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next opponent report (what should be in and how could it be shown)


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Hello (sorry for my English),

For me, the “next opponent scout report” should be a really important tool to prepare for a match but, now, I don’t really enjoy them. First, information is spread between too many places… “Team report-Next Opponent”, “next opponent’s Team reports”. And, second, it’s too many stats and not enough “human interaction”.

Are scouts in charge of this IRL, not the Assistant Manager? Anyway, they don’t just put a bunch of graphs on the manager desk, they probably deliver their reports in person explaining things with their analysis tool to show examples. I would like more “words” in the game, not only graphs.

In a past iteration, I think there was a box in the bottom left to bring us to next match info. It would be nice to have it back or an “Opposition Team Report” menu on the left. There we should find a summary of all info available on the first page and then you could click on every section to have more details.

So, for me, what should be in the “Next Opponent Report” section is:


1)      On the first panel, a summary. The formation, players and tactic they’ll probably use and an advice for our team selection. A mix integrating the actual “next opponent Scouting Report”, “next opponent Opposition Report” and the “Team Selection Advice” that we receive in our inbox in FM21.


2)      If you click on the “Formation” part, on another panel, your assistant would tell you what might be the starting XI and formation but also give you different possibilities because they shouldn’t know for sure what the opposition manager’s going to pick 2 days before the game (they should do more mistakes).


3)      There should also be a “player panel” where your assistant would give you info about all the opposition player they know (starting XI and substitutes). They should give us, “with words”, their best positions/roles but also and more important, their strength and weaknesses (and not only one of each). We should also be able to know their tendencies (PPM + do they make lots of forward runs, shoot from distance, cut inside, overlap, etc.). I’d like if each opposition player would be given a grade on how they perform offensively and defensively (two separates from 1 to 100) so we can figure out who are the danger and where we could attack.


4)      On the tactic section, I would like my assistant to tell me what they’ll probably use in the beginning of the match but, also, what they may use depending on the scenario (if winning/losing at certain moments of the match). How high will their defending line be ? How often and how hard will they press ? Are they likely to man mark ? Will they do counter attacks ? Will they try to do crosses, shoot from far ? What will their tempo be ? What kind of passes (long, short) ? In which direction (flanks, center) ? etc.



All the analysis tool should remain but more as a backup to show examples instead of being the report by itself. Also, it would be great if we could do pre-game mettings where we could tell our players to beware of specific things that the opposition team may do. We would have a limited amount of time and we'll have to decide how we want to divide it between the the things we want to talk about (more time = more likely to be effective in match).



And you, what do you want to be in these reports ? How happy are you with the actual ones ?



Best regards,


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