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*Official* Football Manager 2022 Early Access Beta Feedback Thread

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5 minutes ago, Kingstontom88 said:

Have played a few matches and - despite enjoying most of the game - the ME looks to have taken some polyjuice potion; with some FM 20 DNA in there...

Remarkable amount of incidents of players running wide (needlessly, when a better pass is on) and sending a cross to the far post for my short winger to beat their tall centre back in the air and head over or into the keeper's arms. Used the same system in FM21 with some great variety, but this is a flashback to one of the poorest match engines. Some good animations and other aspects of ME play that are welcome - but this crossing is not pleasant viewing.

Enjoying the bulk of the game, although it really just does just feel like FM21 with a slightly different skin.

Yeah. A lot of overhit crosses too.

It always seems to be a case of strikers/wingers runniing backwards/standing jump to head the ball behind them, getting no momentum on the ball and balooning it over or softly into the keepers hands. Rather than the ball being floated/whipped in front of them for them to attack with momentum behind them like IRL.

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The vanilla staff meeting is tedious but I’ve changed the timing to monthly and now always request a summary to my in box which gives me quick overview that I can either ignore or action the odd point. It now seems to be an improvement of the previous separate in box entries.

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56 minutes ago, Domoboy23 said:

For people complaining about too many injuries... Grow up :D there's a reason there's a huge community of players who actually use mods to INCREASE injuries to a more realistic rate. Enjoy the challenge of having an injury crisis and bring on more goalkeeper injuries I say.

I do feel there's an issue with IW and IF's being too wide however and not really cutting inside. 

Also agree with the earlier post about the scouting centre player view in your inbox. My ackknowledge button is always cut off and I hate not being able to see player attributes unless I hover my icon over. I don't know whose been responsible for UI the last 2 years without wanting this to sound like a personal attack, but I don't understand how they think creating dead space and more clicks for 2 years in a row is a good idea.

They do need to increase it as it’s not realistic at the moment 

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3 hours ago, kertiek said:

Automatic subs still happen when I use match plans and uncheck allow substitutions, I reported this  bug 4 years ago, I been reporting it on every release, in beta stage and after full release, they just refuse to fix it and frankly at this point I give up.

Where do you uncheck allow substitutions?
I tried using match plans for one game now, and sure enough 3 subs were made without me knowing!
But if there is an option to uncheck allow substitutions i would like to try that before logging a bug report.

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not sure if this is odd or not, but signed Martial for Arsenal in the first transfer window. He played 2 games, had asked me to strengthen up front - i didn't buy anyone as didn't feel I needed to, and he has handed in a transfer request about 3 weeks after joining?

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Related in terms of unhappy players – I changed Richarlison's asking price one time agreed upon by him and his agent in the new mechanic, and since then he has been unhappy for months: (Complaining to team-mates) Has been treated unfairly too many times by his manager. Haven't had any other incidents or done anything to upset him. Weird.

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I like a lot of this year's additions and changes, but the beta is too buggy to continue:

  • Can't register players in club save
  • Players stuck on youth teams in international save

Will keep an eye out for an update and try again. Hopefully the main blockers will be fixed by the full release date!

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I have few questions regarding scouting in FM22 but I'm not sure if here's the best and right place.

1) So.. I have several Recruitment and Performance Analysts in my staff but when I go into 'Scouting >> Assignments' the screen shows me only 1 for each position (Recrutment Analyst and Performance Analyst) along with all the scouts. Why it's appearing only one instead all the other guys?




2) I decided to create an assignment for ongoing analysts reports (Create New Assignment >> Team >> Ongoing Analyst Reports) and I can see some analysts, but almost everyone has 0 as 'Judging Team Data'. Where this attribute comes from? Why only one guy has 13 and the others have 0, how is it possible?


There's no 'Judging Team Data' attribute in their profile.


Things could be more clear in this part of the game.


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41 minutes ago, Freakiie said:


You promise someone to strengthen the attack, decided not to do it and are now confused he's angry at you for breaking the promise you made?

in all my years of FM, I've never had a player hand in a transfer request 2 weeks after joining the club! pretty sure that wouldn't happen

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1 hour ago, Robbie Hood said:

Where do you uncheck allow substitutions?
I tried using match plans for one game now, and sure enough 3 subs were made without me knowing!
But if there is an option to uncheck allow substitutions i would like to try that before logging a bug report.





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I've just reached Christmas in the first season so far, my main feedback thus far is as follows. 


Negative -

I find the games lags massively between screens on occasion. I've got a very good laptop which ran 21 very fast, so I don't imagine it's that. But I'll click and it'll just lag for about 20 seconds. Or will change screen but won't populate the screen properly (such as when you go into the pre match opposition instructions screen, there's sometimes nothing there for a little while).

I also notice players getting jaded and needing a rest, happening all the time. I'll rest players, tell them they're getting rested, then after the rest slowly introduce them back, and then after one full game, they're jaded and in need of a rest again. I do play a heavy pressing tactic but no more than the players will do in real life! I've rested Henderson, Salah, TAA and Robertson about 4 times each after being jaded. I don't think this is realistic. 

I struggle to get goals from my inside forwards and can't find a way at all to replicate the efforts that I'd expect based on real life. I accept this may be tactics though. 


Positive - 

I do seem to get a variety of goals including quite a lot from midfield. 

I've found the transfer market to be a bit more reasonable this year. 

I do like the data centre even if it's not really new information

I prefer the way this years version manages backroom staff meetings. 

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Anyone else having trouble with the competition profile page? When I go to this page, a lot of the teams in the league tables have shortened names such as sheffi (Sheffield Wednesday) rothi (Rotherham) wolver (wolves and accri (Accrington)

If I click on the league stage page (just the league table) they are fine. Its just on the overview/profile page. They are fine everywhere else.


I am on 95% zoom on resolution 2560 x 1440 on a decent pc.

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Not a fan of the statistic based team talks.  At all.  That's not how a leader get's you going... "Well, statisitcally speaking... you're doing great!  So continue to punch the numbers while I turn the pages!"

Well I guess if we're doing taxes..

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My feedback so far:

- Match engine is great, can really see my tactics play out, the players make much smarter decisions (defenders arent hoofing the ball up the pitch every 2 mins and better winger decision making) and the new animations make it feel much more like a football match. The new UI is really slick, I like it and is a really big upgrade on FM21s which i didnt like much. The skin just looks user friendly and is easy on the eye. The increased number of dialogue options when interacting  with players/media is welcome and hopefully we have a bigger overhaul of interactions in the future. Staff meetings are also very welcome, it makes it more immersive and its easier to find the important information I need. I like and want SI to continue to move more of the game out of the inbox and into areas like the Dynamics page, Meetings, Training page etc, it makes it much more immersive and I doubt managers are on there email checking there inbox all day.

- Main negative/area of improvement: Match stats are being counted incorrectly and I've made bug reports for this. I've seen key passes, chances created and other stats not being recorded, pass map showing inaccurate data and more and this happens consistently with single every match. This is my main negative and something that was also an issue in FM21 and it really lessens the effectiveness of the Data Hub as Im making decisions based on inaccurate data. This is a really big negative for me and also disappointing that an area as important as this and an area that a new feature has been built on top of (Data Hub) hasn't been fixed. Im really hoping and kind of expecting this to be fixed for the full release, as otherwise it means the main headline feature isn't working as intended. I encourage everyone to give examples of this in the bugs forum too.

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3 hours ago, jase19 said:

Not a fan of the statistic based team talks.  At all.  That's not how a leader get's you going... "Well, statisitcally speaking... you're doing great!  So continue to punch the numbers while I turn the pages!"

Well I guess if we're doing taxes..

I had that same thing when i had 30% possession and was 0-2 down 

Ive already handed press interviews to my assistant manager as well, there are minor tweaks but i think the whole thing needs to be revamped as it gets old quick

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I could be the only one, but has anyone noticed that if your penalty taker misses a penalty, he doesnt seem to be able to score anymore penalties for most the season?

I have a guy with Penalty rating of 18, composure 16 and finishing 17 and he cant seem to score when he's on the spot. He's missed 4 straight so far :rolleyes:

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On 21/10/2021 at 23:56, Kcinnay said:

The interface is suffering a bit from a lag, but that aside: great game it seems to be. Really happy that WB's in the DM-strata now actually defend higher up the pitch than a WB in the CD-strata. Until FM 21, it didn't matter that much defensively whether you played 5-3-2 flat or 5-3-2 WB (3-2-3-2 with two higher WB's). Now they can join the high/medium press and eventually (as a last resort) track back to become a back five. Like most of the back 3/back 5 teams defend in real life. (Chelsea, for example.) Looking forward to exploring the ME further.

The bit about wingbacks defending higher up the pitch is absolute music to my ears!

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8 hours ago, craigcwwe said:

Noticed the panels on the home screen keep resetting. Pretty sure that was an issue in last year's beta too. 

I haven't checked in FM22, but in FM21 you had the option of having contextual panels on the home screen. I would assume it's still in FM22. If you have that enabled, it will change.

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1 hour ago, obscenesage said:

Did they nerf installments or is this a bug? I used to be able to offer say 30m upfront and then pay 100m over installments later. If I try this same thing now, it'll ask for MUCH more than 30m initially.

Yes they've nerfed  it.

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Not a bug as must be intentional, however I'm not sure the "expansion capacity" should be used in news reports in this way.  Surely this should be a hidden number?  A club wouldn't know the likely expansion capacity unless they had been trying to expand, surely?  


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11 hours ago, Platinum said:

These are some basic stuff but just in case I'll say them anyway: For me I make sure my player roles aren't all roles that have players going wide (obvs having some is fine, i play with one winger and one wingback). Also think about the width you've set for your team, if they are set to have positions that are extremely very wide then your players will receive the ball in wide positions and might not have central players close to them. When your playing with two strikers make sure at least one of them is dropping back  to get involved in the buildup, otherwise there will be no options in the centre of the pitch and the players will be forced to pass wide. Lastly make sure your creative central players have roles that will enable them to make use of their creativity and arent playing something like a Ball Winning Midfielder.

Thanks for tips, I eventually made it work but I need 2-3 different players in some roles to make it work better. I have a 442 with 1 x DLP and 1 x BBM in central roles and one DLF/Target man on support. I don't try to control possession but play on counter and it works so far. I find it difficult to control possession with 442.

Next step is to try to emulate old Steaua 86 tactic with an insane 442 wing play. This would be my 2nd tactic


Still pondering on what to pick for a 3rd tactic. 

Quick question, do you have any idea is our current beta save can be played after the game will be launched?

Edited by CharlieTZR
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11 hours ago, Hovis Dexter said:

The vanilla staff meeting is tedious but I’ve changed the timing to monthly and now always request a summary to my in box which gives me quick overview that I can either ignore or action the odd point. It now seems to be an improvement of the previous separate in box entries.

Only thing with this is that Miles mentioned you may miss out on some handy suggestions, if you just ask for summary. I don't know what they are, but it sounded to me like they intentionally leave some stuff out of summaries to incentivize you to do the meetings.

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Just reached the January transfer window and experienced the new deadline day for the first time.  When I saw it in the feature videos I wasn't particularly interested, but now that I've been through it I think it's a nice revamp of the system and I think it gives a nice feel of things happening against a time limit.

I also found that I got one or two useful agent offers despite my very limited resources in this window.

All in all the beta is making me optimistic for this year's game. 


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The most realistic change this year: The German VAR is completely random and decides in 90% of cases against my expectations. 

Otherwise my game is going weirdly. I was about to say that defenses are way too strong this year as my team predicted to fight against relegation only conceded 6 in 23 games (even my xG against of 18 would be an overperformance) but on the other hand there are so, so many goals scored from other games. Not to mention certain strikers just running amok: Lewandowski (32 goals in 19 games, Haaland (13 in 8), Silva (12 in 14) and Terodde (16 in 14) are all in top form and there are plenty more who are about to score between 18 and 22 at season's end. 

Maybe this year the traditional 'AI strikers don't score' will be cancelled :)

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Can someone please share how good Inside Forwards are playing? 

Do very good inside forwards score a lot? 

Even I liked Fm 2021 a lot, I was disappointed with how Inside Forwards were playing. Almost all the best players in the world in last 15years were inside forwards but I didn't like how they were represented in the game in last few iterations. 

The only FM they were represented good, was in FM 2015 where you could learn them "get forward whenever possible" and they would actually score a decent number of times and act like actual inside forwards. 

( for example I hate when I see my right inside forward crosses the ball to my short inside forward on the other side just for him to hit the ball with the head too many times per season ) 

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Only played up until the first transfer deadline day, which by the way was implemented really well and gave a sense of urgency to the day, well done to whoever came up with that! 

I really like the default skin, I'll probably add some bits to it on certain screens for more depth but overall it looks good for me. Like the colour scheme as well, deadline day having its own 'theme' is good. 

The ME is really good, seeing a variety of types of goals, I've started as everton and as with reality it's a bit inconsistent in terms of form, I did manage to beat Watford 4-0 so I'd say I'm a better manager than benitez though.. 

There is some slight lag on some screens like have been mentioned by others but other than that it's been a good beta experience so far


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13 minutes ago, Marko1989 said:

Can someone please share how good Inside Forwards are playing? 

Do very good inside forwards score a lot? 

Even I liked Fm 2021 a lot, I was disappointed with how Inside Forwards were playing. Almost all the best players in the world in last 15years were inside forwards but I didn't like how they were represented in the game in last few iterations. 

The only FM they were represented good, was in FM 2015 where you could learn them "get forward whenever possible" and they would actually score a decent number of times and act like actual inside forwards. 

( for example I hate when I see my right inside forward crosses the ball to my short inside forward on the other side just for him to hit the ball with the head too many times per season ) 

Inside forwards will never be as god like as they were on FM15! However on my beta save with PSG am just 20 games in, Neymar has 4 goals, 4 assists, Mbappe has 6 goals 0 assists swapping with Neymar at AMR & AML, Messi has 15 goals, 9 assists but he has only played AMC as a shadow striker.

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3 hours ago, CharlieTZR said:

Thanks for tips, I eventually made it work but I need 2-3 different players in some roles to make it work better. I have a 442 with 1 x DLP and 1 x BBM in central roles and one DLF/Target man on support. I don't try to control possession but play on counter and it works so far. I find it difficult to control possession with 442.

Next step is to try to emulate old Steaua 86 tactic with an insane 442 wing play. This would be my 2nd tactic


Still pondering on what to pick for a 3rd tactic. 

Quick question, do you have any idea is our current beta save can be played after the game will be launched?

Happy to help, and yeah the beta save can be continued at full release. Any bug fixes to league rules and database issues (e.g. a player has the wrong DoB) wont update in your save though.

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6 hours ago, oblongata21 said:

think the whole thing needs to be revamped as it gets old quick

Even if they took out the old questions and replaced them with a million new ones and 10 million new replies after you've played a few seasons, it's going to get repetitive, that's the nature of press conferences.

I've you've got ideas in how they could improve it, put in a feature request

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39 minutes ago, bigmattb28 said:

Inside forwards will never be as god like as they were on FM15! However on my beta save with PSG am just 20 games in, Neymar has 4 goals, 4 assists, Mbappe has 6 goals 0 assists swapping with Neymar at AMR & AML, Messi has 15 goals, 9 assists but he has only played AMC as a shadow striker.

I remember actually seeing the difference in play in FM 2015 between for example Mephis Depay who had shot with power and between inside forward like Messi with "places shots". That is what I really miss in these new engines, how IFs were represented. 

 Thank you for the stats. 

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My only worry is the way IW's and IF's play. They get the ball and run down the line constantly, if you need to play a right footed IF on the right side there is a problem.

Other than that it is a great game as always.

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