen the post about it so I must have missed it. I also cant see anything in the Bugs forum

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3 minutes ago, francis#17 said:

This and the regen bug make this game a non starter for me right now. I cant be making decisions based on faulty stats. Ive been following this thread fairly carefully but havent seen the post about it so I must have missed it. I also cant see anything in the Bugs forum

Page 46 here by Kertiek. Found it.

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5 minutes ago, Double0Seven said:

Page 46 here by Kertiek. Found it.

Cheers, well Im definitely going to wait until the December patch before I start my proper save. Do you have any when in December it usually releases? I'd assume its before Christmas.

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6 hours ago, ashok_mittal_83 said:

2. Work permits have been brought up a lot so I'm not debating that. However, there should be filter that allows you to only show players who don't need a WP or will get a WP.. In real life, your scouts would know who would and wouldn't get a WP. It's far too time consuming at the moment. Is there something that allows you to do this which I'm missing?

In player search or shortlist > edit search > transfer > you can find two options to filter regarding work permits. 

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6 hours ago, Wizard boy said:

He played 30 games with rating of 7.13 and never complained once until the end of the season. Is there anywhere to check about this promise? I know he signed to play as a impact sup but did much better than I thought he would so he got more games. The problem was the questions. Whichever answer I chose was gonna annoy him which then annoys me. 

Yes. Top left menu of a player's profile page, either the 'Information' or 'Happiness' sub menu from the drop down. I forgot which is it of those two, but you should see any promises listed there, along with how the player is feeling about it and life in general.

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Recently in my save I had a huge game late in the season. My team sitting at #2 versus those guys sitting at #1. I decided for this game I would watch in "Full Match" mode. (I usually use either extended or key.)


Wow. First, the match engine is beautiful and was great to watch. Then, as the manager being able to look up my what information I could get a a touch, while the game was still running, made me really feel like a manager. Then being able to look at the analytics only at halftime and decide how to give my halftime pep talk was really good.

For big games I will watch on Full Match mode, but I like doing Extended, but it you haven't done FM21 on Full match yet you should.


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1 minute ago, CaptCanuck said:

Yes. Top left menu of a player's profile page, either the 'Information' or 'Happiness' sub menu from the drop down. I forgot which is it of those two, but you should see any promises listed there, along with how the player is feeling about it and life in general.

Looked there but didn’t see any. Usually I don’t add promises especially for preferred position because they might not play there. 

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1 minute ago, Wizard boy said:

Looked there but didn’t see any. Usually I don’t add promises especially for preferred position because they might not play there. 

Ah OK - thought it was there. Maybe via Team Dynamics page/subpage?

Like you I tend not to do promises, so I guess I am misremembering :rolleyes::)

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3 minutes ago, CaptCanuck said:

Ah OK - thought it was there. Maybe via Team Dynamics page/subpage?

Like you I tend not to do promises, so I guess I am misremembering :rolleyes::)

Maybe Adama is too then. You’d think it would be where contract info is or at least say promises none. 

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Has anyone else noticed:

a) mouse pointer and clickable don’t line up very well




b) the “confirm” box disappears from the main tactics screen DURING the match when you make adjustments from the expanded tactics menu, forcing you to click another tab to be able to confirm changes and exit?

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4 hours ago, srvngrc said:

I don't know when we get a patch actually. 

There was stutter first but i made some changes on nvidia settings and now it's fine. Try this:



I've done all this, I've updated windows, the driver for the card, I've worked on the executable, I'm in direct contact with the support ... this will be fixed in the Christmas patch! I have faith hahaha

I want to play FM 2021 without any lag, for my computer I deserve it as well as other people who are reporting bugs (Nvidia cards).



3 hours ago, Wizard boy said:

ME is good but one on ones 99% of the time results in a goal and shots at close range. Keeper just stands there. Do love the little dinks over the keeper though. 

If it's just these changes then yes we will have the best FM in history ...

You cannot take away the variety of moves, place the game only at crosses or else the tactic does not respond. Here I am really enjoying the VAR, it is very cool, realistic and according to the match. One thing that is visible that you have to correct is the absurd amount of shots on goal throughout the game, and also the defense that even retreating always takes balls in the back.

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1 hour ago, Wizard boy said:

VAR when checking goals needs fixing because every time it’s goal disallowed. At least when checking pens it can vary not much but a few times. 

The VAR is much better than the FM2020, I don't think I have to change it. We know how these patches are, they can correct something and harm other things ... Here, the VAR is varied, sometimes it is a penalty, sometimes it is not, sometimes it is a fault sometimes it is not ...I really care about the team's tactical approach and response, this is very good! Please Sigames, don't screw this up ... These final patches can always do damage. Many people say that the beta version is generally better.

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2 minutes ago, Leon_fogo said:

The VAR is much better than the FM2020, I don't think I have to change it. We know how these patches are, they can correct something and harm other things ... Here, the VAR is varied, sometimes it is a penalty, sometimes it is not, sometimes it is a fault sometimes it is not ...I really care about the team's tactical approach and response, this is very good! Please Sigames, don't screw this up ... These final patches can always do damage. Many people say that the beta version is generally better.

If it goes to VAR to check goals it’s always goals disallowed every single time. It was the same on fm20. Needs to be like when it checks pens, varied.

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there seems to be more little bugs on this years game than in previous versions (reading through the feedback)


I just don't get how something can work in last years - then be a bug in this years, unless SI totally start from scratch for this years version. I'm not a coder/IT person, so when I say "I don't get how...." that's genuine, not having a pop. 

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complicate home matches please. In modern football, the line between home and away matches is very small. And in FM it turns out that home matches are practically a win-win option. And I would like to see strong-willed victories. Somehow you can't win or lose like that. Watching the full match

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51 minutes ago, luka_zg said:


Is there something wrong with scouting? My scouts are unable to find one player under this parameters. I am playing as Lazio. I have no idea what am I doing wrong here, how is there not one player in the world who would be recommended??


Normally you get that when you already have world-class players in your team as the search is relative to what you've already got.  Only thing to suggest is drop the the potential ability to three stars and see if there are older players that meet the scouting requirements.  If there are then you can then try to narrow the search by bringing the age back down to try to find a suitable player.

EDIT: Also check your recruitment package - not sure how much of the world you are searching.


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One final feedback post from me. To remind you, I have skipped 6 versions and come back after some time with FM 14. Most of my FM playing in the past was with the iterations from 04 to 12 which I generally enjoyed. I played 14 a lot last spring during lockdown so my memories of it are fresh.

My previous posts had to do with the UI (which I found a terrible pointless slog and change for the sake of change). This one is about the ME. It's after a full season in Serie C with comprehensive highlights and even one full game. To pre-empt the traditional "It's Your Tactics (TM)" post, I won promotion with 14 points difference and only two defeats and only 19 goals against. So, I am not complaining about results, if anything the game has been too easy so far. My squad was one of the stronger ones in the division, but not the best. This is all without wonder tactics downloaded from the web, or Youtube study. I built my tactic using the (excellent) in game tactic builder and adapting to my existing squad. Since I always play with the first transfer window disabled, this was mostly with the hand I was dealt. I only brought one (good) loan in during the Jan window, and dumped some dead wood along with a good promising player on a transfer to a Serie A team.

Right. ME. This is compared to FM14 and it's about my immersion level and the variety of play. I always play with the 2-d dots as I find the FIFA '97 graphics of 3D very immersion breaking.

The overall feel of the game is realistic, and with the dots my imagination allows enough leeway to make it quite immersive. 

Buildups look very nice and patient. I play with a one striker, wide formation so I don't find the wide play and frequent crossing unrealistic. I like how play is spread around, and how the overlaps/underlaps are used. Players seem to be making runs now which in 14 was rare - the game felt very much like subbuteo then: ball to feet.

HOWEVER, there is a very strong feeling one gets that wing play has been purposely "nerfed". The inability of many (most) crosses to clear the first defender and the continuous resulting corners is immersion-breaking.

It also seems that defenders have had a bit of unnatural boost. I don't really lose the ball to robust midfield challenges, but once I get to the last defender he gets transformed into a Baresi/Moore/Maldini clone who perfectly slides tackles me more often than not. I don't mind my Serie C striker being unable to Maradona his way through a defence, or being slow as molasses and getting caught from behind, but I would expect Serie C defenders to be muppets equally often. They're not, they're generally wonderful.

Another immersion breaking recurrent situation is the striker who misses over the bar. Again, these are Serie C strikers, so I expect them to be useless. No problems there. But they keep missing over. The problem is not the "missing". It's the "over". Not wide, not straight at the keeper, not tripping over themselves, not kicking air. Over. And Over. And Over again. Yes, I know, It's My Tactics. Sure. But can my wrong tactics also cause missing wide? Some cases are the typical, egregious "free header, missing over  - 1-2-1 missing over", but as I said I am accepting of my Serie C strikers being awful. Can they just be awful in a different manner and not just have spoons for feet?

The number of yellow cards seems right and appropriate to the robust tactics I use. The number of red cards feels very low. All through the season I had one straight red, and one second yellow dismissal. And I play with Get Stuck In as default. I have had only one red (second yellow) given to teams playing against me. That's after 38 games. It feels very odd.

Injuries to my team look low-ish in total, but I do put a lot of care into training and maintaining everyone as match sharp as possible. The odd thing here is that I have had only one in-game injury all season - all the others have been training injuuries, or in U20/U18 match sharpness games. Lots of flus and viruses too, which I guess IS realistic but depressing.  There were fewer than 5 in-game injuries to my opponents, and this with Get Stuck In all the time from my side and after 38 games. Makes you long for that ACL tear. FM14 in game injuries felt more right.

So. Is this a better ME than the one for FM14? Of course it is. For one there are no 3-4 woodwork strikes per game. And there are 7 years of clever people working on it since then. Is it good enough? Certainly. But, being the greedy bastard that I am, I still long for more variety in play. The game looks great at start, but then tends to settle into a pattern of repetitive occurrences that "feel" like purposeful nerfs. Perhaps they're not, and these are just attractors of a chaotic system, when one new butterfly wing flap in one part of the code causes a hurricane of blocked crosses in another. I suspect it's the latter. But the fact remains. Very quickly the game tends to settle to these patterns of attractor outcomes. Pass wide, first time cross, blocked, corner. Nice passing, striker clear, fires over. Winger makes great run unchallenged, perfect sliding tackle from the last defender.

Overall? It's nice. But I want more. I said I was a greedy bastard.

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How do I stop the touchline tablet from becoming transparent ? Whenever I open the touchline tablet it becomes about 50% transparent after a few seconds. Also I see that I can customise the touchline tablet to show my team and oppositions stats down to the player level. But can I view this outside of the touchline tablet such as in the tactics view?

I know this has been answered before but how can I view the match stats once I'm in the team talk view?

Lastly can I see my assistant managers advice when playing in Full Match. I can only find the advice in the the Dugoit section but that dugout section only appears between highlights which means I can never see the advice.

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Never played FMT, just wondering how it works. Is there any considerable differences in processing time between the two? And will facepacks work if I download FMT or do I have to do something for them to appear in game?

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Getting more and more frustrated on how "broken" things are.

I'm in the lowest playable tier in Slovenia. Having narrowly avoided relegation.
My Assistant's contract has just run out and i released him as he wasn't interested at all in renewing.
Ability-wise he was too good for the club so i understand it.

In FM20 i wrote that it was way too easy to get quality staff for any club.
In FM21 it's nigh on impossible to get staff for a low-rep club.
Trying to find a new Assistant is giving me a headache.
I've tried ticking the realistic appointments for first team and they're nowhere near realistic.
I tried every filter i can think of that has relevance and the results are the same.

I can offer £850p/m at maximum. The realistic filter gives me people that won't accept anything less than £2.5k p/m, £4k p/m etc.
So i choose to look for coaches instead. Lower demands and give them a position as an Assistant instead. But they are the same people.
So that's no good.
I go down to look for U19 coaches instead. Different people but their demands are the same as soon as i offer the position of Assistant Manager.

That means if that tickbox for including realistic appointments actually would work properly there wouldn't be a single person there.
I've filtered for first-team, reserves and youth team. Does not matter one bit.

Ok, i'll go another way then. I'll put out an advert for Assistant Manager in Job Centre.
Nope. Can't do it. Button is greyed out. Thought it might be the skin i'm using so i did my usual clearing of cache and so on.
Nothing. It's unclickable.

Just tried to get a new Chief Scout and that was fine. I had to go to half star reputation but that's fine.
There were 65 people i could realistically offer a contract they would consider.
In total, with the filters, there were 241 people. Why are the other 176 people there considered realistic when they're miles away from being realistic?

There is so much with the functions of this UI which just aren't working i'm actually considering putting this game on the shelf.
It's just pure frustration.
Every single session of playing there is a new discovery of something off or not working properly.
It takes my focus away from being a manager to trying to avoid UI stuff that isn't working.
For a fully released game this isn't good at all. It is way below what should be considered accepted standard minimum.

ME is better than ever, great. But i can't enjoy it as much when i'm bringing a ton of frustration with me to it.
Because it only gets worse there with the user-unfriendly UI/UX during the match. 

I have gradually gone from "This might possibly be the best FM in a long time, if not ever", to "This might be the worst FM i've ever played". Emphasis on FM :D I still remember the horrors of CM4. Won't get any worse than that.
Reason is that i'm not really playing the game; or the role of a manager. I find myself stuck with the focus on not to notice and/or avoid everything that doesn't work instead of enjoying what it's supposed to be about.

Of course, a part of it might be a local issue, like the greyed out Place Advert button. But there's also a big fundemental problem within the game that needs sorting out.
Many fundamental problems, i'm sad to say,

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Most unrealistic for me is the humongous amount of shots per game you see on FM. So many shots, and shots on target. Goalkeepers make a ridiculous amount of saves per game. What is perhaps a ONCE PER SEASON miracle game/saves irl, is a standard amount of saves for the goalkeepers on FM, every single game. Go ahead and look at the stats in your game and compare them to real life. Ludicrous.

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What on earth has happened to the match engine? They did this last year, ruined it even further on each patch. All the nice central play of the beta has completely gone for long balls. I expect this will continue with each patch. Shame. 

Really disliked FM20 and this is more of the same. and now we also have a poorly implemented Brexit, lots of bugs and a very poor Match UI. Understand its been a difficult year and staff working from home etc, but I think ill be going back to FM19 :thdn:

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43 minutes ago, PAFC_Dugout said:

What on earth has happened to the match engine? They did this last year, ruined it even further on each patch. All the nice central play of the beta has completely gone for long balls. I expect this will continue with each patch. Shame. 

Really disliked FM20 and this is more of the same. and now we also have a poorly implemented Brexit, lots of bugs and a very poor Match UI. Understand its been a difficult year and staff working from home etc, but I think ill be going back to FM19 :thdn:

Very little has happened to the match engine, just FYI, as noted by one of the ME devs:

And particularly for the central passing issue, that bug was also present in the beta, and is being worked on at the moment (and so perhaps might be best to turn off the "Focus play through the middle" instruction for the moment):


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Can this be considered a bug? Or they're just absolutely crazy for the player? Because it's the first time that this ever happened to me.  Chelsea started to offer 99M for Hakimi, I rejected and they keep coming with higher offers at each rejection. I feel that they could reach 300M if I keep pushing them until the very last day of transfer window. So I'm not sure what is happening here lol.

It feels like I'm cheating.




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1 hour ago, swangin said:

Most unrealistic for me is the humongous amount of shots per game you see on FM. So many shots, and shots on target. Goalkeepers make a ridiculous amount of saves per game. What is perhaps a ONCE PER SEASON miracle game/saves irl, is a standard amount of saves for the goalkeepers on FM, every single game. Go ahead and look at the stats in your game and compare them to real life. Ludicrous.

Its a game, if the game is 100% 1 to 1 realism. Nobody would play it because it just wouldn't be much fun.

Injuries are toned down for example from real life. If every game was a realistic amount of shots imagine the meltdowns online.

Theyd be two fold.

1) its boring my 1 billion pound attack can't even get a shot against Rochdale.

2) Every highlight is a goal this is massively unrealistic nerf attacks. (Hell we already have a large and vocal group who think teams under scoring by 20-25 goals per season need attacks nerfing as they are OP)

So yeah its unrealistic but its a game...

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26 minutes ago, mikcheck said:

Can this be considered a bug? Or they're just absolutely crazy for the player? Because it's the first time that this ever happened to me.  Chelsea started to offer 99M for Hakimi, I rejected and they keep coming with higher offers at each rejection. I feel that they could reach 300M if I keep pushing them until the very last day of transfer window. So I'm not sure what is happening here lol.

It feels like I'm cheating.




Holy crap.  I've never seen anything like that before.  Usually they just come back with the exact same offer you've already rejected five times before.

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2 minutes ago, Sunstrikuuu said:

Holy crap.  I've never seen anything like that before.  Usually they just come back with the exact same offer you've already rejected five times before.

I had this with a youth player in my Beta save who had made 1 appearance and was worth 250k. They ended up bidding up to about 15 million quid straight cash plus add ons.

I turned it down as I really wanted to keep him as hes a great homegrown hope IRL.

Broke his leg in an U19 game got sent on loan in L2 when he came back and released eventually...oops.

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10 minutos atrás, Sunstrikuuu disse:

Holy crap.  I've never seen anything like that before.  Usually they just come back with the exact same offer you've already rejected five times before.

That's right. Lukaku is my best player at the moment and the highest value I received for him was just 20M higher than his value.

I ran a test to see how far would Chelsea go for Hakimi. They ended up at 282M lol

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