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From an old FM player to SI, with love and bitterness

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Hello all, before everything im about to say, congratulations to all SI team for all the time dedicated producing one of my favourite hobbies and possibly, the videogame franchise i follow for longest time, thank you for all the good times i spent playing your masterpiece. But, and there is always a but, this year, as a FM "addict" i feel a bit let down. As usual i bought the game as soon as it was announced, not even thinking twice. Alpha was released a few days ago and instead of allowing majority of community to finally test the new version, or even some of the people that bought the game, i only see streamers and youtubers with access to it, experiencing and ruining expectations to all those that are eagerly waiting for it to be released, its like im watching people opening my christmas presents if you catch my drift. i understand that you do it for marketing purposes but at same time you guys are letting down people that follow the game for more than a decade while simultaneously letting these streamers and youtubers having free content to fill their own pockets and ruining the experience of starting a brand new season. i dont expect replies, i dont expect to be treated in a special way, just saying that this kind of attitude will make some of the old fanbase wary of next seasons and consequently, purchases. Me, personally, i feel let down and have to be really careful with youtube so i dont get spoilers or experience ruined. Every year i neglect wonderkids lists, or any kind of "help" so i can keep my experience the most realistic possible, this year, it was outrageous, everyday spam from these youtubers with new features,etc, while the REAL COMMUNITY has to watch another kid play with their favourite toy. Once again, dont want to take any merit from the team and all the work it was done throughout all these years, but this year,was a bit of last drop to me. you dont need marketing from this kind of people, it is already the BEST GAME of the genre, IT IS the MOST KNOWN videogame of the genre and its fanbase will keep loyal to it, no matter what, except if you let them down, which, it was my situation with this year Football Manager. 3 more weeks of avoiding youtube because of this unfortunate situation.

Best Regards, Francisco Caeiro, Virtual Benfica Manager (lol)

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Agree it's frustrating, but remember that these streamers are running an "alpha", which is different from the "beta" we'll get early access to. Every technical organization does things a bit differently, but generally the difference between a beta and a full release is bugs/polishing, while the difference between an alpha and a beta is missing/incomplete features, which could mean there are still significant holes in the experience.

As a developer, the last thing you want is for your entire fan base to be making noise about issues related to things you've not even completed yet - the work to be done is already known. It's much better to delay widespread access until things are largely in place so you can really benefit from it since things will start surfacing which you really haven't expected or seen before.

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There’s a software I have on Windows that can block spoilers like these that you’ve mentioned. As far as it’s in web browser, with a few keywords, it will block those spoilers on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, news sites and even here on SI forums. 
If you want, drop me a DM, and we’d discuss about it further. 
I used to avoid coming online when there’s been an F1 race or a football match that has been played earlier in the day that I have scheduled to watch later. Now with it, I don’t need to. It also works for movies too. 

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It’s a very natural thing for developers to do. At some point in the alpha cycle external people are Invited to give their feedback. During this time a lot can change too. Not too long ago SI weren’t even doing this and they are people out there who want to see aspects of the game that might be covered by these content creators.


One thing to note though, they are playing an alpha build which means it’s not even the beta release version, the beta release version will have a match engine that is closer to the release version. And that should be out very soon. Plus if the content creators have had a look in then we could be very close to a release version. I still remember the years when we had no news and the release date was actually pulled back

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10 hours ago, Harry Poted said:

Hello all, before everything im about to say, congratulations to all SI team for all the time dedicated producing one of my favourite hobbies and possibly, the videogame franchise i follow for longest time, thank you for all the good times i spent playing your masterpiece. But, and there is always a but, this year, as a FM "addict" i feel a bit let down. As usual i bought the game as soon as it was announced, not even thinking twice. Alpha was released a few days ago and instead of allowing majority of community to finally test the new version, or even some of the people that bought the game, i only see streamers and youtubers with access to it, experiencing and ruining expectations to all those that are eagerly waiting for it to be released, its like im watching people opening my christmas presents if you catch my drift. i understand that you do it for marketing purposes but at same time you guys are letting down people that follow the game for more than a decade while simultaneously letting these streamers and youtubers having free content to fill their own pockets and ruining the experience of starting a brand new season. i dont expect replies, i dont expect to be treated in a special way, just saying that this kind of attitude will make some of the old fanbase wary of next seasons and consequently, purchases. Me, personally, i feel let down and have to be really careful with youtube so i dont get spoilers or experience ruined. Every year i neglect wonderkids lists, or any kind of "help" so i can keep my experience the most realistic possible, this year, it was outrageous, everyday spam from these youtubers with new features,etc, while the REAL COMMUNITY has to watch another kid play with their favourite toy. Once again, dont want to take any merit from the team and all the work it was done throughout all these years, but this year,was a bit of last drop to me. you dont need marketing from this kind of people, it is already the BEST GAME of the genre, IT IS the MOST KNOWN videogame of the genre and its fanbase will keep loyal to it, no matter what, except if you let them down, which, it was my situation with this year Football Manager. 3 more weeks of avoiding youtube because of this unfortunate situation.

Best Regards, Francisco Caeiro, Virtual Benfica Manager (lol)

It's called marketing.

They give the FM centric creators access to an alpha build so help build up hype for the game and the new features.

The creators in question have all bought a huge amount of eyes on FM as they've all been heavily involved in the FM Streamer Showdown on Twitch - and given it is an alpha build, who it goes out to needs to be carefully controlled.  You've seen all the negative folk who freak out at the smallest bug in the beta versions of the game.  Those negative voices would be amplified if given an alpha build.

The beta will be released as it always is, so for anyone who pre-orders there is still the 2 weeks or so early access before the final retail launch.

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The way I see it.

1) You/we/the general player base, would not have gotten access to the game in alpha. Whether you have played the game for 20 years, 30 years, 1 month makes no difference. You have the chance as each year, to play the beta 2 weeks early.

2) There have been times when many complained that there was no information from SI about the game, not enough footage etc. Now they give limited access to some popular streamers to make the content for them. Win-win.

3) From the way this looked, while I am sure they were happy to get that early access, it was probably super stressy. They had limited time to create two videos to appeal to people. I don't think they had much time to enjoy the game really.

4) I personally prefer more information about the game than less as it was some years ago, when you were waiting to see if there is any news. These headline feature videos, twitter feature announcements, live streaming, and youtube creators content fills the gap until then.

5) Why would you want to play a game in alpha, when its not ready for the general population? You will just be frustrated. Sticking with your metaphor: You are opening your Christmas present, and then some parts are missing.


I can understand the frustration a bit as you want to play. But I rather play, when its ready.


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If you're moaning about this letting you down then, I'm sorry to tell you, but you'll never be able to play a video game ever again. All big releases have an Alpha phase that many Youtubers are given access to. 

It's easy marketing for the developers. 

Edited by STaphouse
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The way I see it, the more people playing the Alpha version, from SI staff, researchers, youtubers, the better. Potentially making the release version of the game better and more bug free. These youtubers put a lot of work into their videos and are very experienced in playing the game and what they do. In a way, SI are rewarding these guys with bringing more gamers, new gamers to the brand. More people playing the gaming,  brings more money and a better game. 

I will buy the game every year. Why? Value for money. Best game out there. No questions asked. Quick sum. The hours I've put into this years game comes to 4p an hour. If SI want to hand out an Alpha version of the game to some youtubers, go ahead, I dont have a problem with it. 

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52 minutes ago, andy_gza said:

I hate spoilers (and I mean HATE) but I really can't see how simply not clicking on YouTube video's is difficult. They can't spoil much if anything in a thumbnail.

I don't get the spoilers argument - it's not like FM is a game with a set story.

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7 hours ago, Neil Brock said:

Every single person who posts on these forums has a chance to be on the 'Alpha'. If you're part of our research team as an assistant or head researcher, you can get invited. If you raise a number of helpful and important issues on the bugs forum, you can get invited. If you raise some really great feature ideas on the features forums, you can get invited. Become a mod? Invited. Some really interesting posts (even those constructively criticising the game)? Potentially invited.

Outside of the forum, be a really popular streamer talking about our game to a audience of people interested in our game? Again, chance you'll be invited. 

But as mentioned above, the Alpha is very different from what the Early Access Beta will be. People on the Alpha are expected to test and contribute during the phases where the game may not be quite so 'fun' to play as there may be issues to iron out and problems which mean you have to start you save again from scratch. On the beta, whilst if you do raise issues on our forums that's great and really helpful - it's your choice. You don't have to. 

But be a great member of this community and we notice, chances are you'll get a little message in your inbox asking you to get involved. 

Now for all of you who already think you are a great member of the community but have never had that little message. Whilst we read a lot of what's posted here we can't see everything. Drop me a PM if you think you could provide real value to our tests and I can check out your post history. But please remember it's not just an opportunity to play the game before everyone else, it's an opportunity to contribute and those who get added and don't - well they tend to be removed fairly quickly.

Will there be some ME changes going from the alpha to the beta version?

Also will there be a release notes about what exactly was changed in the FM 22 ME, compared to the previous released version (FM21) like you do when you release a patch?

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6 minutes ago, FM1000 said:

Also will there be a release notes about what exactly was changed in the FM 22 ME, compared to the previous released version (FM21) like you do when you release a patch?

There won't be release notes as it's a new release, not an update.

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