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"Teams can sign no more than six foreign Under-21 players from abroad in a season."


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Hi there,

Just a couple of quick questions regarding this Premier League rule which caught me out on my first save of FM2021, where I had transfers cancelled for countless foreign youngsters I'd agreed deals for with no warning from the game (except it being in the long list of rules for the Premier League).

On my latest save, I'm trying to plan better, I assume a "season" is from the opening of the summer transfer window in June? I have signed one U21 player in my latest summer and I have 4 more joining in January, so I should be ok.

However, my question is - is "U21" players that are 21 and under or under 21 (so 20 an under)? But I want to sign a couple more, one of them being 21 years old.

Also does anyone know when the age of the player is taken from, is it from their age at the start of the season or when a player is actually of age?

I hope this makes sense. I just want to avoid that dreaded "transfer cancelled" news item with zero warning from the game (hopefully the game will keep track of these types of signings better in FM2022).

Thanks - if I'm not making sense, please ask and I'll try and explain myself better. :)

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I'm happy to be corrected, but I think it is the player's age on the day they actually join the club that counts.

For these purposes the English League season does indeed start with the summer transfer window - 9th June.

21 year olds do not count as part of the 6. Loan players do though - I got caught out on that one.

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  • 1 year later...

Where can I see the six transfers I made during the season?
I am being blocked from taking in two transfers under this rule and I can not figure out why.
Under Transfers, I only show four intakes this season- all foreigners- however, one of them is a 23 year old.


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Transfer Centre does not help, but thanks...
I am trying to sign a U21 Foreign player to an EPL team - Bristol City.
Apparently, there is a rule that limits your U21 foreign signings to six per season.
I am being blocked from signing a U21 Brazillian because of this rule, but I can not see where I previously signed the six foreign U21 players.

According to the transfer center (pic above) I only signed three players - one of the above is 23 years old.

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1 hour ago, Dokes said:

Transfer Centre does not help, but thanks...
I am trying to sign a U21 Foreign player to an EPL team - Bristol City.
Apparently, there is a rule that limits your U21 foreign signings to six per season.
I am being blocked from signing a U21 Brazillian because of this rule, but I can not see where I previously signed the six foreign U21 players.

According to the transfer center (pic above) I only signed three players - one of the above is 23 years old.

Look at the previous year also, since the transfer window starts in early June, and the season rollover is after that. Those players signed early in June still count for the coming year.

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Thanks. That explains it.
It is difficult to keep track as the "season" does not match the transfer window.

Does it matter if I sell or release one of the previous six players - will I get another shot at signing my stud?

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When you make an offer for a player, on the left side, under all the stuff no one reads, there should be a counter of how many U21s youve signed. Also when youre in the contract screen, at the bottom in red, it will tell you how many youve already signed.

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  • 10 months later...
  • 4 months later...
On 06/02/2024 at 21:55, BamBamBam said:

If you sign 6 players in a season, what date can you start signing more? When the transfer window opens or when the fixtures come out for the new season?

I saw someone else say it resets on June 9th/June 10th. 

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