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XaW last won the day on July 24

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16,855 "You've got two choices: go down the pit or work on an assembly line."


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  1. Ok, this is for the mobile version. Moving the thread to the right section, hopefully some *cough* @zakbrown96 perhaps or is it the Touch version? *cough* can help with this.
  2. Use this thread, please: Also, no specs are public yet, so no one can advise you on anything in that regard until they are released.
  3. You are not giving much info here. Where does this message comes from? The game has no option to download player pictures. Can you show screenshots of what your are seeing?
  4. Some early thoughts: Nahua - While looking around I came across a reddit thread with a flag that I liked. (https://www.reddit.com/r/vexillology/comments/k3wdsz/aztecnahua_flag_cross_of_burgundy/). Seeing as the cross of Burgundy is of Spanish influence and that essentially the country became free due to New Spaniards fighting Peninsulares and the Nahua picking up the pieces, I think it could fit. Or at least a version of it. The both Aztec and Nahua influence too gives it a bit more historical grounding too. Yucatán - Seeing as the 1841 Independence movement actually happened and had a flag why not use it? I think the people who proclaimed Republic of Yucatán then would know better than me! Honduras - Not much to say about Honduras, as it seems to be mostly the same as real life, so why not use one of the ones they've used in real life too? Colombia - Much the same as Honduras. Should probably use one of the real ones. Tawantinsuyu - Seeing as the flag of Cusco is just about the same as the rainbow flag, why not use that, but perhaps with a twist of some kind. Since the country is very anti-Spaniard, why not just remove the red stripe to symbolise the Spanish being cast out or something? I can see someone being that petty! Canada - I think keeping the maple leaf makes sense, but based on the war against the US, and slightly based on the Pearson Pennant, I think making the Canadian flag the same, but a dark blue (to symbolize independence from both the British, but also from the US) was implemented to show that the Canadian spirit of freedom from oppression, but also the freedom being in nature. Not sure if the blue is the right one, but something like this: The negative for this is that the red was to symbolize the Anglican side of Canada, so that part might be lost and point more to a Francophone nation... Unsure about it, but thought I'd suggest something along it. Québec - I think something with the Fleurdelisé is a given for Québec. Perhaps just something like this to give root the the Canadian part from before the split? Unless the part with there being 4 of it has some symbolism I don't know about. Newfoundland - Since they had a regional flag that started out as a symbol of the Newfoundland Fishermen's Star of the Sea Association back in 1871, I think having it, or something like it would be suitable. Any other flag I looked at also included Labrador, so I don't have much other reference to work from here... Just a few quick thoughts about some of the nations. I'll add more later on when I more time. Can't spend too much of my work time playing with flags!
  5. Ah, I had forgotten. I'll have a reread and see if I can drum up something. I'm very bad at image editing though, so don't expect more than some simple ones!
  6. Not to throw a spanner in your works, but if you had the story of the Americas that would help. I mean most flags are meant to symbolize unity of that country, usually due to some history or something, and since your excellent story telling has been mostly in Europe so far, I think having some of the origin stories of the Americas would help bringing the background for the flags. Sure, we could do something randomly, but if for example a big diaspora of Nordic made a country somehow, a Nordic Cross would be likely. This is just as an example, mind, unless you are bringing it back to Leiv Erikson and making L'Anse aux Meadows a country! Another thing is the colours, they usually symbolize something, so having the history behind the countries could make it more "real". I don't know why I'm telling you this, as we both like flags, so you know this. I'm just underlining my point!
  7. Well, seeing as the semi-pro contracts being worthless in Denmark are screwing me over, I have to restart AGAIN.... So I'm just going old school. Here we go!
  8. Uploaded xaw_danish_contracts2.fm, just load the save and click continue and see that the same guy gets an offer. Usually by Häcken (from Sweden). If there are special rules for Danish clubs, does that also go for non-Danish clubs as the poacher?
  9. I spoke too soon... I'll try to push through though, but if all my best players are poached, this might be the death of another of my attempts...
  10. I reported the same issue back in FM22, but now it appears again. Players on semi-pro contracts can be poached as if they didn't have contracts again. Steps to reproduce: 1. Load the uploaded save 2. Notice the top news item is that Dan Skjoldemose 25d is being offered a contract by another team. 3. He is on a semi-pro deal with an end in 1.5 years so that should not be possible So it seems the issue that was fixed back in 2022 has returned now.
  11. Ok, it seemed to me you were complaining about how scouts got it wrong, but guess I misunderstood your post.
  12. No issues so far with players (only a youth player was poached from an amateur contract, but no, no staff on anything other than amateur yet. Still, that also happens a bit in Norway, so I think the staff thing will be fixed when we go professional, at least I hope so.
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